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About EsztiYrisa

  • Rank
    Welcome Me
  • Birthday August 3

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  1. 411 on EsztiYrisa

    I didn't know all that about P411, oops! I will not do it again, thank you for the info.
  2. 411 on EsztiYrisa

    I'm doing really well, thanks for asking.
  3. 411 on EsztiYrisa

    No reviews please. UTR preferred.
  4. 411 on EsztiYrisa

    I advertised on BP several months ago because, was shorter on cash and couldn't afford EROS or TOB ads. also going by a different name and didn't have good quality photos, just dipping my toe into escorting at the time. And with regards to the concerns about having a "driver" I was new and felt much less safe on BP. So there you have it! Thanks have an awesome day
  5. 411 on EsztiYrisa

    I'm right here, you can just ask me yourself teehee