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About dbarwell

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  1. Emmaline or Isabelle

    They've been brought up here before, I posted about my experiences here: The gist is that they are constantly taking down their TER profiles every few months, and then making a new one with a similar, but different, name. They get rare reviews there, not sure if they are legit or not. Some of their pictures on their websites are not them. Not sure if they are all fake, but most likely, I was able to confirm a few of them on Tineye are from other websites. I've contacted both of them, and received responses. I gave references and tried setting up specific times to meet them, but then they eventually stopped responding. I don't know if it's a "scam", but there's definitely something off about the whole thing. If it is a scam, I don't know what the scam would be, they didn't ask for a deposit, or attempt to blackmail me, or show much interest in actually meeting up. I'd just forget about them, the pics aren't real and are too good to be true. I don't know what they're up to, but better safe than sorry.
  2. Chloe Conifer 720-583-3327 Colorado Companion Chloe Conifer used to be a provider in Denver a couple years ago, but then she shut down her website and seemed like she stopped working. I always wanted to see her, but never got the chance. I heard from someone else that she's back, although her website and old phone number still don't work Just curious if anyone has seen her lately and can vouch, or is this a case of someone using her old phone number as a scam?
  3. Kate The Fairy Not Katie Fairy And the Wix site isn't the red flag, it's the very similar layouts of their websites using fake photos that's the red flag
  4. I've asked about Vivienne and Emmeline before. No one here has seen them. There's something off about them, as well as another provider https://epicureanviv.wixsite.com/vipviv https://tresexyemms.wixsite.com/emmselite/photos https://wonderlandreservat.wixsite.com/thefairy This trio of women all have very similar Wix sites, with the same vibe of photos. I assume they're all stolen, I know Vivienne's are (https://tineye.com/search/a775db199f0f2ebf36c3128fc2510fd417038b33 and https://tineye.com/search/cba636dec5788b3c1bf36a751b04531419f61367), and I think the others stole their photos as well. Somehow, these beautiful women with reasonable rates, work in Denver, and nobody on the most popular board in Denver has ever seen them...it's bizarre. I've reached out to all of them once of twice. Vivienne and Kate The Fairy have responded once, but then I never heard from them again after I replied. I dunno, something is just off about them. If it's a scam, I don't know what the scam is supposed to be, since they don't ask for deposits and don't seem to want to meet up. I don't think they're LE, since again, they don't seem interested in meeting someone who is eager to get together.
  5. lol oh that's convenient "I have plenty of evidence, but I can't show you..." Feel free to list your reasons as to why you think this agency is trafficking women Nuance is probably lost on you, but it's not clear at all. If I ask about a provider at another agency, will that be locked? Or is it just Girls Offices? My thread was moved into the old Girls Offices forum, but where would my post about a girl at a different agency go? It's not against the rules (currently) to ask about agency providers, yet the thread was locked - will I be punished if I do it again next month with a different provider? Will I be banned? Was my post locked on accident? Or was it locked by a mod , but the mod on duty the next time I do it won't care? You're way too focused on "AGENCIES BAD!" and apparently can't think about anything else, we're just looking for clarity on what is and isn't allowed. Soooo I guess I'll just keep asking until I get an answer: @Kaduk @TheWhisperer can we make 411 posts in the Individual 411 forum for providers who are part of an agency? There's nothing in the forum rules that says we can't, and no moderator has ever said we can't. If the answer is no, that's fine, that just needs to be communicated to us and the forum rules need to be updated. I feel like this is a super simple question, and everyone is getting incredibly emotional about it.
  6. Thanks, Country Gentleman!

    Except I did exactly that - once I saw that the big Girls Offices thread was locked, I wanted information on one of their providers. So I created a 411 post asking about that specific provider, and that thread was just removed with no explanation. I did exactly what you claim you have no issue with, but I was called a shill for doing the thing I've done 20+ times before, people just got irrationally upset because the provider I asked about works for an agency. Uh, because it's complete nonsense. There's no indication of trafficking going on, you just made that up. And TOB is protecting themselves by (rightfully) not allowing ads from agencies. But there's no issue with us asking about them in the forums, there's nothing in the forum rules that says we can't, and no moderator has ever said we can't. At this point, we really need a moderator to weigh in and settle this, I'm really surprised they haven't. Simple question: can we make 411 posts in the Individual 411 forum for providers who are part of an agency? @Kaduk @TheWhisperer can you weight in on that? If the answer is no, that's fine, that just needs to be communicated to us and the forum rules need to be updated.
  7. Thanks, Country Gentleman!

    This site is not a review board for indy girls
  8. Thanks, Country Gentleman!

    A. You're not a mod, so what you want is completely irrelevant B. I actually agree with you (and the site) that we shouldn't allow ads from agencies - but to extend that ban to the 411 forums makes no sense, there's no "danger" to people asking about girls in the forum
  9. This provider doesn't currently have any ads paid for here. I've been told that it makes you a shill to ask about her, and it's unfair to the providers who are paying for ads, so expect everyone here to try and rally the mods to lock your thread.
  10. 411 on GirlsOffices's Denver Asian cuties

    You say you're not dense, yet you're bringing up some other random thread in another forum...got it If you have a problem with this six-page thread on an agency, go over there and complain about it, I don't know why you've decided to raid my post Which isn't you, so go play hall monitor somewhere else. There's nothing wrong with my post, just trying to get info on a provider like everyone else on this forum
  11. 411 on GirlsOffices's Denver Asian cuties

    That's the entire point of this forum - to gather information on providers who don't have ads or reviews on this site. Are you dense? This is absolutely pathetic, we might as well shut down the entire forum if you want to label it a "free ad" any time someone mentions a provider here.
  12. 411 on GirlsOffices's Denver Asian cuties

    What thread? And how is this an ad? I found a provider in Denver, and I'm simply asking for other people's experiences. Just like every other post in this 411 forum. If you're upset about this girl, you're just gonna have to get over it and get a life. Do you have a problem with this Vicky or something?
  13. 411 on GirlsOffices's Denver Asian cuties

    Vicky 720-241-4956 Colorado Companion https://www.girlsoffices.com/happy-vicky Has anyone had a chance to see Vicky yet? She looks great, but it's hard to tell how accurate the pics are. Could anyone verify whether she's natural or enhanced?
  14. 411 on Ayla (Tryst)

    I eventually reached out, here's the info she sent me So basically $400 for a fully-nude massage with no HE