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About AnthointheAM

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    Active Participant
  • Birthday 04/04/1971

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    Denver, CO

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  1. Positions

    Kind of, like she is the drone coming in for a landing
  2. Positions

    Always wanted to try Amazon...
  3. Being New Sucks

    And just realize that you will miss some of the ones you do swing at. When you hit, make it count and enjoy! When you miss, swing again! Swing...😂😁😉
  4. Being New Sucks

    Plot, you've been a member over a year. Don't overthink it! Rather than stew over this one, jump back in and make a different YL the first. Get back on that horse and don't sweat a little bump in the road!
  5. Best advice I have read in a looooong time! Easy Peasy
  6. Is this even possible!!?

    Maybe you are searching for something and an encounter triggered it subconsciously? I think we all go through phases and that's okay.
  7. Bar flirt game

    Good one, laughed so hard I think I peed a little! 🤣
  8. The olympics...TOB style

    The Captain Obvious contribution: Broad Jump. 😁
  9. Do you think?

    Right now, available now ads on P411: All of CO- 14 Las Vegas- 15 Dallas/Ft. Worth- 32
  10. New Guy Here - encourage me, PLEASE!

    Dude, don't try getting all logical around here. Scares the shit out of some folks, lol!
  11. omg ^This +1,000! It could mean an hour difference in driving so it would be nice to have a clue rather than waste time for everyone. I have to be really intrigued to even bother asking. If others are the same, it could be costing you business!
  12. I like getting my ass licked

    How inefficient, but at least say "Hi, my name is Chewy" and then ask for someone to lick your bunghole. I mean that's classy, right?
  13. Deciding to walk.

    So you negative repped my follow up question and clip which were spot on, IMO. I guess I also should have said IMO for the last post, but I thought it was implied that all our posts are our opinion. You can call bullshit, but that's your opinion which is fine. Mine is shaped by my perspesctive which is shaped by my experiences and so is yours (which I acknowledge is far more extensive). Many of the horror stories in this thread start with "I was on BP and..." but some say TOB and P411 too. So others drink from different pools which carry different risks. So be it. For me, IMO, if I agreed to meet with someone and just walked for a reason other than her being a TOTALLY different person (like I would know this in 5 seconds) or her trying to rip me off, then I would feel like a total d-bag. There, fully qualified opinion. Just for fun let's say we have to send pics in order to see a YL. How many of us would't stand taller, suck in the gut, chub up the little man, maybe pick an angle that looks like we have more hair/less grey, etc. (Except @2Big who is an absolute freakin' Adonis)? So, IMO, a 5 second rule is for dropping food on the floor, not judging someone. Seems shallow to me, IMO. And you could miss out on the time of your life, still have fun, but I doubt you will have a terrible time. And then you choose to repeat or not based on what you learn. IMO
  14. Deciding to walk.

    TOTALLY different or advertised to better than reality?
  15. Too many ?'s....

    ^This + 1,000. Anything else is unnecessary, end of story.