Mystic of Denver

Ladies!! Why is this month slow?

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Am I just slow or does it seem like this month is??

Edited by Madame Web
Corrected spelling in title.

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With the holiday season around the corner, it's not unusual for the biz to slow down for these couple of months (Nov - Jan)  I find it comes in waves but things generally resume the 'normal' pace after the New Year. xoxo 


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Lots of businesses run specials this time of year as the competition for our disposable income heats up. Just a thought :cool:


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Lots of businesses run specials this time of year as the competition for our disposable income heats up. Just a thought :cool:

Specials don't work in this scenario. It's doesn't increase your number of clients it just decreases the money you make.


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in pueblo there's a ton of clients and money ladies!!' just left  there and did very well. 


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in pueblo there's a ton of clients and money ladies!!' just left  there and did very well. 

I love pueblo. Its so good there, I don't even have to post up. I just send an email out the guys iv seen there before, let them know when I am coming and Im booked before I get there. 


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Hmmm... Apparently Pueblo doesn't celebrate Christmas! Or the guys there buy themselves early Xmas presents... Either way, it seems to work out for you lovely ladies. ;)


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It does seem like a slow month. However, the prebooking requests for December have been unusually high. Lots of travelers trying to ensure they have a good time?!?


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Lots of businesses run specials this time of year as the competition for our disposable income heats up. Just a thought :cool:

Sounds like a good idea. :surfing:


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I am usually hoppin this time of year,  however this year, NADA. All you guys say, yes run specials, but then the phones ring even less. Just sayin.

Most of the girls run specials throughout the year, maybe it's time for the guys to give the ladies a little something extra.


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"Specials don't work in this scenario. It's doesn't increase your number of clients it just decreases the money you make."

"All you guys say, yes run specials, but then the phones ring even less." 

I gotta say, I'm surprised to hear this. The next six weeks or so, a fair number of guys have a built in excuse to be out on their own, shopping, spending money, maybe pull some cash from the ATM they might otherwise have to explain but the holidays make good cover. I would think a "seasonal" special of some kind would make sense. Maybe the posters I've quoted here are already market correct in their pricing.


Edited by Raoul

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"Specials don't work in this scenario. It's doesn't increase your number of clients it just decreases the money you make."

"All you guys say, yes run specials, but then the phones ring even less." 

I gotta say, I'm surprised to hear this. The next six weeks or so, a fair number of guys have a built in excuse to be out on their own, shopping, spending money, maybe pull some cash from the ATM they might otherwise have to explain but the holidays make good cover. I would think a "seasonal" special of some kind would make sense. Maybe the posters I've quoted here are already market correct in their pricing.


If guys are out and about with the time and money to spend why drop prices? Our expenses go up and our time becomes limited during the holidays. So maybe guys should pay more? It slices both ways which is why it's best to just not mess with pricing during the holidays.

In my experience guys during the holiday season are far more gracious. Regulars and new friends alike tend to leave more than asked for during that time. And like Melissa said it's usually a pretty busy time.

I don't think the current slowness has anything to do with the holidays however. I think limited advertising options and saturation have more to do with slow times than the season.


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In my experience guys during the holiday season are far more gracious. Regulars and new friends alike tend to leave more than asked for during that time. And like Melissa said it's usually a pretty busy time.

I must be the exception. I play far less during the holidays because of extra work (as a musician) and increased family obligations and events.

And a cheapskate, too - rare that I leave tips and gifts :(


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I must be the exception. I play far less during the holidays because of extra work (as a musician) and increased family obligations and events.

And a cheapskate, too - rare that I leave tips and gifts :(

Doesn't make you a cheapskate. I just think there is a nice balance in the holidays and it shouldn't be messed with. This is a business void of "bonuses" and the little extras we get around the holidays are very appreciated.


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Maybe the cold of the coming winter is shrinking their... ummm... passion ;)


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Maybe the cold of the coming winter is shrinking their... ummm... passion ;)

LOL!  This would be a good suggestion for Justina's gift thread.  Knit the little guys a Turtleneck. :)


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LOL!  This would be a good suggestion for Justina's gift thread.  Knit the little guys a Turtleneck:)

Not a Turtleneck but this might work LOL :lol:



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Not that I want this to turn into a price thread but here I go full speed ahead.  I have noticed price creep in the last 4-6 months. Not much but around 20-30 average for some ladies. I think we are recovering but not that well. Ok back in to topic. Yes it's been horribly slow for me. 😜


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Not that I want this to turn into a price thread but here I go full speed ahead.  I have noticed price creep in the last 4-6 months. Not much but around 20-30 average for some ladies. I think we are recovering but not that well. Ok back in to topic. Yes it's been horribly slow for me. 😜

If you didn't want to then why did you? The rise in price has little to do with any sort of recovery. If it did this thread wouldn't have been started.


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I don't think the current slowness has anything to do with the holidays however. I think limited advertising options and saturation have more to do with slow times than the season.

This is probably the most accurate assessment.  Lots of new blood.  Ads are not as useable as they were before.

Not that I want this to turn into a price thread but here I go full speed ahead.  I have noticed price creep in the last 4-6 months. Not much but around 20-30 average for some ladies. I think we are recovering but not that well. Ok back in to topic. Yes it's been horribly slow for me. 😜

Oh joy.  Here we go.

You know, the ladies are not in this business because they like having sex with old, fat, ugly, dirty, smelly, needle-dicked, unskilled guys like me.  They perform this service because it allows them to augment or fully provide a standard of living above what they might otherwise be able to achieve with their previous jobs which they may or may not have enjoyed.

As such, they will plan their own pricing strategy based upon the goals they wish to attain.  They may succeed.  They may fail.  They may have to adapt.  It is really none of our concern.  Why?

 Because, for the most part, we are men of means (of various levels) who purchase these services to fill a void in our lives. We have identified a need, and we have adopted various strategies and finacial sacrifices, and overcome dangers and legal concerns to attain what we want.  As such, we are men of action, and, ultimately, whining about the price of pussy does not become us.



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This is probably the most accurate assessment.  Lots of new blood.  Ads are not as useable as they were before.

Oh joy.  Here we go.

You know, the ladies are not in this business because they like having sex with old, fat, ugly, dirty, smelly, needle-dicked, unskilled guys like me.  They perform this service because it allows them to augment or fully provide a standard of living above what they might otherwise be able to achieve with their previous jobs which they may or may not have enjoyed.

As such, they will plan their own pricing strategy based upon the goals they wish to attain.  They may succeed.  They may fail.  They may have to adapt.  It is really none of our concern.  Why?

 Because, for the most part, we are men of means (of various levels) who purchase these services to fill a void in our lives. We have identified a need, and we have adopted various strategies and finacial sacrifices, and overcome dangers and legal concerns to attain what we want.  As such, we are men of action, and, ultimately, whining about the price of pussy does not become us.


don't know how that quantifies as whining but ok that's YOUR opinion. A question was asked and I answered in MY opinion on why some ladies may be slow. No whine intended just an observation. Now if you had just let it go then my opinion would have died a slow quiet death if it held no water whatsoever but thanks to you and Lucy life as been breathed into it. I thank you for that. Now let's see if it gets bigger. 

Love this GIF 🔽🔽🔽🔽



Edited by Wannabebad
Can't spell tonight

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You know, the ladies are not in this business because they like having sex with old, fat, ugly, dirty, smelly, needle-dicked, unskilled guys like me.  

This statement cost me half a beer!  You now owe me! :D


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don't know how that quantifies as whining but ok that's YOUR opinion. A question was asked and I answered in MY opinion on why some ladies may be slow. No whine intended just an observation. Now if you had just let it go then my opinion would have died a slow quiet death if it held no water whatsoever but thanks to you and Lucy life as been breathed into it. I thank you for that. Now let's see if it gets bigger. 

Love this GIF 🔽🔽🔽🔽



If the guys were to boycott for the next few weeks it would mean a lot more money over the holidays. :D


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don't know how that quantifies as whining but ok that's YOUR opinion. A question was asked and I answered in MY opinion on why some ladies may be slow. No whine intended just an observation. Now if you had just let it go then my opinion would have died a slow quiet death if it held no water whatsoever but thanks to you and Lucy life as been breathed into it. I thank you for that. Now let's see if it gets bigger. 

Love this GIF 🔽🔽🔽🔽



So you don't want us to use a discussion board for it's intended purpose because your post was kinda silly? You didn't actually answer the question you just made a passive-aggressive attempt to make it a rate thread. You sir stirred the pot by saying "I don't mean to make this a rate thread but I am going to anyways". I think you need a pot meets kettle GIF.

Don't express opinions on a discussion board if you don't want the feedback. Don't blame Laplace and I for disagreeing. Instead of silly GIFs that are supposed to be some kind of insult why don't you be the one who walks away? And choose not to breathe further life into your post.

Edited by Lucy Kitten
forgot something

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If the guys were to boycott for the next few weeks it would mean a lot more money over the holidays. :D

Apparently the little head controls finances as well, so a boycott will be a tough thing to pull off!  Convincing a dicktator that he is wrong is a difficult task and often fatal! (See North Korea)


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So you don't want us to use a discussion board for it's intended purpose because your post was kinda silly? You didn't actually answer the question you just made a passive-aggressive attempt to make it a rate thread. You sir stirred the pot by saying "I don't mean to make this a rate thread but I am going to anyways". I think you need a pot meets kettle GIF.

Don't express opinions on a discussion board if you don't want the feedback. Don't blame Laplace and I for disagreeing. Instead of silly GIFs that are supposed to be some kind of insult why don't you be the one who walks away? And choose not to breathe further life into your post.

Lucy, the question was asked and I answered it on what I thought was a viable reason. Sometime the price is just to high. When someone wonders why it's slow and someone says "it might be due to price creep". No matter what you think or say that's a possibility because as Laplace pointed out we are all men of varying means. Varying being the key word. As the price "creeps" the pool of possible clients gets smaller. Anyway I'm not upset about the feedback at all. I welcome CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. However calling me a whiner isn't feedback at all. It's not a well though out argument on how my opinion carries no weight because of whatever counterpoint that was brought up is a better solution. It was just a personal attack on myself and my opinion. So Lucy, if you want to bring some well thought out arguments to the party against what I said by discussing supply, demand, commodity pricing, (yes sex is a commodity)  the price of tea in China then by all means please do. However if you want to bring your normal ramblings where you try and say it in such an authoritative manner to actually disguise its inherent silliness then by all means do that as well since as you put it out there, this is a discussion board so what the fuck!!! Let's discuss!! How's that for passive aggressive!!!!

Edited by Wannabebad
Typing on an iPhone BLOWS!!

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Lucy, the question was asked and I answered it on what I thought was a viable reason. Sometime the price is just to high. When someone wonders why it's slow and someone says "it might be due to price creep". No matter what you think or say that's a possibility because as Laplace pointed out we are all men of varying means. Varying being the key word. As the price "creeps" the pool of possible clients gets smaller. Anyway I'm not upset about the feedback at all. I welcome CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. However calling me a whiner isn't feedback at all. It's not a well though out argument on how my opinion carries no weight because of whatever counterpoint that was brought up is a better solution. It was just a personal attack on myself and my opinion. So Lucy, if you want to bring some well thought out arguments to the party against what I said by discussing supply, demand, commodity pricing, (yes sex is a commodity)  the price of tea in China then by all means please do. However if you want to bring your normal ramblings where you try and say it in such an authoritative manner to actually disguise its inherent silliness then by all means do that as well since as you put it out there, this is a discussion board so what the fuck!!! Let's discuss!! How's that for passive aggressive!!!!

I didn't call you a whiner. Read again. I replied with just a few sentences. You said the rates are higher so maybe we're on the way to recovery that's what you said. I replied with higher rates don't indicate recovery. That was literally it.I offered an opinion on your attempts to make it a rate thread. Your attempst to paint me as some big bad wolf don't hold up. If you had actually said that higher rates make for slower business I would have agreed with you but it's not what you said.

I made a few valid comments as to why it might be slow if you cared to read them. You don't have to like me but I do offer substance and valid opinions. If you don't want to acknowledge them that's fine but then don't engage. Insulting me only makes you look foolish and quite a few people here appreciate my "ramblings". Like I said you don't have to like me or even agree with me but you could show me some respect and not subtly insult me. It's very immature.

You wanna have a real conversation about escort economics? I am pretty well versed after six years.

Edited by Lucy Kitten

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