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Rip j.r.

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saw Larry Hagman passed away.

as an impressionable young man, i dreamed of being astronaut maj. nelson with a cut little genie tucked away in my coco beach bungalo

then as an adult, i envied the whole j.r. ewing bravado

makes a feller feel another notch in the old .44


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He was such a handsome man, and a great talent, definitely RIP.:(


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Never realized J.R. and the Major was the same person til recently. Loved both shows as a kid.


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now j.r. was a guy who would have fit right in here at the t.o.b. bunkhouse


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Linda Gray, who plays Sue Ellen Ewing on Dallas, called Larry Hagman her "best friend for 35 years" and was at his bedside when he died, her agent told the BBC. In a statement, she said: "He was the Pied Piper of life and brought joy to everyone he knew. He was creative, generous, funny, loving and talented and I will miss him enormously. He was an original and lived life to the full." The Guardian


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Linda Gray, who plays Sue Ellen Ewing on Dallas, called Larry Hagman her "best friend for 35 years" and was at his bedside when he died, her agent told the BBC. In a statement, she said: "He was the Pied Piper of life and brought joy to everyone he knew. He was creative, generous, funny, loving and talented and I will miss him enormously. He was an original and lived life to the full." The Guardian

see, now i know he would have been a good addition


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now j.r. was a guy who would have fit right in here at the t.o.b. bunkhouse

Actually,part of my pen name was inspired by Larry Hagman's performance on "Dallas."

Have any of you watched the brand new continuation of "Dallas ' on TNT (cable ) ?? Last year was the first season of fresh episodes and they were all very good. Heard Hagman had completed half of the next season before he passed away. Those episodes start airing in January.

Larry Hagman was very good in both " I Dream of Jeannie" and "Dallas," but how many of you recall his cameo giving "Miss Techmacher " (Valerie Perrine" a chest massage in the movie "Superman " ??


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Looking back on I Dream of Genie, we can ponder why the Larry Hagman character didn't make certain requests of Genie. She would dutifully respond with "yes, master," for presumably anything he asked. Oh, the possibilities.


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note to self: next session, ask for the 'astraunaut and harem girl' fantasy


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He'll always be Major Nelson. I watched "Jeannie" avidly as a child. Hagman in real life was a real "Space Cowboy" which added a very interesting dimension to the actor.

Rest in peace, sir, and thanks for the memories. BTW, he published a cute bio, "Hello, Darlin'", some years ago. Worth a read.


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