
Thanks, Country Gentleman!

41 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, MeganMarie4u said:

Yall got the whole God damn internet to talk about agencies.....  but here we are on a review board for indy girls...  🤡🙃


If you don't like the way it's handled find a new sandbox. Or a new hobby!

This site is not a review board for indy girls


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2 hours ago, dbarwell said:

A. You're not a mod, so what you want is completely irrelevant By this theory, what you want is also irrelevant because you are also NOT a mod.

B. I actually agree with you (and the site) that we shouldn't allow ads from agencies - but to extend that ban to the 411 forums makes no sense, there's no "danger" to people asking about girls in the forum

As to the rest, one more time there is a distinct difference between asking for information about one independent lady - what the 411 forum is for - and doing daily unsolicited, 6 pages worth of running commentary about an agency and IMPLYING that significant number of members and/or indeed the board supports said agency.  And doing so when the agency in question has all the appearances of trafficking Korean women,  THAT is an excellent way to get fed attention and get taken down.  Why is that so hard to understand?


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1 hour ago, gr8owl said:

As to the rest, one more time there is a distinct difference between asking for information about one independent lady - what the 411 forum is for - and doing daily unsolicited, 6 pages worth of running commentary about an agency and IMPLYING that significant number of members and/or indeed the board supports said agency.  And doing so when the agency in question has all the appearances of trafficking Korean women,  THAT is an excellent way to get fed attention and get taken down.  Why is that so hard to understand?

Well said 


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1 hour ago, gr8owl said:

As to the rest, one more time there is a distinct difference between asking for information about one independent lady - what the 411 forum is for - and doing daily unsolicited, 6 pages worth of running commentary about an agency and IMPLYING that significant number of members and/or indeed the board supports said agency.  And doing so when the agency in question has all the appearances of trafficking Korean women,  THAT is an excellent way to get fed attention and get taken down.  Why is that so hard to understand?

Well said 


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1 hour ago, gr8owl said:

there is a distinct difference between asking for information about one independent lady - what the 411 forum is for

Except I did exactly that - once I saw that the big Girls Offices thread was locked, I wanted information on one of their providers. So I created a 411 post asking about that specific provider, and that thread was just removed with no explanation.

I did exactly what you claim you have no issue with, but I was called a shill for doing the thing I've done 20+ times before, people just got irrationally upset because the provider I asked about works for an agency.


1 hour ago, gr8owl said:

And doing so when the agency in question has all the appearances of trafficking Korean women,  THAT is an excellent way to get fed attention and get taken down.  Why is that so hard to understand?

Uh, because it's complete nonsense. There's no indication of trafficking going on, you just made that up. And TOB is protecting themselves by (rightfully) not allowing ads from agencies. But there's no issue with us asking about them in the forums, there's nothing in the forum rules that says we can't, and no moderator has ever said we can't.

At this point, we really need a moderator to weigh in and settle this, I'm really surprised they haven't.

Simple question: can we make 411 posts in the Individual 411 forum for providers who are part of an agency?

@Kaduk  @TheWhisperer can you weight in on that?

If the answer is no, that's fine, that just needs to be communicated to us and the forum rules need to be updated.

Edited by dbarwell

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4 hours ago, dbarwell said:

A. You're not a mod, so what you want is completely irrelevant

B. I actually agree with you (and the site) that we shouldn't allow ads from agencies - but to extend that ban to the 411 forums makes no sense, there's no "danger" to people asking about girls in the forum

You are right…I am not a moderator.

But what I want is relevant. I am voicing my opinion.

If LE starts to look at TOB as promoting, tolerating or even supporting trafficking of ladies, it will get shut down. And the continued discussions about GO will create that impression.

You want to ask about a lady? Fine go ahead and ask. Just don’t post constant 411’s about GO ladies.

We all know that LE keeps tabs on TOB.  We just don’t need them going after TOB hard because of a few postings/questions that lead them to think TOB is promoting or tolerating trafficking.

I’m actually surprised TOB allowed that thread to continue as long as it did.



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23 minutes ago, dbarwell said:

Except I did exactly that - once I saw that the big Girls Offices thread was locked, I wanted information on one of their providers. So I created a 411 post asking about that specific provider, and that thread was just removed with no explanation.

I did exactly what you claim you have no issue with, but I was called a shill for doing the thing I've done 20+ times before, people just got irrationally upset because the provider I asked about works for an agency.


Uh, because it's complete nonsense. There's no indication of trafficking going on, you just made that up.  There is plenty but you would ignore it if I listed it.  And TOB is protecting themselves by (rightfully) not allowing ads from agencies. But there's no issue with us asking about them in the forums, there's nothing in the forum rules that says we can't, and no moderator has ever said we can't.

At this point, we really need a moderator to weigh in and settle this, I'm really surprised they haven't.I believe they already did when they closed/locked the original thread AND combined the new one you immediately created so that it too is locked.  Too subtle for you?

Simple question: can we make 411 posts in the Individual 411 forum for providers who are part of an agency?

@Kaduk  @TheWhisperer can you weight in on that?

If the answer is no, that's fine, that just needs to be communicated to us and the forum rules need to be updated.



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2 hours ago, dbarwell said:

This site is not a review board for indy girls

It's not? Interesting take there bud.  


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I'm amazed how clueless you are? Even in our subculture there is decorum, etiquette, and rules we have to follow. Specifically on this board. I never looked at that post regarding AMPS's until it was shut down. Curious to why it was shut down? As like rubber necking when you pass by a traffic accident. I was completely shocked and amazed at the conversation and information being shared in that post! Yea you don't have chatter about which new women are in town and give insight of your experiences with them! That's what fucking reviews are for. Or all the guys involved in that chatter needed to take that shit off board and discussed it in private conversations. Don't act ignorant, down grade it, and refer to it as " what we're not supposed to be talking about agencies"! The conversations were thinly veiled reviews kept to a minimum about the new hot Asian that just made it into town.

Amp/ Massage parlors are totally low hanging fruit!!! And if your truly gonna take your chatter over to USASG. That is truly no GD surprise! USASG is known as total filth. The possibly lowest you could go to involve yourself in conversation when it comes to the hobby world! Guys go there to mostly talk about who's barebacking!  Which is what one of you guys brought up in that AMP post. Also, the same slimy guys on USASG talk about how to talk ladies down on their rates. 

So to circle back. Stop acting ignorant! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO ABOUT AGENCIES! Or I'm sorry if you truly are 100% clueless. Enlighten yourself! And I will add. Yes, thank you country gentleman for shedding light on pure stupidity! I was totally clueless to the post. Until it got ban hammered!!!!


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On 6/5/2023 at 1:44 PM, MeganMarie4u said:
On 6/5/2023 at 11:14 AM, dbarwell said:

This site is not a review board for indy girls

Then what is it?


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