Rachel Of Denver

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About Rachel Of Denver

  • Rank
    Putting things together
  • Birthday 07/20/1990

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  • Biography
    Im 24, denver native, spunky and flirty!
  • Location
    University Area!
  • Interests
    Roller derby, horses, hiking and i love my dog!
  • Occupation
    Student/Marketing Major

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  1. Mon Chalet?

    Im not sure what you mean with a disturbance in the force? One of the beautiful things in life is that we're all entitled to our own options and as adults we can agree to disagree. There are many different accounts of the place and i simply gave you mine. anyways, good luck - have fun and happy hobbying! Cheers! Rachel
  2. Mon Chalet?

    I would NOT be interested in going in with an ultra violet light lol
  3. Mon Chalet?

    hello! so.. I have been to mon chalet a couple different times and quite honestly, both times where pretty similar. I was never really impressed, i went with friends both times (from the hobby, but not clients) and probably won't be back. It felt super scummy and kind of gross both times... no matter what time of day or day of the week (weekend vs. weekday) it was just all in all, gross. the pool and hot tubs are full of much older men(and i usually love older men), many of which asked multiple times if they could grab or touch me or would just do so without an okay or where straight up staring in my groups general direction while... touching themselves.. and made me feel uncomfortable and in turn i would leave the area.. the rooms are all super run down with the same beds, chairs and furnishings etc that have been there for probably 20+ years (no exaggeration, at all!) While staying, i was able to make friends with the woman at the front desk and she actually let me tour most of the rooms, they're all super old and very worn out (aka, the towels are sand paper and the pillows are paper thin, along with the comforters that could probably stand up on their own). ALSO - you walk in and get the feeling that nothing has been properly cleaned, and in a place like this.. that seems rather important :/ I honestly love what the place (claims to) offer and totally would be thrilled if the place got a re-vamping.. and i don't really have an interest in visiting again until it does.. for the prices that they charge (more so on the weekends/holidays) ... i hope this helps and if you have any more questions, feel free to pm me. I honestly really do wish it was more fun
  4. Kind of a confusing encounter

    although ive never done this to a client, there are many reasons of which could be the case... but it personally sounds like she came up with an excuse in a more polite way to cancel the appointment. Perhaps something changed and she no longer felt safe or comfortable accommodating you... although who knows.. she could have been actually sick and reposted her ad simply to book clients in the future when she was feeling better. all in all, theres plenty of fish in the sea! better luck next time!
  5. western slope grrr...

    i took one trip to grand junction a few years back and honestly won't again, for many reasons. Im sorry that its so rough up there - but it comes down to demographic and supply and demand.
  6. Speaking of Golf, Do any of the ladies play?

    I love golf! I spent a couple hours out at top golf last week after finals, hitting some balls and blowing off some steam with a bucket of beers!
  7. P411 offerings vs all others?

    I hate to say it, the best way to get in with a lady in a short amount of time is to have already seen them. Personally when I know a client, It won't matter if my incall is exactly perfect or if I'm in street clothes! its actually more fun on short notice because its more of a nooner than a set appointment, but after all - we all have our own preferences!
  8. Caught Self-Reviewing

    When I first started in the beginning, I actually posted on an ad on bp 'in search for another provider to team up with', met with a few ladies for coffee and from there was able to meet up with a woman who is no longer around and she actually thought me the ropes around 5 years agp. We shared a couple incalls and I met a few of her clients and found out that reviews really are a catch 22, you need reviews to get clients and clients to get reviews, id recommend offering a review special and once you have a couple, pull it. I personally dislike reviews because every experience is different on SO many levels (not to mention, once something is on the internet, its there forever..) and, Although they do offer a good idea of what the person is like - the best way is to just bite the bullet (if you know she's real of course) and just make an appointment, in the whole game of life - I've wasted a couple hundred bucks and a lot more of my time doing less fun things guaranteed! JUST DO IT!
  9. Reference requests?

    all the time, better yet... by clients that i haven't seen in a VERY long time.. yet have given them multiple references.. I'm over it. One of those women should be able to update your reference for you... just because you where okay 3 years ago, doesn't mean that I still am expected to think you're okay and want to give you 11 references. I don't have time to see clients, let alone do your screening for you.. please, everyone.. screen up to your standards for yourself! just because someone else says that the person is okay, doesn't mean he is!
  10. is Doomsday coming?

    Colorado has had so many highs and lows and has hosted so many wonderful ladies and gents.. has anyone else noticed a complete change in the hobby community?.. I'm starting to fell nostalgic and miss the good ole days!
  11. DFK and ATF's

    I think the real key to this is hygiene, if you have a gross scruffy beard, haven't brushed your teeth, or have smoked a pack a day and smell like an ash tray...I'm not going to even think about DFK. Plus, you have to remember that every woman is different, just like every man... sometimes it just really click and i really enjoy DFK... but some, not so much. and don't get me started on BAD kissers, lol!
  12. Another sting up north

    Hmmm.. fort collins has always been fun to work in although I haven't been in quite awhile, and I've met nothing but amazing people. as with every other time, do your homework and you'll USUALLY have no issue. screen screen screen and with everything in life, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Think with the large head and not the small one. Backpage is all but rendered useless now, so stick to well known girls with good reputations and you'll be fine, and for lords sake.. STAY OFF MULBERRY happy hobbying!
  13. Don't lie about your age!

    I've always said the same thing about women who lie about age or appearance, there is a clientele out there for every size, shape and age. it makes all of the good, honest women look bad.
  14. Mazie Scott

    Mazie is still around, [Snip}
  15. Ladies and NOT giving references. I have a Rant!

    I ALWAYS supply a reference on the gentlemen's behalf if he's asks me to. I have my reference policy this way for many reasons - Im assured its the same person in question, that I am allowed to share his information, and that he is a current/past client in good standing that I can say I have seen and would see again. References are something that are hard to get last minute, I personally have a real life, job and am in school full-time, With this now being a part time gig for me, my work phone isn't always on me or even on. Im sure some of the other girls are the same way.