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20 signs you might be a sex addict.

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20 signs you might be a sex addict

Even before David Duchovny played a sex addict in his hit show Californication (and then became one in real life), we've been bombarded by cheating celebs swearing they're only cheating because they're addicted to sex. Tiger Woods is only the half of it.

Experts are on the fence about whether sex addiction is a real condition - but most agree that it is an actual, if not a diagnosable, disorder (though it's not listed in the bible of psychology, the DSM-IV).

More from The Stir: Mom Accused of Selling Her 6-Year-Old for Sex Has Worse Problems Than Drug Addiction

So what are some of the symptoms? Are you a sex addict? Is your partner a sex addict? Read on to learn more about the signs of a true sex addiction


1) Compulsively cheating on a partner or spouse.

2) Engaging in multiple extramarital affairs that have almost nothing to do with intimacy.

3) Masturbating excessively and/or obsessively.

4) Getting involved in unsafe sexual encounters despite knowing they're risky.

5) Compulsively engaging in phone sex.

6) Making a habit of having anonymous sexual partners.

7) Turning to prostitution -- either soliciting sex from prostitutes or becoming a prostitute or escort.

8) Engaging in sexual behaviors that interfere with other obligations like work, family life, and school.

9) Trolling classified ads online or in print for sex partners.

10) Getting irritable, anxious, or angry without frequent sex.

11) Spending an inordinate amount of time planning (often deviant) sex fantasies.

12) Feeling a great deal of guilt and remorse after engaging in sexual behaviors.

13) Frequently arguing with family and loved ones about the hypersexual behavior.

14) Engaging in unhealthy or compulsive sexual behavior despite knowing the risks of physical harm to self or others involved.

15) Repeatedly trying to curb the sexual fantasies, urges, and behaviors without being able to.

16) Habitually having one-night stands.

17) Knowingly compromising personal relationships (including marriages) in order to fulfill sexual fantasies and urges.

18) Performing sex acts that tend to be precipitated by a depressed mood.

19) Engaging in exhibitionism (a desire to expose parts of the body), in public.

20) Getting pleasure out of voyeurism and frequently engaging in it.

If you recognize a good number of these traits in yourself or your partner, seek out a therapist in order to get some help. Sexual addiction can be treated.

i have often wondered hmmm 14 out of 20 for me :confused: thoughts discuss


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I disagree with number 7, I turned to prostitution and or escort for money, not sex.

Number 4 considering the nature of the business it all unsafe.

Do I need help let my ask my therapist and my bank account .



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I've tried to analyze this before, I'm confident that I have an addiction....but for me, it's not necessarily of the sexual nature.

Would it make sense if I said that I believe some of us are addicted to hobbying and not addicted to sex? Sure, sex is nice (of course) but isn't there way more to it than that?

For me, it's the Cloak & Dagger of it all, the mystery, meeting new people, getting away with it, the feeling of your first date and your first time (ok...2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. :)), the butterflies you feel, your first kiss, getting to know someone.... OMG I could go on & on & on. Experiencing all that magic, at the touch of a phone dial (and the touch of your wallet). I have no idea who wouldn't get addicted to this biz.

For these reasons, I hobby as much as possible, (at least without raising a red flag). I actually have great sex at home, so I certainly don't see this as a way to feed a "sexual addiction" .....but maybe it's an addiction to fun? The same reason people love to drink, smoke, race, jump out of airplanes, etc. I suppose I can say that "Love Is My Drug"?? :D

Things that make you go hmmmmm?????


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We have the unique capacity to turn virtually everything into a problem. If whatever you're doing distresses yourself or harms another, consider doing something else. If you're at all confused about how to cease doing something and start doing something else, the yellow pages, libraries, tv and internet are chock full of folks falling all over themselves to help out. If none of those work, I'm told that jails, institutions or death are the default options.:o


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...and of course you MUST add number 21 :Reading, joining and enjoying TOB.


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Eh, I just equate it all to "being human" and the only difference to me is the ones who do and the ones who do not do certain things. The ones who do not do (to me) have the same exact urges but they just do not act on those urges. The reason they do not act on those urges can be due to their socialization, fear, or they just do not have the same opportunity to be able to act on those urges that others do, which can be due to looks, money, etc. There are a multitude of other factors that can be involved as well. Those things listed in the post though do not sound to me like someone has to be defined as a "sex addict", rather, they are just being human, and if it is causing problems in someones life..............then get better at the game, or get better towards finding a balance that can maintain everything. Just my take.


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Those things listed in the post though do not sound to me like someone has to be defined as a "sex addict", rather, they are just being human, and if it is causing problems in someones life..............then get better at the game, or get better towards finding a balance that can maintain everything. Just my take.



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#7 applies to everyone on this board. :rolleyes:

According to Robert Palmer, the author missed some symptoms:

21) Your lights are on, but you're not home

22) Your mind is not your own

23) Your heart sweats, your body shakes

24) Another kiss is what it takes

25) You can't sleep, you can't eat

There's no doubt, you're in deep

26) Your throat is tight, you can't breathe

24 again) Another kiss is all you need



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#7 applies to everyone on this board. :rolleyes:

According to Robert Palmer, the author missed some symptoms:

21) Your lights are on, but you're not home

22) Your mind is not your own

23) Your heart sweats, your body shakes

24) Another kiss is what it takes

25) You can't sleep, you can't eat

There's no doubt, you're in deep

26) Your throat is tight, you can't breathe

24 again) Another kiss is all you need



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I plead guilty to numbers 2, 7, and 9. Maybe 8, too. Good to know I have an addiction. Silly me, I just thought I liked to fuck. :D


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