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Guest Kira-lynn4u

Ok...I have a Question

13 posts in this topic

I am new so sorry if this sounds silly, but is it common to have your own website now? And are there any recommendations???? I keep getting asked that and I honestly am just learning there are other avenues then BP. ....I know don't laugh:)


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As a client, having a website to go to to learn more about the ladies interests, personality, and see some extra pix is really helpfull.

Hard to tell if you're gonna click if all you get for info on a lady are some cellphone pix taken in front of a mirror.


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Having a website also gives you an opportunity to collect all the screening information that you require at one time.


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It should also cut down on looky loos calling and asking for more pics. If you also had a FACTS section with don't and do's it helps on the selection process.


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Hi Kira,

Welcome to Colorado Springs. I think you will like it here.


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IMHO the main benefit of having your own website it that it allows us to learn a bit more

about who you are (to the extent that you are willing to share that). It is also nice to have all of the screening info and stuff about how to interact with you.

The pictures galleries can be great but often are not much better than the few that you get to put up on P411, etc.

Thanks for posting! It is another good way to get to know you.


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Web site would be great. I can't find any post for you on EB or BP. What's up?


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For ALL of the above reasons, a website is a good idea.

Just be sure to use real pix .As you can tell by the reviews and 411's, fakes are not tollerated. Not saying what your using isn't you, just giving exxxcellent advice.


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For ALL of the above reasons, a website is a good idea.

Just be sure to use real pix .As you can tell by the reviews and 411's, fakes are not tollerated.

Not saying what your using isn't you,

just giving exxxcellent advice.

Gosh; I wish there was a way to research such things...:P


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Having a website allows you to control your own "brand identity". When you post on BP or another escort site, your image is kind of shaped by the reputation of the site and the others who post there. Having your own site gives you a more substantial identity and more control over how you present yourself.


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