
Election Day Anxiety

146 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Just Jos said:

White people telling black people when they can or can't play the race card is a little oppresivey don't cha think? LOL

Jinx. I love you so much!


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1 hour ago, Just Jos said:

White people telling black people when they can or can't play the race card is a little oppresivey don't cha think? LOL

No, I don't cha think.  The race card is getting ridiculous.  We elect a black man to two consecutive terms, and you still think racism is rampant in this country?  Give me a break.


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33 minutes ago, MAG said:

No, I don't cha think.  The race card is getting ridiculous.  We elect a black man to two consecutive terms, and you still think racism is rampant in this country?  Give me a break.

You clearly don't know or just don't care how oppression works. But I'm not going to spend my evening trying to 'splain it you, Trump-tards. I'm officially bowing outta this convo. ✌️️ 


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1 hour ago, Just Jos said:

You clearly don't know or just don't care how oppression works. But I'm not going to spend my evening trying to 'splain it you, Trump-tards. I'm officially bowing outta this convo. ✌️️ 

Typical behavior of someone who cannot intelligently defend a point of view -- pick up your marbles and go home.

In the meantime, I'll continue celebrating the fact that HRC will never be president.


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18 minutes ago, MAG said:

Typical behavior of someone who cannot intelligently defend a point of view -- pick up your marbles and go home.

In the meantime, I'll continue celebrating the fact that HRC will never be president.

You are one low life SOB for real. Typical reaction from someone who thinks they won. How do you not hear yourself? You just told a black woman that racism doesn't exist. Who do you really fucking think knows better? Maybe it has nothing to do with intelligence, even though she's whip smart, but maturity and not wanting to take bullshit abuse.

Continue celebrating your hatred, it will come back to haunt you.



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Well .. maybe we can agree on a few things. While politics might be sexy, sex and politics don't mix. The press and the polls pretty much got it wrong. And I don't think anybody has a clue what's in store for our future. 

On a side note I find this an exciting time in America, and even though Jos is a Democrat, she seems sexy as hell to me. I can say I did not vote for Trump because I like him. I actually despise the man. Unfortunately, there was too much of his message that spoke true to me and nothing in Hillary's that I could identify with. It was a personal decision. It really had to do with small factors. I don't like affordable healthcare act, and like the majority of Americans, felt that this campaign was more about the state of the economy over all other issues. 

On that note. Can't reverse the clock. America has made her decision. Hang on to your butts and enjoy what you can of the ride ahead. 


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Good morning everyone! Last night, I realized my message about being the love held no merit when I started name calling. I sent an apology to mag 5 minutes after I called him a trump tard. It was out of my character and I retract that part only. Here are my final thoughts. I hate the Donald. I don't WANT him to do a bad job as commander in chief I just think he will. Wanting him to be bad for America is like wanting the pilot to crash the plane that we're ALL on.  I don't want that for us. I'm just terrified of how capable this man is to set us all back in time. But It's a new day and I'm hoping for the best! 💜 I totally agree w you vassago-- politics aren't sexy. This thread has been a total pussy dehydrator 😜🙊


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Really tired of all the Trumpsters Spiking the football instead of treading lightly and being considerate. This country is still divided 50/50 and out of 120 million votes cast the margin was 150,000 votes in HRC's favor (or .10%) for the popular vote. This was no major victory or mandate for an agenda of Hatred/Racism/Bigotry/Misogynism. Rather a razor thin win on constitutional procedure.

Maybe instead of dancing around and waving half the peace sign right in front of people who are obviously hurting, in shock, angry, and apprehensive about Jan 20th and beyond, it would be wise to temper some of that and listen to people like Jos and try to understand a perspective that represents many in this country who cast a vote in opposition and have lived with overt Racism and Institutional Racism their entire lives.


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2 minutes ago, MrBigShot said:

Really tired of all the Trumpsters Spiking the football instead of treading lightly and being considerate. This country is still divided 50/50 and out of 120 million votes cast the margin was 150,000 votes in HRC's favor (or .10%) for the popular vote. This was no major victory or mandate for an agenda of Hatred/Racism/Bigotry/Misogynism. Rather a razor thin win on constitutional procedure.

Maybe instead of dancing around and waving half the peace sign right in front of people who are obviously hurting, in shock, angry, and apprehensive about Jan 20th and beyond, it would be wise to temper some of that and listen to people like Jos and try to understand a perspective that represents many in this country who cast a vote in opposition and have lived with overt Racism and Institutional Racism their entire lives.

I love you! Wanna come hold me? ;) bawhahahahah. I think you're on to something. I need to be consoled.  This was beautifully stated mr big. I thank you for understanding. 🙏


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I think everyone's emotions are still running high. On that note...

The great Winston Churchill one said something to the effect...

If you don't vote Democrat when you're young, you have no heart. If you don't vote Republican when you're older, you have no brain.

Not sure what age group he had in mind. Regardless, I could never vote for Hilary. I just couldn't trust her.  Trump will either be a good president or he won't. Time will tell. Now then, within a year of Obama taking office, I saw the economy tank. Many here will remember I had a fairly successful store downtown Colorado Springs .  Within a year, I lost that business and my house. I have yet to see the economy recover. I think that is one of the reasons people voted for Trump. They voted for security or at least the hopes of it. Obama won by the electoral college and people didn't run around with their hair on fire. Now it's the Republicans turn, give the man a shot. 

Now then, I do not appreciate being called a racist because I voted for Trump. It's an ignorant statement. 



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1 hour ago, MrBigShot said:

Really tired of all the Trumpsters Spiking the football instead of treading lightly and being considerate. This country is still divided 50/50 and out of 120 million votes cast the margin was 150,000 votes in HRC's favor (or .10%) for the popular vote. This was no major victory or mandate for an agenda of Hatred/Racism/Bigotry/Misogynism. Rather a razor thin win on constitutional procedure.

Maybe instead of dancing around and waving half the peace sign right in front of people who are obviously hurting, in shock, angry, and apprehensive about Jan 20th and beyond, it would be wise to temper some of that and listen to people like Jos and try to understand a perspective that represents many in this country who cast a vote in opposition and have lived with overt Racism and Institutional Racism their entire lives.

First of all, not everyone who voted for Trump is a Trumpster.  Personally, I don't like the guy.  But the enemy of my enemy is my friend (in this case).

Secondly, "spiking the football" is often a reaction to the hatred coming from the other side.  We get called racist misogynists by the sore-loser Hillary sycophants, and it gets tiresome.  Disliking Hillary does not make me a misogynist, and voting for Trump does not make me a racist or a bigot.

When people call me names because of who I did/didn't support in the election, you're damned right I'm going to gloat.


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8 minutes ago, MAG said:

First of all, not everyone who voted for Trump is a Trumpster.  Personally, I don't like the guy.  But the enemy of my enemy is my friend (in this case).

Secondly, "spiking the football" is often a reaction to the hatred coming from the other side.  We get called racist misogynists by the sore-loser Hillary sycophants, and it gets tiresome.  Disliking Hillary does not make me a misogynist, and voting for Trump does not make me a racist or a bigot.

When people call me names because of who I did/didn't support in the election, you're damned right I'm going to gloat.

Did I single anyone out or call you a name? If you felt that way, maybe there's a reason for your sensitivity. Also, if you read my post, I didn't call Trumpsters Racist or any other name. The inference was to DT's agenda. The/his agenda is one of Hatred/Racism/Bigotry and Mysoginism.

My post was a call for understanding and decorum for 50% of the country who disagrees with your point of view on Trump and is unsure of how we will be represented going forward.


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12 minutes ago, MrBigShot said:

Did I single anyone out or call you a name? If you felt that way, maybe there's a reason for your sensitivity. Also, if you read my post, I didn't call Trumpsters Racist or any other name. The inference was to DT's agenda. The/his agenda is one of Hatred/Racism/Bigotry and Mysoginism.

My post was a call for understanding and decorum for 50% of the country who disagrees with your point of view on Trump and is unsure of how we will be represented going forward.

Calm down, BigShot.  I didn't accuse you of name calling.  Maybe YOU are too sensitive.

There's a LOT of name-calling and accusations going on, not only in this thread but in other discussion boards I've found.  Trump attacked the PC culture in this country, and the libs got their panties in a wad.  You can't express support for the police in this country without being labeled a racist.

It's so easy (and so lazy) to apply labels to Trump.  Fortunately, the majority of people in this country are smarter than that (look at Pink's map above).

I will listen and be understanding to opposing points of view WHEN they are presented respectfully.  Jos called me a Trump-tard.  That's exactly the kind of hatred and animosity that she claims to be fighting against.  I guess "racism" is less acceptable to some people than hypocrisy.


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14 minutes ago, MAG said:

Calm down, BigShot.  I didn't accuse you of name calling.  Maybe YOU are too sensitive.

There's a LOT of name-calling and accusations going on, not only in this thread but in other discussion boards I've found.  Trump attacked the PC culture in this country, and the libs got their panties in a wad.  You can't express support for the police in this country without being labeled a racist.

It's so easy (and so lazy) to apply labels to Trump.  Fortunately, the majority of people in this country are smarter than that (look at Pink's map above).

I will listen and be understanding to opposing points of view WHEN they are presented respectfully.  Jos called me a Trump-tard.  That's exactly the kind of hatred and animosity that she claims to be fighting against.  I guess "racism" is less acceptable to some people than hypocrisy.

I am not perfect. Not have I ever claimed to be. In fact within 5 minutes of hitting "post" I apologized to you directly for my comment. But please keep harboring it. 

And since you brought up the police thing.... did you know that this has been the deadliest week for our officers yet? 10 officers shot, 7 killed. All by white people. I understand this is election week and the press is covering that hard, but why not take a break to cover any of this? Why hasn't trump or any conservatives mentioned the "war on police" Perhaps bc it wasn't a black man doing the dirty deed this time. That's hypocrisy. 


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5 minutes ago, Just Jos said:

I am not perfect. Not have I ever claimed to be. In fact within 5 minutes of hitting "post" I apologized to you directly for my comment. But please keep harboring it. 

And since you brought up the police thing.... did you know that this has been the deadliest week for our officers yet? 10 officers shot, 7 killed. All by white people. I understand this is election week and the press is covering that hard, but why not take a break to cover any of this? Why hasn't trump or any conservatives mentioned the "war on police" Perhaps bc it wasn't a black man doing the dirty deed this time. That's hypocrisy. 

You also said you were bowing out of the conversation.....I guess that was bullshit, too.

How many black people killed other black people this week?  I guess this is election week and the press is covering that hard, but they could take a break and cover that story too, right?  THAT is hypocrisy.  The press will yell and scream when a police officer kills a black man (making no mention of the threat posed by that man), but when blacks are killed at random by other blacks, often over drug territory, it goes ignored.

For every supposed "hypocrisy" that you claim to notice, I can point directly to several others, all perpetuated by the liberal media.  

You believe too much of what you read online.


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It's hard to leave a conversation when someone (YOU)  mentions my name. If you don't like my responses feel free to hit the block button. And don't call me out directly if you're not asking for my .02. :-) That's just common sense. Thank you kindly. 


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5 minutes ago, Just Jos said:

It's hard to leave a conversation when someone (YOU)  mentions my name. If you don't like my responses feel free to hit the block button. And don't call me out directly if you're not asking for my .02. :-) That's just common sense. Thank you kindly. 

Right back at ya.  Practice what you preach.  Thank you kindly.


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1 hour ago, MAG said:

Calm down, BigShot.  I didn't accuse you of name calling.  Maybe YOU are too sensitive.

I am calm. Was there anything in my post that gave the impression that I wasn't? Did I write in all caps or put five !'s behind any of my points?

In fact, I laid out several points in my posts today about understanding and respecting perspectives that differ from our own and instead you chose to make the thread about name calling and finger pointing. Which is the exact opposite of my intention and which I haven't done.  50% of the country plus a majority didn't vote for your candidate and feels uncertain about how they will be represented going forward given the agenda of Hatred and Racism put forth during the campaign by DT.

But by all means, continue to ignore any of my points and instead deflect altogether. You really think this election was a mandate on anything? It was nothing more than a confirmation that this country is divided exactly 50/50 in both political and ideological philosophy and how far we still have to come before there is true equality and freedom for everyone.

Edited by MrBigShot

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It is actually a very sad day for the republican party:

Because now that they have complete control they will have to actually DO SOMETHING to fix problems in the Country or take blame for failing to do so rather than blathering endlessly about "crooked" Clintons and where Obama was born and blaming the (black) president for everything from the pot hole in front of their house to 2000 years of dumb asses in the middle east killing each other (but not racist, nope not at all).  So who will the Hannities and Becks and Limbaughs  of the world make a living trashing with half truths and stupidity now?  Of course the Mahrs and Maddows - equal opportunity offenders of mindless, pointless hatred from other side - now get their turn to play the game.

Mandate??? When you win under 50 percent of the vote??  It is the same old bullshit of the broken two party system.  Somewhere around 40 percent of the voters will vote republican no matter what.  Another 40 democrat.  Then the fight is on with largely irrelevant crap and hatred from both sides to try to reel in the 20 percent.  Another razor thin election followed by shit talking from the "winning" side.  No one won, America lost - again!

It is the height of lunacy to call all Trump supporters or even a significant percentage of them racist, misogynistic, etc.  Trump himself is a total bombastic horse's ass willing to say anything to win.  But millions of people voting for him are decent, hard working, non-prejudiced, freedom loving people willing to vote for any jackass on the hope that maybe, just maybe the result may be a little more consideration for the issues THEY face every day instead of the usual incessant blather of the media - yes certainly includes Fox and MSN in equal amounts of irrelevancy.  And the same can be said for the majority of Clinton voters - good, decent hard working people that just vote for who they HOPE against all hope will truly address their concerns.

I hope before i die to see a viable third party that represents the REAL concerns of the vast majority of decent people in this country, one that has policies and positions that SUPPORT the citizens.  Not the same old broken two parties that never really address ANY issue because they LIKE having those hot button issues to get out the base.  In the meantime I hope and pray that the total horse's ass that won the election will actually turn out to a good and effective president.  Hey, almost anything is possible right??


Sorry this got so long, but I would really hope the pointless shit talk about whose complete turd won stops soon.  Meantime, I am going to divert my attention to something truly productive - intimate encounter with a beautiful and charming lady.



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On 11/9/2016 at 10:08 AM, Lucy Kitten said:

Fellow sex workers I hope you're prepared for this. Contingency plans should be dusted off. Business is going to tank and come inauguration day be prepared to have to fight for the right to exist as women.

I don't disqualify anything that you stated, just wonder why you think this "biz" will suffer?


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Huh, well when Bush was in office I was making tons of money (10-15k a month). Havent made morethan 3k in 8 years. Most of my clients are Republican and feel like business will get back to normal. Business now is terrible and I don't think it's gonna get worse. Good thing I am graduating soon. My education is my contingency plan. 


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Looks like everyone wants to fights. We'll, all I have to say is, Iv found peace ✌️ the day I decided I no longer give a flying fuck. and it's not worth defending what I believe is right or wrong. This includes other people and I don't give a fuck who the president is either. "This doesn't include the few people that are close friends or my family and Milo! 

This also means I won't be bitching and complaining when shit goes good or downhill. 

All I'm doing these days is having fun, more fun, finishing my education, getting my new businesses off to wonderful start. I don't give fuck about anything other than me and can find me happily at home 🏡 with music 🎶 Russian Vodaka perhaps cranberry. 


Edited by Nikki Holiday

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3 hours ago, MAG said:


Now that's funny shit 


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19 minutes ago, Nikki Holiday said:

Looks like everyone wants to fights. We'll, all I have to say is, Iv found peace ✌️ the day I decided I no longer give a flying fuck. and it's not worth defending what I believe is right or wrong. This includes other people and I don't give a fuck who the president is either. "This doesn't include the few people that are close friends or my family and Milo! 

This also means I won't be bitching and complaining when shit goes good or downhill. 

All I'm doing these days is having fun, more fun, finishing my education, getting my new businesses off to wonderful start. I don't give fuck about anything other than me and can find me happily at home 🏡 with music 🎶 Russian Vodaka perhaps cranberry. 


You soo voted for Harambe, didn't you?!?! lol 😂😂

Edited by BadLeroyBrown

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1 hour ago, Melissa Sterling said:

Huh, well when Bush was in office I was making tons of money (10-15k a month). Havent made morethan 3k in 8 years. Most of my clients are Republican and feel like business will get back to normal. Business now is terrible and I don't think it's gonna get worse. Good thing I am graduating soon. My education is my contingency plan. 

I guess what's odd about this is that economically we seem to be doing better now than we ever did while Bush was in office. I mean we were literally in the middle of the recession (if I'm not mistaken) so how does economic growth and unemployment being down negatively affect the hobby?


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3 hours ago, BadLeroyBrown said:

I don't disqualify anything that you stated, just wonder why you think this "biz" will suffer?

Election time is historically bad for the business, people are tense and less likely to spend money when they feel their future is questionable. We now have a new President whom we know nothing about (as far as politics). The people don't know how he will impact their day to day lives so they sit on their cash. When Obama was reelected it was a smooth transition, there was already established comfort and no huge changes. Colorado overwhelmingly voted for Clinton, so it's a very safe bet that providers are going to see some decline in business thanks to apprehension of clients. It by no means has anything to do with affiliation being better or worse it's just the way the cookie crumbles.

It's not hyperbolic to believe that our future is shaky. We don't know what's in store and that's why it affects business. And also Republicans and our new President and his VP have been vocal about defunding Planned Parenthood. PP is something that many sex workers rely on for reasonably priced sexual health care. Without that you have women who can't afford care and when that happens you will have a decline in safety because it's less accessible or you will see a hike in prices to cover the cost of more expensive health care. Just because this job isn't legit doesn't mean it's safe from side effects of current politics.

Here is some good info from a well known sex worker and activist.


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