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Real friends in the industry

10 posts in this topic

You know I have seen so much in this industry. When you have been around for a long time you meet alot of people, either on the phone ,email ,or in person. Sometimes its hard as a provider to have interactions with other provider's because of gossip or competitive way's. It becomes really lonely especially when we should talk to each other and be more social. I am lucky that I have made some acquaintances and friends on here that I could call and talk to. I could ask about a reference and know that they are solid and they're word is golden. But I have also experienced the negative in that as well with gossip from clients or some hater shit and bad ideas because they may not like how one represents themselves. Like I said it can be lonely.

Some people start out as friends and then some crazy stuff happens then they are not friends anymore. That sucks because were grown and need to stick together as far as comforting each other and communication is concerned. But Some don't nor can't be mature in that sense. Gossip , bad communication and hurt feelings get in the way and then people are no longer friends. Or the cliqued up ones who run in packs ... you know if your in than out your automatically alone. it is terrible that that how this industry and other occupations are like that. No fun at all.

Last night a friend of mine a very well reviewed entertainer saw me on eb and reached out to me with "where have you been I missed you call me ". When I saw this it was really late I knew she would be up but I decided it was too late so i waited to call her till this morning. I text-ed and we immediately picked up where we left off. i learned about how people she was once close with are no longer close and it made me sad because she has always been kind.

We spent most of the afternoon hanging out and she vented I listened. I vented she listened. It was pleasant and just like how I always known her to be. Before we met up I asked her if she had somethings I really needed that I couldn't afford to get at the time due to some loss I experienced recently. I asked her if she had any extra of whatever. I didn't think she would help me because everyone I asked said they would help and never did.

She showed up... and helped me out. I welcomed her in my new place introduced her to the s.o and we went in my room and chatted for a few hours it was nice I complimented her on her refreshed look and nice figure she looked amazing and much more confident. She noticed a few things about me. We got caught up and I learned a lot about people and the negativity that occurs over jealousy and competitive nonsense when there is no reason for it.

We went out to eat and I was humbled she invited me out. I listened to her intently and thought what a shame nobody can see her the way i do. As a very kind individual. I always thought that. Today just made that even more real for me. She helped me with a great need. A need that none of my closest people could help me with. She did. We made plan's to hang out again and i was happy because its lonely out here.

I have a lot of friends in the industry that I chat with from time to time from lady's to the fellas. I wanted her to know that i wasn't going anywhere I would be her friend no matter how things went I have been that way always with all that I know... Not perfect but I listen for sure.

I am thankful that this lady is still around. Still working and still well liked by most. She really did me a real favor Some of the lady's that i know on the boards that have been around along time have these quality's. Kindness and big hearts.

Its not all bad out there. Friendships can be kept. Doesn't have to be so chaotic at all. Why it gets like this i don't know. Feeling thankful today just wanted to share my day with you all.


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Glad you found someone to connect with...

Egos are evil. They cause people to do the dumbest shit. Even though men are famous for their egos, women can be just as bad.

The trick is to avoid the people with the biggest egos, and connect with the people who have their shit together. Seems you figured that out - good on ya.

Too bad you can't say who your friend is - I'd do a session with her just because she sounds like a cool person.


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Thanks for sharing this with the rest of us.

Sometimes, life gets in the way of knowing who you can truly count on as a friend.

I for one, try to do what I can for friends and family, especially when they're in need.


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A sign I saw in a tourist trap this summer.

Friends are God's compensation for family.

Yes, even in this industry/hobby one can form true friendships. I count the blessings of friends I have found here, M & F, some cyber, some in the flesh. They have helped me through some of my darkest hours.


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You know I have seen so much in this industry. When you have been around for a long time you meet alot of people, either on the phone ,email ,or in person. Sometimes its hard as a provider to have interactions with other provider's because of gossip or competitive way's. It becomes really lonely especially when we should talk to each other and be more social. I am lucky that I have made some acquaintances and friends on here that I could call and talk to. I could ask about a reference and know that they are solid and they're word is golden. But I have also experienced the negative in that as well with gossip from clients or some hater shit and bad ideas because they may not like how one represents themselves. Like I said it can be lonely.

Some people start out as friends and then some crazy stuff happens then they are not friends anymore. That sucks because were grown and need to stick together as far as comforting each other and communication is concerned. But Some don't nor can't be mature in that sense. Gossip , bad communication and hurt feelings get in the way and then people are no longer friends. Or the cliqued up ones who run in packs ... you know if your in than out your automatically alone. it is terrible that that how this industry and other occupations are like that. No fun at all.

Last night a friend of mine a very well reviewed entertainer saw me on eb and reached out to me with "where have you been I missed you call me ". When I saw this it was really late I knew she would be up but I decided it was too late so i waited to call her till this morning. I text-ed and we immediately picked up where we left off. i learned about how people she was once close with are no longer close and it made me sad because she has always been kind.

We spent most of the afternoon hanging out and she vented I listened. I vented she listened. It was pleasant and just like how I always known her to be. Before we met up I asked her if she had somethings I really needed that I couldn't afford to get at the time due to some loss I experienced recently. I asked her if she had any extra of whatever. I didn't think she would help me because everyone I asked said they would help and never did.

She showed up... and helped me out. I welcomed her in my new place introduced her to the s.o and we went in my room and chatted for a few hours it was nice I complimented her on her refreshed look and nice figure she looked amazing and much more confident. She noticed a few things about me. We got caught up and I learned a lot about people and the negativity that occurs over jealousy and competitive nonsense when there is no reason for it.

We went out to eat and I was humbled she invited me out. I listened to her intently and thought what a shame nobody can see her the way i do. As a very kind individual. I always thought that. Today just made that even more real for me. She helped me with a great need. A need that none of my closest people could help me with. She did. We made plan's to hang out again and i was happy because its lonely out here.

I have a lot of friends in the industry that I chat with from time to time from lady's to the fellas. I wanted her to know that i wasn't going anywhere I would be her friend no matter how things went I have been that way always with all that I know... Not perfect but I listen for sure.

I am thankful that this lady is still around. Still working and still well liked by most. She really did me a real favor Some of the lady's that i know on the boards that have been around along time have these quality's. Kindness and big hearts.

Its not all bad out there. Friendships can be kept. Doesn't have to be so chaotic at all. Why it gets like this i don't know. Feeling thankful today just wanted to share my day with you all.

Ms. Monet Marie,

True, true, all so true. Friends, even old friends, lose touch, have a falling out, misguided feelings, have misgivings, do misdeeds, have petty jealousy, hissy fits, stop calling, or just wander away. Reconnecting with those old friends is a sign of forgiveness, kindness, caring, coping, faithfulness and yes, even love. Never burn those bridges, for sometimes one may need to recross that bridge to connect with someone. Do not hold grudges, mistrust, distrust, or ignore your friends. Be willing to forgive and forget, have hope, be the bigger person and hold out the olive branch. All is not lost, if you can find a friend.

"To error is human, to forgive devine"

The Wise Old Owl

They don't call me wise for nuttin'


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Marie, it takes a big heart to know a big heart. And you dear girl have always had a big heart that you wear on your sleeve. Glad to read about the positive ..


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:) awesome post. Made me smile

It is a nice post. We should have more posts that shed some positive into our crazy lives.;)


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Thank you everyone. Sorry about the delayed response been busy lately with some much needed family time. Yes we do need to share more stories about the good things we have so much going on from paranoia to trying to get good reviews or even a client. From photos to screening so much goes into this. And the men have desires and phone calls with no lady's on the other end. screening to the drive to the anticipation to the paranoia and then to the experience. so yes we do need friends to talk to.

Ego... we all have one some are bigger than other's. I have never been not arrogant or egotistical by any means I think its a Aries thing. Mine is fucking huge lol But I can be respectful and humble. I usually keep my opinions to myself. But I have too been on the side of where nobody liked me so I know how it feels to be friendless and lonely. Time's change like the seasons in Colorado one day its doom and gloom next its sunshine and redheads. Love gingery men. You just don't know. Kinda like you are what you eat how often is that really true.


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