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Bit Banger

Who sets job standards? A general discussion.

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In another thread a provider said

You don't get to set the standards of my job.

Throughout my career my boss and our customer established the performance standards for my employment, i.e. those who paid me. Unless I met those standards I was: denied a raise, demoted, or fired.

This is the general case for employment in capitalist market conditions.

In some instances, unions may help establish these standards. In others government regulations may establish minimum standards.

Some refer to this as the Golden Rule: Those with the gold set the rules.

In our little world, this rule applies more than some might think. I establish the performance standards for those whom I employ. These standards include the quality of their ads as well as their performance in session. If they fail to live up to those standards:

  • They may not get called for an initial appointment.
  • They may get a less than stellar review
  • They may not get repeat business

This in no way infringes on a YL's right to decline my appointment request.


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In another thread a provider said

1. Throughout my career my boss and our customer established the performance standards for my employment, i.e. those who paid me. Unless I met those standards I was: denied a raise, demoted, or fired.

This is the general case for employment in capitalist market conditions.

In some instances, unions may help establish these standards. In others government regulations may establish minimum standards.

2. Some refer to this as the Golden Rule: Those with the gold set the rules.

In our little world, this rule applies more than some might think. I establish the performance standards for those whom I employ. These standards include the quality of their ads as well as their performance in session. If they fail to live up to those standards:


  • They may not get called for an initial appointment.
  • They may get a less than stellar review
  • They may not get repeat business

This in no way infringes on a YL's right to decline my appointment request.

1. I'll wager a peanut that during the aforementioned career, the entirety of your participation was "legal" in every sense of the word. See #3 below.

2. In this world, some refer to this as The Golden Pussy Rule: those with the pussy set the rules.

3. This is a classic TOB attempt to impose order on chaos, herd cats, and arrogantly attempt to set standards for a completely unstandardized world. There will always be enough on the ASP side in it just for the quick buck, and enough on the client side to be taken by them.

Don't get me wrong: feel free to post whatever manifestos you would like. Your standards are your own, and this board is a perfect venue to publish them; but if you think any of the women on this forum is going to change her behavior in the ways that you would seem to be proposing...well, good luck with that.

Who knows maybe the day will come when a client in Colorado/Nevada/The World will be able to say: "No, that's not how it is! See TOB, straighten up and fly right!" :rolleyes:

Edited by MrReindeer
Science! And punctuation.

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We each set our own standard. Women can ask for anything they like. We can chose to provide it, or see someone else.

That about covers it. We needed two threads for this?

Just let it go, man. We get it. You think she's wrong. But it ain't your call.

Be careful. Play safe. But, you know, just be cool with people. I've been amazed how well that's been working out for me. I'm just glad I remembered. Honestly, I'm grateful for all I've learned here, but spending too much time on this forum kinda turned me into a cynical jerk. I don't want to go there again.


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Those with the gold set the rules.

I'm sorry, but that's ludicrous.

Regardless of legality, the "market" sets the rules. This is not a job, it's independent contracting.

If a girl has a stellar reputation, and plenty of requests for work, she can get high rates, and refuse to see anyone she doesn't like. She's earned that.

Dumb ass fools, who think "I'm a good guy, I've got money, she'd should see me!", are deluding themselves. She has the control of her work. She chooses who to see, how to screen what menu to offer, and when to work. It's her business, she runs it how she likes.

If you, as a customer, don't like it, too bad. Find someone else.

If she loses business, she'll change, or leave. That's her choice.

Lastly, I've seen guys try to intimidate girls, because the girls won't see them, or give them a discount, or offer a different menu, etc. As a contrator, I get this stupid shit from prospects too. Assholes. They deserve to be blacklisted.

Try treating people nicely, and stop trying to "leverage" the other person, it works a lot better. :)


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Regardless of legality, the "market" sets the rules.



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Some refer to this as the Golden Rule: Those with the gold set the rules.

Your golden rule is a parody that has been constructed based on this moral directive in a 1964 the comic strip "Wizard of Id"


The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim, ethical code or morality that essentially states either of the following:

  • One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (directive form).
  • One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (cautionary form, also known as the Silver Rule).

This concept describes a "reciprocal", or "two-way", relationship between one's self and others that involves both sides equally, and in a mutual fashion.

I am sure this is more appropriate satire to qualify the client / provider construct.


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Obviously a general question and not at all aimed at someone (me) :rolleyes: Not at all another attempt to tell someone they're wrong and you're right :rolleyes: Try harder or if you really want to make it personal send me an email.

When you have a vagina and have used it to make money get back to me. Until then nothing you say is anything more than blowing smoke.


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I believe this job/market is very Yin-Yang.

  • He who has the Gold sets the Rules**
  • She who has the pussy accepts the pay to play

You need both for the cycle to continue. If there is no longer any money then how would you pay? If the existence of Women went away, then how would you play?

I believe both are equally needed to create a balance and neither has the upper hand. Yes, I can deny seeing you but at the same time there are many of you who I have not met and you have your reasons why. I'm not over here in the corner crying. I don't doubt that for every guy that I've denied, they've moved on to some other Lady.

Pitbull's signature line is "There is a reason providers do not advertise "WE"' This has a deep meaning to it. You love your SO but are in NEED other things that they can't/won't/aren't providing***. And guess what...the Providers Provide...

So, we both have something the other one wants and as long as needs are met on both ends, everyone goes away happy and satisfied!

**I don't exactly agree with that verbiage but I'm going with it based off of previous statements

***I fully acknowledge that this situation is not the same for everyone.


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An independent contractor can set his/her own performance standards. However, if those standards do not meet with my approval, I do not hire the contractor. The contractor and I both move on. I will find someone who meets my requirements. The contractor will find someone who accepts their terms.


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This thread makes me genuinely grateful to be retired.


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In another thread a provider said

Throughout my career my boss and our customer established the performance standards for my employment, i.e. those who paid me. Unless I met those standards I was: denied a raise, demoted, or fired.

This is the general case for employment in capitalist market conditions.

In some instances, unions may help establish these standards. In others government regulations may establish minimum standards.

Some refer to this as the Golden Rule: Those with the gold set the rules.

In our little world, this rule applies more than some might think. I establish the performance standards for those whom I employ. These standards include the quality of their ads as well as their performance in session. If they fail to live up to those standards:

  • They may not get called for an initial appointment.
  • They may get a less than stellar review
  • They may not get repeat business

This in no way infringes on a YL's right to decline my appointment request.

First off, 999 times out of 1000 we agree Mr. Banger. But on this and its related thread where you equated being outed to being dead you are so out in left field I am astounded.

The above MAY apply if a lady is working for a pimp and said pimp through intimidation and threats forces his "b**ch" to do exactly what the client wants. Yeah, the dip shit with the gold in concert with the pimp calls the shots. If that is what anyone wants it is easy enough to find on BP and you can dictate to your heart's content. But some of the ladies really are INDEPENDENT. They are the ones who choose to do what they do, know who they are, do what they are comfortable with - and are the ones who are fun to spend time with! And guess what .... they are absolute fools if they do not set the rules.

I have worked for private employers, for government agencies, and for my self as an independent contractor. As my own boss, I set the damn rules. If would be clients do not like them they are free to go elsewhere. I never have had trouble getting clients and I have never missed the jackasses that think they can intimidate me into telling me how to run my business, complain about rates and schedules, etc. They are WAY more trouble than they are worth.

End of rant. All can go back to praising the Walmart model of business - we got the money, want to deal with us do what we say. Nope, not interested.


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In all seriousness,

-Wen sex becomes like a real job for me- then I will quit.

This IS not going to ruin my sex life period. This I started doing mainly so that I could get laid when I wanted too. With out the bullshit of a relationship.

-Secondly, It also has enhanced my income when needed. Huge plus, and can't wait to get back from this medical leave.

Edited by Jez UaBriain
taking liberties with grammar

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