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Fast, private & affordable std testing

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Since I have made it well known I test every 90 days, gentlemen have asked me what places are good for std testing? So I decided to post this on tob for everyone to see. Incase anyone needs these services. This post is not ment to scare anyone.

How often are you getting tested?

Doctors recommend comprehensive 10-test panel $219.00

10 Test Panel with HIV early detection $349.00

You can choose a location close to your home or employment.

100% Confidential STD Testing

5 Minute Testing- Results in 1 to 2 days

All Tests are FDA-Approved

Same Day STD Testing Available

Over 4,000 Testing Centers Nationwide


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just go down to Denver health....

Yes, its a LOT cheaper ( free ,the last time I was there ) and just as comprehensive . In fact one wannabe porn star went there and they discovered that she had gonorrhea of the throat.


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Now how you know that, where you the gonorrhea. Fuck'in people or are you parroting what someone told you.

It goes on a lot and unless a hoe is tested on a monthly bases or gets deathly ill how would one know.

This is why it is vital a lady keeps names numbers license plates numbers something to track your contacts.

And should it happen to all you die hard "I don't want to use a cover" fans don't bitch about it talk'in about that bitch gave me the clap.

I know the ladies are more apt to get it because our throats are like our pussies tender soft warm tissue. Now can it be spread via DFK via oral licking hummm need to find out.


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Now how you know that, where you the gonorrhea. Fuck'in people or are you parroting what someone told you.

It goes on a lot and unless a hoe is tested on a monthly bases or gets deathly ill how would one know.

This is why it is vital a lady keeps names numbers license plates numbers something to track your contacts.

And should it happen to all you die hard "I don't want to use a cover" fans don't bitch about it talk'in about that bitch gave me the clap.

I know the ladies are more apt to get it because our throats are like our pussies tender soft warm tissue. Now can it be spread via DFK via oral licking hummm need to find out.


Also do these test cover pregnancy test too?


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Now how you know that, where you the gonorrhea ?

Speaking to me ?

FACT : She was a friend , I'm in the biz ( known fact here ) and told her to always get a test in Denver before going to LA. She asked me to go to Denver Health with her,as her car was in the shop. We got there around 9:30 am, I waited as she was tested...time passed and passed and passed, finally I asked where she one would say. as Denver Health closed down, she was walking down the hallway with a doctor. Could tell it was serous,doctor was introduced to me. We chatted..AND THATS HOW I FOUND OUT !

She got meds , had a program to follow and I drove her back to be retested weeks later,as she didn't want to go back alone.

She decided not to do porn ,we were platonic friends then and still are today.

FYI...she stated that she was never an escort ,she was a stripper that wanted to go from house girl to headliner and that means magazine and video credits. Today,she is retired from dancing and owns her own business.

No gossip involved.


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Get there early

Very true...try to get there just as they're opening the doors or else you're going to have a long wait. If time is more important to you than money you can always go to one of the pay for testing places but if you got time to kill anyways free testing is a nice option. I've gone there many times and have always been treated in a professional manner and the staff is willing to answer just about any question about STDs that you have. That's the main reason I don't consider Hep C to be a STD because these STD professionals don't consider it to be one.

...Happy Hobbying...

...Crazy Horse...


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Denver Health is free or very low cost however:

  • Yes it's confidential but it's very public, your in there waiting with the masses, playing that mental game as you look around, so why are you here? ;-)
  • It's public health which means hurry up and wait, so if you value your time free is not so free
  • Again it's confidential but extensive questionaire, it's not simply the condom came off I just want to get checked can we move it along?


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no gossip here, so if its fact based its not gossip.


Its VERY fact based,again..I was there when she found out. Just kept her name private for obvious reasons and posted about it to simply show by example that STD testing doesn't have to cost hundreds of dollars to be through and effective.

Got it ?


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so lets be clear you wanted to get the message out that STD testing does not have to cost $$$ of dollars so you used your friends story about her having gonorrhea to make your point.

A simple Denver Health Clinic is the place to go very its very reasonable.

I think you like to tell stories so ladies do not confide in Mr. Wolf

Got it.


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I am going to try this the next time I am due for testing. Since its free. Iv been paying big money all long for these services. :D


Effective January 1, 2014 the Denver Metro Health Clinic may request a reduced fee for clinic visits. Visits are free if you are a resident of Denver, Adams, Arapahoe or Douglas County and you are under 26 years old. You must bring a photo ID and proof of address.

Fees will depend on services provided

Fees based on a sliding scale

Any fee will cover testing and treatment provided during visit

Medicaid and other insurance accepted

Cash and major credit/debt cards accepted

No one will be turned away for inability to pay

Payment required at the time of service

Need Insurance?

Enrollment in Affordable Care Act insurance options for 2014 may be available to you beginning October 1, 2013. Ask our staff for more information about how you can get health insurance or visit


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Yes it's confidential but it's very public, your in there waiting with the masses, playing that mental game as you look around, so why are you here? ;-)

who cares....:rolleyes:


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