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About BuddhistPunk

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  1. Want a better retirement?

    That's a bit flawed. I doubt you're taking into account regulations that weaken unions. I'm sure the numbers would be higher if starting a union was easier. This is coming from someone that isn't super pro-union and understands it could kill some industries. Unions have their place and you failing to recognize that leads me to belive you've never worked for a really horrible corporation.
  2. OH YEAH!

    Wow, December already? Last I remember, it was August. Hope the best for everyone for the coming week and holidays.
  3. Want a better retirement?

    Can't say industry in public. Lets say that last time we voted to strike, congress forced us back to work. New leadership can't help, as the company has deep pockets and regulation to protect them. One union is multi trade. Any time the company breaks the agreement, the union simply tells us to put in a claim. We might get paid for it sometime in the next year or so. You would be surprised. We are often asked to do things that risk our lives unnecessarily, as well as communities we work in.
  4. I just got started as well. What has been working is to post a little bit, join conversations. Look at providers that post here to get a feel for how they are. Look at reviews and see if providers are newbie friendly. In my case, providing my screen name helped with the verification process. If you're not comfortable providing info to a certain provider find one you don't mind. Just like any hobby, you need to a bit of research at first, though you have to continue that for any new provider you see.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving

    I grabbed a quick bite between getting home from work and getting ready to work again.
  6. This One Is Going To Sting

    I believe that if you can't find much info from a provider, that maybe skip that one. You have pretty straight forward info, but there are some that don't. I know my time is valuable, like anyone else's. If I have to waste my time and a providers time figuring out simple stuff, I might be better off finding a provider with info. I personally am not keen on just a number to text and ask a lot of questions.
  7. Want a better retirement?

    Depends on the industry. Our union does very little. Every contract they give more and more away. Our union leaders believe in meeting with company reps and talk about how they can work together, while the national guys spend time negotiating until they come to an agreement years after the contract ends. The last time, the union was telling us to vote for the agreement instead of striking. Even when the member voted to strike, the union did what they could to avoid it. No wonder members left to a union that doesn't hold a contract with the employer. Would be a better deal if there wasn't so much government regulation that makes the union practically useless.
  8. It is SILLY how stuck-up cheap hotels are!

    I often stay at a shitty hotel for work. Enough that I get to the the housekeepers. They have some crazy stuff going on. Homeless man living in the supply closet, ID theft/meth dealing based in a room, weekly trashed rooms, numerous poorly trained pets and the occasional smoker in a room. All that was from the last 6 months. It's a little higher scale than the places off Quebec, but not by much. I think people staying in more expensive hotels probably aren't as prone (for whatever reason) to ruining a room. The meth ring room is still closed due to decontamination and police reasons.

    It's been a few years and haven't seen her in the area. Can't go into too many details about almost killing that guy. Almost hit him with a vehicle at work. He decided last second suicide wasn't the way to go. It's not uncommon we are used as a means of suicide.
  10. What? Hmm??

    Thanks for the info. I guess the references are what gets me hung up. Not sure if p411 is still the best route or not. Though I don't mind giving info for a screening after I've done my research.
  11. What? Hmm??

    I wish there was. I still haven't taken the first step yet. It can be intimidating. I believe a lot of newer folks might not understand much about providers. Logically they have the same commitments as anyone. Maybe not doing an introduction is simply thinking they are respecting time and getting straight to the point, or don't think the providers wants those details. Short notice is just an asshole that doesn't respect someone's time (doesn't apply to an already established relationship where that is agreed upon). I know from my view, there is a lot to take in and the nature of it doesn't make it easy to get good answers. I know I am concerned with my safety, not offending a provider as well as not wasting their time. I read the whole ad or website if avail, but there are some that don't give too much info.

    It's always good to hear about a good and honest interaction with homeless people. I've not had many. When I was living in my car, others are more guarded because they see you can potentially try and take what they have. Did make friends with an older lady that kinda looked out for me. One day her and her car were just gone. Lately my interactions with homeless are much less pleasant, I almost accidentally killed one today. So it's good to hear stories of the positive.