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Why choose not to have reviews?

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Why is it that some providers choose not to have reviews?

Is it because they think they'll always have bad reviews? Is it because it can be a weak legal standing position should a problem arises? Is it because they have some weird characteristic or habit that might show in the reviews? :confused:

I was wondering because the Do Not Review list is quite big.

I searched the forum but couldn't find this topic :cool:


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It's because they think reviews cause more harm to them than good. Not by being afraid that they'll be reviewed poorly, but because they truly feel it is none of anyone else's business.

Reviews allow other folks; ladies and gents, to see who is seeing who. When there are professional envies between ladies and nosy stalking clients, reviews can cause problems for ladies AND for the clients who leave them. I know this to be true from personal experience.

I have to admit, I rely heavily on the information available through the review process. I will not see an unreviewed lady, for my own safety and for reassurance that I will have a quality experience. There are some ladies on this board who do not allow reviews, and from their posts seem nice enough, but I would not have the first idea on how to meet these ladies. Nor would I feel safe in doing so.

But somehow they get clients. So they don't need reviews and the trouble they cause.

I've been told I'm a good client. But there is a hidden world of UTR providers out there, who I expect would appreciate business from a guy like me, that I simply have no idea of how to meet.


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I'm sure there are a lot of reasons. There are a couple I've been told.

Some just don't do this a whole lot and don't want a lot of attention.

Some may not be up for everything with everyone. So they don't really want a play by play for every encounter. They're getting along with a guy and things happen. He writes a review and some other guy expects the same thing. She's not feeling it with him and he's unhappy because he expected it based on the review.

I'm sure there are many more. One of the best experiences I've had was with a woman who doesn't want reviews. That alone is not a sign of trouble.


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Ours is not to reason why,

Ours is but to do and........

If she's good, make her an ATF

I have been with several ladies that have asked me not to review.

Without questions, I have honored their request.

Edited by Johnboy#1

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Why is it that some providers choose not to have reviews?

Some simply want to be UTR about what they do.


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How some Ladies feel after a new review is posted: :P



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I would assume (but we know what that makes me) that they would not put much effort in a session, if asking for no reviews! JUST MY THOUGHT


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When I want to help a lovely lady, I always ask if I can post a review.

Only case where I've been asked not to post is by folks who work in massage parlors.

When I tell them I'd like to help them out by posting a review, I ALWAYS get an emphatic "NO!!!"

In this case, I think they definitely want to be UTR.


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I have mixed feelings about it. While I am a pretty well reviewed provider and also have no worries about people knowing my biz (all my friends know what I do and family is far away), I feel like there are times where someone has said something that was either exaggerated or very open to interpretation in a number of ways. Like, the time a reviewer emphatically Said that "her place is a mess!" when my maid had left an hr before he showed. He really probably felt that I have too much stuff but someone could take that as me living in filth, which I definitely do not. OR, a review that said "things got weird," which is lacking detail and doesn't help me improve, AND could be taken by a potential client in a number of ways.

In the end, it's the glowing ones that touch on the things that make me a memorable lady that make everything cool with me overall :) I CAN say that my business has improved exponentially in quality and quantity since I joined the online community of this hobby...


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This has been very enlightening! Thanks for the input!

I was not aware of how much the reviews can affect the "flying UTR objective", yeah that makes a lot of sense.

And also I can understand Justina's funny and self explanatory pic... :D


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How some Ladies feel after a new review is posted: :P




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OK-I?ll bite and will be extremely honest?

When I got into this biz,I very quickly found out you cannot make any sustainable income without reviews.

By having reviews that substantiated you are a living, breathing provider with a consistent quality of service, it not only brought out the hobbyist?it attracted the discrete, long-term clients to build a business by and a predictable income.

"Do NOT Review," absolutely there is a small percentage of providers who do not allow reviews because they are unpredictable, have an inconsistent quality of service and, figured out this "DNR-Category" is much easier to explain; than to keep back tracking to patch a faulty reputation.

Here is what most ALL providers experience with "reviews"; certain review sites require the reviewer to elaborate-embellish the reporting session, or the review will not be posted. Hence, the review turns out to be an over the top "PSE" reported experience-we never provided (e.g., greek, two girl, BB)...but will be up against, privately disputing for some time.

The retaliatory review. Very common as a provider we declined to service or even deal with some man and as a result he did a disparaging, hurtful review, that we will have to defend forever.

Honestly- "No one can please everyone" and, just read thru the "very good-average" reviews, where someone reported we have stretch marks, bleached hair, a hang nail??? While very critical and maybe unwarranted...that's all it takes for future-potential client to keep looking?

This leads to the unknown issue of some providers who are well known, respected amongst the "hobbyist" community as being regal, governors. But, in reality, behind the scenes they are competitive, vicious and the outright malicious ones we providers fear as loose cannons...and some clients silently regret for ever seeing?

Most providers exchange references, get to know one another on a personal level, some of these same referenced providers will not only do a damaging review against others, they will use every ounce of personal information they learned, hearsay that is back-channeled amongst providers and, it only takes one of those fake reviews for our regulars to question and avoid us; after all most men stereotype that we are just sexual objects, with questionable lives, so that bad "review" must ring truth and, we are avoided, loose income, until we can undo the damage.

That brings up this misconception that providers do this because they are so under achieving, under educated in life? This is all they are or, could be about? When in fact, they are upstanding members of the community, in their children's lives and, in some cases are more educated and accomplished then the clients they serve. They are NOT willing to risk their public, private reputations anymore then their clients who put down hundreds of dollars out...Those are the smartest "foxes" using their assets to outsmart the system that under pays women-who are also "heads of household-family providers".

Life is a spectrum. The median pendulum that swings, is where one finds the most incredible people (clients and providers) who make this what it is intended to be.

But, at the far end of the same spectrum, each participant is brushed by adversity. Good clients have horrible, rip off experiences, but they can do research based on reviews, back channeling, to lessen or eliminate the risk of their personal-private, "hobby".

Providers however, are subject and left to their own devices to weed out it all. References, blacklists are more subjective, then useful to steadfast providers for safety purposes. Some providers give blanket "OK's", simply because they were not arrested or maimed to make their money; but, that same client she "OK'd", the rest of us, wouldn't chance let alone see on the worse/desperate day.

Black lists? There are so many provider whiners; drama queens; the same vindictive providers who out, slander, ruin us and you as clients; all to play out their psycho persona's on both sides of this fence for community attention?

At one time I was one of the highest ranked "Fantastic" reviewed providers. I didn't burn out, hook up with a hobbyist, statistic of a life of desperation & drugs...however because of my other, real, legitimate business ventures, I had all of my reviews deleted, to protect myself and my former associates.

Prior to that, one of my longest known clients got busted by his S.O., she went through his computer, private emails, all of his reviews once she found them and came after several known providers with a hateful vengeance.

I had a high profile client who got publicly exposed for his private indiscretions. I paid thousands in legal fees to protect my privacy and, that of my long-term, very dear clients, friends.

This is the similar story of why quality-great providers "do not allow" reviews...we are in this business as a bonus and not a necessity; we no longer need to be dependent on reviews to earn an income-because "this" is not our main source of income?

Here is what I have learned about reviews, new girls need them. Sporadic clients depend on them...and a lot of "one hit wonders", (providers and clients), from BP or other "freeby sites", its a tool to pay to play...

Reviews are used and, abused on any given day, for both the client and the provider?s intention...the system is less than 50% reliable.

Reviews of restaurants, services, vacation spots-I submit them and, depend on them before I spend my hard earned money to even reserve services?

But, when it comes to this arena?it is with a grain of salt and perspective.

We all get hungry with no time and pulled over to the first place we found on Colfax...very sketchy, easy to park-it was OK...but, the food sucked and we don't go back.

When we want to sit down and have a dependable meal-we go for known "reviewed" places. Got what we expected and paid for, were satisfied and will return.

Then there are the places, that don't have to advertise, you won't find reviewed on Yelp or, group-ons takes planning, reservations because its all about their long stellar history, word of mouth amongst a discrete circle, you want to associate is a matter of "quality standards over quantity," your willing to plan ahead, pay what it takes and, enjoy your incredible, relaxing meal...your satisfaction is the driving force of the establishments business.

So when you question the reasoning, legitimacy of the "review system"...first, ask yourself who, what it is your looking for and, use your objectives, knowledge you now have as your compass...

Just like reviews..."DNR" is not what it appears to be.:rolleyes:



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All i can say is if they are UTR they wouldn't advertise on the internet or have a website.


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All i can say is if they are UTR they wouldn't advertise on the internet or have a website.

That is correct. I have two UTR providers. One rarely advertises, the other not at all. Neither has a web site.

My first experience paying for it was with a woman who was totally off any radar at all. She was just enamored with the idea that she was so hot a guy would pay her for it. And she was. Hottest women I've ever had sex with. She didn't even give me a rate, so I gave her $100. lol I had no idea how cheap I was being. After a great afternoon meeting with her she sent me an email asking if I could see her more often. When I said I couldn't afford to, she told me I didn't have to pay.

It was great while it lasted.


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Hey Jae, thank you so much for taking the time to give us such a comprehensive explanation about the topic. It really brought some deep knowledge to our conversation.

Then there are the places, that don't have to advertise, you won't find reviewed on Yelp or, group-ons takes planning, reservations because its all about their long stellar history, word of mouth amongst a discrete circle, you want to associate is a matter of "quality standards over quantity," your willing to plan ahead, pay what it takes and, enjoy your incredible, relaxing meal...your satisfaction is the driving force of the establishments business.

Among the many reasons for choosing not to have reviews I liked this one because, at least in my opinion, is the best one. Many people, like myself, would like hear about that restaurant, find it, plan ahead in anticipation and then keep coming back to it for it's super high quality standards over quantity ;)

Thanks again!


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Hey Jae, thank you so much for taking the time to give us such a comprehensive explanation about the topic. It really brought some deep knowledge to our conversation.


Very informative! Thanks for taking the time.


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I used to think with the little head when viewing providers on the DNR list. After having bad experiences, my philosophy is not to schedule with anyone on the DNR list. I have heard many excuses for not wanting to be reviewed. The bottom line is, DNR = Do Not Schedule.

It used to be difficult to warn others in the hobby when a provider was on the DNR list and provided bad service.


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I resemble that remark.

How some Ladies feel after a new review is posted: :P



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I dont like to be reviewed because its just another piece of evidence that the police can use against a provider. Gives the police ammo to build a case against a provider. A providers reviews can hold up in court..


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OK-I?ll bite and will be extremely honest?

When I got into this biz,I very quickly found out you cannot make any sustainable income without reviews.

By having reviews that substantiated you are a living, breathing provider with a consistent quality of service, it not only brought out the hobbyist?it attracted the discrete, long-term clients to build a business by and a predictable income.

"Do NOT Review," absolutely there is a small percentage of providers who do not allow reviews because they are unpredictable, have an inconsistent quality of service and, figured out this "DNR-Category" is much easier to explain; than to keep back tracking to patch a faulty reputation.

Here is what most ALL providers experience with "reviews"; certain review sites require the reviewer to elaborate-embellish the reporting session, or the review will not be posted. Hence, the review turns out to be an over the top "PSE" reported experience-we never provided (e.g., greek, two girl, BB)...but will be up against, privately disputing for some time.

The retaliatory review. Very common as a provider we declined to service or even deal with some man and as a result he did a disparaging, hurtful review, that we will have to defend forever.

Honestly- "No one can please everyone" and, just read thru the "very good-average" reviews, where someone reported we have stretch marks, bleached hair, a hang nail??? While very critical and maybe unwarranted...that's all it takes for future-potential client to keep looking?

This leads to the unknown issue of some providers who are well known, respected amongst the "hobbyist" community as being regal, governors. But, in reality, behind the scenes they are competitive, vicious and the outright malicious ones we providers fear as loose cannons...and some clients silently regret for ever seeing?

Most providers exchange references, get to know one another on a personal level, some of these same referenced providers will not only do a damaging review against others, they will use every ounce of personal information they learned, hearsay that is back-channeled amongst providers and, it only takes one of those fake reviews for our regulars to question and avoid us; after all most men stereotype that we are just sexual objects, with questionable lives, so that bad "review" must ring truth and, we are avoided, loose income, until we can undo the damage.

That brings up this misconception that providers do this because they are so under achieving, under educated in life? This is all they are or, could be about? When in fact, they are upstanding members of the community, in their children's lives and, in some cases are more educated and accomplished then the clients they serve. They are NOT willing to risk their public, private reputations anymore then their clients who put down hundreds of dollars out...Those are the smartest "foxes" using their assets to outsmart the system that under pays women-who are also "heads of household-family providers".

Life is a spectrum. The median pendulum that swings, is where one finds the most incredible people (clients and providers) who make this what it is intended to be.

But, at the far end of the same spectrum, each participant is brushed by adversity. Good clients have horrible, rip off experiences, but they can do research based on reviews, back channeling, to lessen or eliminate the risk of their personal-private, "hobby".

Providers however, are subject and left to their own devices to weed out it all. References, blacklists are more subjective, then useful to steadfast providers for safety purposes. Some providers give blanket "OK's", simply because they were not arrested or maimed to make their money; but, that same client she "OK'd", the rest of us, wouldn't chance let alone see on the worse/desperate day.

Black lists? There are so many provider whiners; drama queens; the same vindictive providers who out, slander, ruin us and you as clients; all to play out their psycho persona's on both sides of this fence for community attention?

At one time I was one of the highest ranked "Fantastic" reviewed providers. I didn't burn out, hook up with a hobbyist, statistic of a life of desperation & drugs...however because of my other, real, legitimate business ventures, I had all of my reviews deleted, to protect myself and my former associates.

Prior to that, one of my longest known clients got busted by his S.O., she went through his computer, private emails, all of his reviews once she found them and came after several known providers with a hateful vengeance.

I had a high profile client who got publicly exposed for his private indiscretions. I paid thousands in legal fees to protect my privacy and, that of my long-term, very dear clients, friends.

This is the similar story of why quality-great providers "do not allow" reviews...we are in this business as a bonus and not a necessity; we no longer need to be dependent on reviews to earn an income-because "this" is not our main source of income?

Here is what I have learned about reviews, new girls need them. Sporadic clients depend on them...and a lot of "one hit wonders", (providers and clients), from BP or other "freeby sites", its a tool to pay to play...

Reviews are used and, abused on any given day, for both the client and the provider?s intention...the system is less than 50% reliable.

Reviews of restaurants, services, vacation spots-I submit them and, depend on them before I spend my hard earned money to even reserve services?

But, when it comes to this arena?it is with a grain of salt and perspective.

We all get hungry with no time and pulled over to the first place we found on Colfax...very sketchy, easy to park-it was OK...but, the food sucked and we don't go back.

When we want to sit down and have a dependable meal-we go for known "reviewed" places. Got what we expected and paid for, were satisfied and will return.

Then there are the places, that don't have to advertise, you won't find reviewed on Yelp or, group-ons takes planning, reservations because its all about their long stellar history, word of mouth amongst a discrete circle, you want to associate is a matter of "quality standards over quantity," your willing to plan ahead, pay what it takes and, enjoy your incredible, relaxing meal...your satisfaction is the driving force of the establishments business.

So when you question the reasoning, legitimacy of the "review system"...first, ask yourself who, what it is your looking for and, use your objectives, knowledge you now have as your compass...

Just like reviews..."DNR" is not what it appears to be.:rolleyes:


Very well said...... =)


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I used to think with the little head when viewing providers on the DNR list. After having bad experiences, my philosophy is not to schedule with anyone on the DNR list. I have heard many excuses for not wanting to be reviewed. The bottom line is, DNR = Do Not Schedule.

It used to be difficult to warn others in the hobby when a provider was on the DNR list and provided bad service.

I have had a very different experience. Three of the best providers I have visited are on the DNR list (the list monitored by TOB.)

I think the only consistent part of this activity is that Your Mileage May Vary.


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dont need them. dont want them. sustaining just fine.


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I know two who don't want reviews because they want to fly UTR. One has a website both only advertise in one place. max-reviews.jpg


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I used to avoid anyone that was on the DNR list, and avoided all providers that didn't have stellar reviews, which has worked well for me. However, I recently became intrigued with a particular provider who insists on no reviews, but who posts very hot postings on EB. It took a little more homework, but I was able to check out her bona fides, and I have to tell you, I am really glad that I did! She is now my definite ATF.

Some ladies don't want reviews because they are so good that their stable of regulars keeps them plenty busy, I guess.


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