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This dysfunctional family...

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I still consider myself to be in the "learning curve" stages of the hobby. Always open to advice from the seasoned side.

Earlier this week I had an event that left me a little shaken up. I shut myself down for a few days to try and figure out how to recover and how should I proceed. I was honest with those who contacted me directly and was floored by the responses and support.

After a few days, I was still on the fence about a few things and then I received a direct phone call from one of my regulars. I laid it all out to him with what had happened and shared some of the follow on conversations that have stemmed from this. He offered up some great advice and reminded me of the reasons behind why I enjoy this fun shady world I play in and the impact it makes on others.

To be truthful: he restored my faith.

We bicker, we banter, we make each other look like idiots; but yet, we still support each other in our needs and obsessions.

Don't think I am naive enough to think that there aren't some out there who aren't malicious. But for the ones on both sides of the door who are genuine in your actions and your connections, I thank you.

Now put your tissues down and get back to your daily dose of serotonin release!


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There are some really good people in this hobby and some on the other side of that scale. I've had a some favorites that really know how make my day other than the obvious and enjoy themselves in the process. It does sometimes feel like a big over-extended family. Some of you definitely put the "fun" in dysfunctional! :-)


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But for the ones on both sides of the door who are genuine in your actions and your connections, I thank you.

I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment! :)


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Sorry to hear that you were hurt. I find myself feeling vindictive. I say we lure the malicious POS into a dark alley at the earliest opportunity.


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Im glad you didn't give up. I bet what ever happened probable didn't kill you thus you are now stronger. My good friend JLC says it takes a lot of strength and courage to this. So keep on getting stronger and keep on trucking.


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We bicker, we banter, we make each other look like idiots; but yet, we still support each other in our needs and obsessions.

Don't think I am naive enough to think that there aren't some out there who aren't malicious. But for the ones on both sides of the door who are genuine in your actions and your connections, I thank you.


Sorry for your troubles and glad that you found the support you needed.

Yes, this community can be surprising in many ways. I know from my own experiences.


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So why should this group be any different than any other family/community/hobby/profession or the world at large for that matter. There will be a small percentage of down to their core truly evil people that only find pleasure in causing pain/fear in others. There will be an even smaller percentage of near saints that go out of their way to help others with material or spiritual support. The vast majority of us fall in between those polarities in that we don't really understand the motivations behind the actions of either.

I don't know what the incident was that got you so spooked but as you are learning your new profession will bring you into contact with both the saints and the sinners. Like any other outlaw/outcast community you'll find that we circle the wagons whenever one of own is threatened either from the outside or from within. All you need do is ask for the help and we'll be there to help our own.

It sounds as though you made it through the incident intact and having survived will now probably be both wiser and more careful in similar situations. That's what life's all about; learning lessons from both the good and bad that happens.

On a more selfish note I'm somewhat glad that you weren't so spooked that you went into instant retirement as I haven't had a chance to see you yet and you're very near the top of my "have to see list".;)

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...


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I bet what ever happened

Well, what happened?

Seems kinda pointless since we don't know what this is all about.:confused:


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No, if you ever get to the point someone makes you think you need to walk away, do it. Do not let a regular talk you into staying. I never got close to that point. I left, as I had clue what the situation was, you should never get hurt....if you do, leave.

I never got are a smart lady, however if you find yourself questioning, then do what is right for you....


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Basically what crazy horse said...........there are people just as bad outside the hobby, in their own homes with wife and kids, with wife, or alone, walking the streets, entering the bars, jogging in the parks, attending all kinds of activities, and overall mingling with society. It is easy to have a marketed generalized perception towards what these people look like, but that is silly, as there is no once face fits all, and the one's you do not see coming are always the worst. This is life, whether in the hobby or not, but as in life, it is always a small minority of extremes compared to the overwhelming majority of non-extremes, and just the same as in life or the hobby, just use it as a learning curve.


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Well, what happened?

Seems kinda pointless since we don't know what this is all about.:confused:

I don't know what happened. Maybe not completely pointless. I was just trying to be a little supportive the best I could with what little I knew.


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