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Hoping everyone here has a very nice and well deserved weekend. Me for one feels like I went through the wringer a couple of times. Hectic week for sure.

Wishing everyone here love, a good life and respect in all you do, everything you are or hope to be!

Blessings to all of you and your family's. I appreciate all of you very much. Even the couple people here I tend to argue with from time to time. HAHA, you know who you are!

In any rate, relax, chill, reenergize and get better from the taxing week you just put up with!

Have a great one everybody!


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Great post Sparky!

Here’s hoping everybody has a fantastic weekend.


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Thank you, Sparkey!  You as well!


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Wow, December already?  Last I remember, it was August.  Hope the best for everyone for the coming week and holidays.


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Monday tomorrow! Sorry! Hit the snooze button a few times!


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On 12/2/2023 at 8:55 PM, BuddhistPunk said:

Wow, December already?  Last I remember, it was August.  Hope the best for everyone for the coming week and holidays.

It all goes by so fast, doesn't it? Soon it will be 2024!


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Just now, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

Christmas this month wayyyy toooo fast! 

I'm happy to report, I'm almost prepared this year. ALMOST! That is...


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Just now, sparkey600 said:

I'm happy to report, I'm almost prepared this year. ALMOST! That is...

I have had to buy a new wardrobe for myself this year! I will give my kids money they rather have money. My mother likes to have a Whole Foods gift card so that’s easy enough for me to get! 😘😘


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1 minute ago, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

I have had to buy a new wardrobe for myself this year! I will give my kids money they rather have money. My mother likes to have a Whole Foods gift card so that’s easy enough for me to get! 😘😘

I tend to take the cowards way out. Wifey gets a nice present as she deserves for putting up with me and my attitude (saint material here for all of you that know me) Kids and grand kiddos.......Cash is king! I know that! HAHAHA


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4 minutes ago, sparkey600 said:

I tend to take the cowards way out. Wifey gets a nice present as she deserves for putting up with me and my attitude (saint material here for all of you that know me) Kids and grand kiddos.......Cash is king! I know that! HAHAH!!

Edited by Kali Sensual Reiki

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You sound just like me @sparkey600!!! Keep it easy for sure! ❤️ something special for your wife is a must! 😍😍


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is there some hold up on the heat? i ordered heat around the first of the month. still has not been delivered :(


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2 hours ago, Western ~P said:

is there some hold up on the heat? i ordered heat around the first of the month. still has not been delivered :(

I second that! 


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