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411 Marissa

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Hello all. Please don't be too cruel, I am not very good at this. Anyway, I have seen this set of pictures a few times and honestly I am very picky. I can pick up normal women, but not bombshells, so that is why I hobby. I am into Latinas and Asians, the more exotic looking the better. I searched the photos on tineye and got nary a hit. Searched the number and she definitely advertises in different places, but her ad says she is visiting. I realize there is almost no chance the pictures are of her, but I am wondering if any one has seen her and if they pictures are close or representative of her or wildly different. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.


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Those are fake pics. She is actually AA. I asked her repeatedly if she was the one in the pic or at least close to the one in the pic. She assured me she was. I told her I would leave if she wasn't the one in the pic or close to the one in the pic. Well, when I got to the incall, it wasn't her so I politely left. She wasn't bad but I was in the mood for a hot Latina.


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Try google image search. Looks to me the photos may be of Ruby Sayed.

Set up a meeting. Be prepared to leave if its not someone as hot as you think.


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Try google image search. Looks to me the photos may be of Ruby Sayed.

Set up a meeting. Be prepared to leave if its not someone as hot as you think.

This is correct and Ruby Sayed is not Latina she is Afghani.


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Multiple names, many phones, stolen pics. Good grief .... run!!

Instead of going to see her and hoping all turns out well (extremely unlikely) - from EB today fitting your criteria why not:



And there are many more. Point is if you do a little looking (this took about five minutes, tops) there are many proven options that meet one of your catagories without resorting to the photo stealing, multple name using traveling pimp shows like you threw out. Good luck and have fun.


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Ruby Sayed is her name you say? Hm time to look her up for research purposes...


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To Leonidas, I am sorry she wasn't close to the hotness level. You said not bad, but I am guessing that means not hot enough to make you want to stay either.

To those of you who identified her as Ruby Sayed, I appreciate it, can't believe I didn't know who she was, WOW! Would not have guessed Afghani but like I said I am into exotic look and she sure has it.

To gr8owl I appreciate the suggestions and trust me, I look and look and dig and dig looking for what I want. Like I said in the first post, I am very picky. I can get decent women with good bodies on my own. What I hobby for is bombshells that are way out of my league. I should have included that tanned or darker skin is also a huge turn on for me. While the Asian gal you linked to has potential, she isn't quite what I want but I will look into her more. The other two to me are not much above average in looks or figure, but again, it's all personal preference.

In the end, if I am going to give away my hard earned cash for a single hour of time, I want what I fantasize about, and am willing to wait to get it. I know it can happen as a friend of mine who used to hobby found some amazing gals before when I was too broke to partake.


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....... I am very picky. ........ What I hobby for is bombshells that are way out of my league. ......... it's all personal preference.

..... I want what I fantasize about, .

Understood. I was just trying to say looking on BP for a stunning model is a bit like looking for a unicorn and suggesting you don't miss a herd of fabulous mares on the way. :D Good luck in your quest. I have reached the point where I prefer a stunning personality - "hobby" or real life - and I am just fine if it is attached to average looks. Anything more is gravy.


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Understood. I was just trying to say looking on BP for a stunning model is a bit like looking for a unicorn and suggesting you don't miss a herd of fabulous mares on the way. :D Good luck in your quest. I have reached the point where I prefer a stunning personality - "hobby" or real life - and I am just fine if it is attached to average looks. Anything more is gravy.

^ This. Every part of it.

Also, unless you want to experience a long string of facepalm-inducing failures, plan on paying big money for those "bombshells." Plenty of those girls are in the $700 / hr range (some quite a bit more). I am not saying there is a 100% correlation (between price and SI-cover-model looks), but you are very likely to be disappointed if your standards are that high but your wallet isn't ready as well. Especially if you want a cover model who is not also 3Gs (which I assume you do).


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Thanks for saving me some time! Was checking that out too! Layla Love uses fake pics too, so beware


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