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About karmadasani

  • Rank
    Prodigious understanding of TOB principles
  • Birthday 05/21/1977

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  • Website URL

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Denver Tech


  • Biography
    Previous ATF in Nashville, TN
  • Location
    Colorado Springs
  • Interests
    Cars, Guns & Normal girly stuff lol
  • Occupation
    Self employed, Cam Girl, Loan officer, Website owner

Recent Profile Visitors

6,467 profile views
  1. Bitcoin - what a nightmare!

    I personally use coinbase “wallet” you can actually buy bitcoin from the wallet. As soon as you see the balance available which takes about 5 minutes or less.. just go to the link to pay and it will automatically open that wallet.. see that you have enough funds and process. I too have tried others and it’s a pain in the AS*
  2. Use of PMs

    I’m at a loss right now. All day I’ve gotten messages asking particulars that I normally don’t discuss and I have no where to direct them. I thought my website worked but looks like that was shit down too the only thing working at this point is here and P411. How can we answer these darn questions! #frustratedkarma !
  3. Finally saying Hi

    Welcome! Be safe and let’s get through this !
  4. Review Length

    I didn’t either
  5. More changes

    I’m glad to see things are just being adjusted and changed! I was a bit worried for us ladies and what the road ahead would bring if TOB was gone. I have full faith that the MODS are doing their best to keep us safe and in business. This is an amazing and supportive place
  6. Hello Everyone! New to TOB!

    Welcome to TOB! Hope you love it!
  7. Website!

    I think you did fine by posting. Ive never seen anything like that at all so it was new to me. Although it does look quite like a scam. Nothing wrong with being too cautious. Always play safe on both sides
  8. hi friends

    Welcome to TOB & Colorado! Hope you enjoy
  9. Hi Can I introduce myself?

    Welcome to TOB mona
  10. Is karma the real deal?

    Nice to meet you all In depth research is the best tool. Looking forward to what the Springs has to offer. Good luck to you all & play safe as always. Karma
  11. A Colorado Springs trend or ....

    I've just moved here from Tennessee & I never had this issue there. I don't know what the deal is either, half of the people ask the same questions when the answers are right there on the ad lol. I think I'm getting the hang of how things are here, although I don't like it much. What is EB?