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411 on EsztiYrisa

21 posts in this topic

EsztiYrisa 509-216-6534
Colorado Escort

Eszti started posting here about a week ago, her first post was intriguing to me (SoulMate Experience instead of a GFE - it's also her profile info).  I thought her rate was inline with that experience so I reached out to her via e-mail.  We have done basic checking info back and forth and I'm getting ready to see her late this week. big head started talking.  She has no reviews, so I thought I should check TinEye and Google Image.  TinEye comes up blank but Google Image finds her main image associated with BP in another state.  Nothing on P411 or TER.  

Here is her ToB profile:

She joined ToB in July of this year, the BP ads are from August of this year, the only image in common is her main image, the rest seem put together almost.

Searched Seattle ToB for Natalie (her BP handle - name and phone consistent across the ads).

Should I TOFTT?  If you've seen her and don't want to do a review please PM me.



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Modigliani I believe you are correct.  Eszti and I did discuss the photo, she said it was stolen and used by someone that is not her.  She has since watermarked it so it can't be stolen again.  We are meeting later this week and I'll put up a review if she would like one.


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Unfortunately she had to cancel due to a migraine.  I won't be able to reschedule until after Thanksgiving so hopefully another proper gent will give us an update.


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16 hours ago, Qmuless32 said:

Searching this # brings up alot of websites indicating that she, like all BP girls is a police sting, and additional pictures from a backpage add back in July.  


Just a reminder & hopefully most everyone knows these scrubbing sites are Bogus....


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Hi everyone! I don't participate in these boards much at all, but I am a legit provider in Denver and nationwide. [snip] Eszti is a close friend of mine. She is the most not LE person I have never known. Thanks!

Edited by Kaduk

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I advertised on BP several months ago because, was shorter on cash and couldn't afford EROS or TOB ads. also going by a different name and didn't have good quality photos,  just dipping my toe into escorting at the time. And with regards to the concerns about having a "driver" I was new and felt much less safe on BP. So there you have it! Thanks have an awesome day :)


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3 hours ago, EsztiYrisa said:

I advertised on BP several months ago because, was shorter on cash and couldn't afford EROS or TOB ads. also going by a different name and didn't have good quality photos,  just dipping my toe into escorting at the time. And with regards to the concerns about having a "driver" I was new and felt much less safe on BP. So there you have it! Thanks have an awesome day :)

Welcome to board. Hope you enjoy and prosper. 😀


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Thanks gr8owl.  Although we did not get to meet as I explained above, Eszti was gracious and timely in her communication including her need to cancel, I saw on my P411 that Kitten had viewed my profile (now I know why, I was certain it wasn't because of my Bradley Cooperish looks) obviously at the request of her friend.  It's obvious to me that Eszti despite being new is genuine and deserves to be treated well.  I still plan to contact her after the holiday.  I hope this will help close the matter and certainly closes my original quest to find out more information about her.  I'm sure many new providers find themselves in the uncertain space of having no reviews and no history, which is why I posted here.


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On 11/11/2016 at 7:49 PM, Qmuless32 said:

The sting thing was a joke,

The sting thing was not seen as a joke; All you are doing is promoting speculation & in the process hurting the reputation to any of those that get caught up in the scrubbing of web-sites........


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On 11/6/2016 at 3:46 PM, JAGCS said:

EsztiYrisa 509-216-6534
Colorado Escort

Should I TOFTT?  If you've seen her and don't want to do a review please PM me.


Please post a review when you do. I am certainly interested to hear the experience. (I getting this thread back on track from the BS). I'd be interested but with such limited info she's starting at about double what I would consider reasonable for someone new/starting here. (That's not to say she can't do thousands an hour if she wants - anyone can do anything, but being wayyyy too pricey with 0 reviews and details to warrant it will make me wait or pass).

So let us know! (or chime in if anyone else met the lovely new girl)

And directly to Eszti: Thanks for finding this thread and directly chiming in so we know you're real (probably haha). And good to have someone else that's been here know her as well.


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On 11/11/2016 at 8:05 PM, JAGCS said:

Thanks gr8owl.  Although we did not get to meet as I explained above, Eszti was gracious and timely in her communication including her need to cancel, I saw on my P411 that Kitten had viewed my profile (now I know why, I was certain it wasn't because of my Bradley Cooperish looks) obviously at the request of her friend.  It's obvious to me that Eszti despite being new is genuine and deserves to be treated well.  I still plan to contact her after the holiday.  I hope this will help close the matter and certainly closes my original quest to find out more information about her.  I'm sure many new providers find themselves in the uncertain space of having no reviews and no history, which is why I posted here.

FYI (if this is the case). Eszti should not have shared your P411 Client number with Kitten so Kitten could look at your profile.:)


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1 hour ago, Wendy Whitney said:

FYI (if this is the case). Eszti should not have shared your P411 Client number with Kitten so Kitten could look at your profile.:)

Nor should you have shared your P411 ID with Eszti if she is not on P411. 😕 If she were, she would have been able to do her own research  

When using P411 for your reference: 1) Only use your ID with providers who are on P411 & 2) Make initial contact with the Appointment Request forms, which automatically provide her with your ID. 

Using your P411 ID outside of their system compromises security and endangers all users, both clients & providers.  


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This is why I like the forums, I come here to learn about my mistakes...Thanks for being gentle!


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On 11/12/2016 at 8:21 PM, EsztiYrisa said:

No reviews please. UTR preferred.

Good luck to you then. Take care of your business any way you would like, at any rates you would like. But it will exclude guys like me that might be curious about you. Without reviews, with few pictures, with no information on what you offer, I doubt I would visit a lady asking half that an hour no matter how curious I am.

I would be interested to hear if it does work out just fine though. I do wonder how everyone else interacts/participates with that lack of information. I prefer not to gamble on the mystery box :)


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I didn't know all that about P411, oops! I will not do it again, thank you for the info.


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On 11/11/2016 at 2:23 PM, kittenkarlyle said:

Hi everyone! I don't participate in these boards much at all, but I am a legit provider in Denver and nationwide. [snip] Eszti is a close friend of mine. She is the most not LE person I have never known. Thanks!

Hi and welcome!

Happy hunting to you!


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