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About Wannabebad

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/21/1970

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    Nowhere in particular

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  1. Looking to go out with a unicorn and wife

    Lol, not really the board for this kind of ask. You might want to get you and your wife on some of the “lifestyle” websites.
  2. There are some awesome rates right now.

    I think he was being a little sarcastic
  3. 411 on sexylegs

    Haven’t had time. Sorry.
  4. 411 on sexylegs

    Lol, didn’t think this 411 would set off such a little shit storm. He did PM me with some other details and I am inclined to believe him maybe 60 percent but I still haven’t pulled the trigger. If I do I’ll post a review.
  5. 719-301-7081 Colorado Companion Want to know if anyone has had the pleasure of seeing this young lady. 719-301-7081 http://colorado-springs.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/exotic/im-out-and-about/693389056688 thanks for any intel you have.
  6. Walked away without even knocking

    I probably would have gone to a stairwell in sight if possible and texted her or called her and told her the deal. I then would have watched who came out of the room and made a decision from there. Without being able to watch the room I probably would have done what you did.
  7. On the lighter side of things ....lol

    Two Irishman walk out of a bar... what? It can happen....! ”disclaimer”..this one really takes timing on the delivery.
  8. On the lighter side of things ....lol

    What’s the difference between a girlfriend, a hooker and a wife? the girlfriend goes...”more more give me more!!” the hooker goes..”come on honey you got 5 minutes.” and the wife goes...”Beige...I think I’ll paint the ceiling Beige..” disclaimer...this one came straight from my sweet departed mother.
  9. do you think....

    So is P411 now requiring the ladies to verify as well? If this whole thing is truly about trafficking and underage slavery then that may cut it back somewhat. The U.S. is now taking comments about moving pot off of schedule 1 federally so maybe this industry is not too far behind. It needs to catch up to the dozens of countries where it is legal, regulated and taxed.
  10. Red light district

    Could always start using adult work which is big in Britain. Just need us mongers to know about it. Never mind, doesn’t work in the U.S.
  11. 411 in Breeze in COS

    Thanks gentleman. Been out of the game a bit so my research chops are a little rusty. Didn’t even think to search eccie. Don’t know if I will now however due to the reviews.
  12. Breeze 719-419-1163 Colorado Escort Seen her post forever but suspiciously no reviews. Has anyone seen her? Any good? PM me if need be and you have intel. https://backpage.com.coloradosprings.escortbabylon.com/post/24179605#
  13. Ana the Unknown

    What he said 100%
  14. Jerica?

    I'm sorry. I don't see anything wrong with the ad or the pics and I would fuck the shit out of her. Holy mother of god what an ass!!! And as pointed out if the hardest thing she does is addys then that just means she would be super focused.
  15. Perfume or not ?

    I'm single so wear whatever makes you feel sexy. I do find that lotions however can taste pretty bad if freshly applied and my tongue happens to go in that area.