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Everything posted by fishndude57

  1. it. Thanks.
  2. Ok I gotta go ignorant on this one. Sorry...BL? I know what bs is. Again sorry.
  3. 'Murica! Yeah!

    LOL I'm gonna love following this one.
  4. An Inside Look Into One Provider's Screening

    Really don't see any haters myself cept for the token troll comment. Good thread. I actually follow it for a change. Good topic, good drama, excellent humor. Better than Twitter.
  5. AAMPs in Colorado Springs?

    If he'd a put an R instead of an M in there, maybe his response might a been a little better.
  6. when entering..

    On in calls, whatever she wants. I actually post a profile on P411 and here, and a lot of times I notice they re-read it before I take off and accommodate me when I arrive. They also comment on my profile, I appreciate that. When I host, as no one seems to care about who I am around here, I prefer they be discrete. I've almost been here a year now and still no one has asked my name. Soon as they do, I'm outta here. I don't hang around the pool for that reason.
  7. when entering..

    I don't do in calls at all except private up scales. I dread that the day fishnets show up here. LOL
  8. Fantasy -- One Week Getaway

    It'd have to someplace I could be kept busy or like Happymon stated I'd drive her crazy. Alaska would probably do it. A couple of revisits to Europe like Spain and Italy would do it. Plenty to experience in either of those places like that. I had the opportunity to take someone down to South Padre Island in early May, I get 2 weeks a year free on the beach down there, he'll even I get bored after 3 days so I figured nope just another way to screw up a relationship. Costa Rica would be my ultimate destination, I've heard it's really nice there too. Done the Hawaii thing, while yes it's truly paradise, I thought kinda overrated, course then again it was long ago and I was with the ex lol.
  9. I'm curious as to what the normal ways to meet women are? Give me your top 5. Only 5 I can think of. 1. Work 2. Match making through family friends. 3. Bars..Really? 4. Wedding receptions. 5. Internet dating...see #3.
  10. Looking for two ladies company any suggestions?

    If and when you ever get there, don't as they say #1 be a douche. Ok to be selective. Don't negotiate period. Up to you, threesome's are a blast. Get some experience 1st so ya don't mess it up.
  11. Other, I'm with Melissa and Jez on this one. Love to kiss, but prefer genuine people far more.
  12. Are the weekends more fun?

    I'm single. Weekends are for football, NASCAR, poker, gambling, drinkin, BBQ's with the boys. Leaves no time for Hobbies other than those hobbies. Weekdays are for golf, fishing, hunting and Hobbies.
  13. Some of you gents get them. I find I'm in need of one. Anybody you suggest. You can PM me please. Thanks in advance.
  14. Your Appearance Speaks Volumes

    Ditto. Only button ups. Sum britches aren't cheap anymore. No problem with quality.
  15. Anyone tried it?

    TMI Melissa...LOL.
  16. Best Cougar Providers?

    Agrees, Ana you just plain a babe.
  17. …I think about this from time to time, not that it really concerns me as I’ve been single for a long time now (No Commitments at All), and I have no intention of changing that. I fell out of companionship, but I guess never really outta love with my ex-wife in 2001 after 13 years together. We divorced by decree in January of 2005. We’ve stayed in touch through the years, she had some health issues, “Fuck You Cancer!” that actually made our friendship stronger. I found myself supporting her emotionally and financially, I don’t care, I only care she be happy and a Cancer Survivor! Is that Traditional? Yup… …I hadn’t seen a naked women from 2004 until 2010. I like porn, but really don’t watch it much. Never strip clubs. I had an ex-girlfriend that at time I had known for 28 years. In 2007 she asked if I could help find her work, so I had her come in and clean my crib every 2 weeks with a nice hefty Christmas bonus each year. In ‘10, she now being 45, I met her when she was 17 and I was 24, yes I was a bad man. I came home one day and she was still there, I usually split when my Domestic Engineers are cleaning my crib. I thought odd, came in and she, still just being totally a babe at 45, came down the stairs in the sexiest maid’s uni from Victoria’s I’ve ever seen. An experience most men never get. We hanky panky’d for a month or so, then I found my maid was no longer cleaning anything but my pipes, actually it started getting serious so I abruptly cut it off, I’m good at that when feeling threatened. I’d given her, her own bank account and debit card. Cancelled it after she swept the account. Haven’t seen or talked to her since. Is that Traditional? Yup… …In January of this year I tried eHarmony to see if that might be a way to meet women. I’m no longer a bar hopper, haven’t been for years upon years. While it was a failed experiment and I’ll never try internet dating again, it was an experience. I’ve never yet experienced “Bait and Switch” in the Hobbies Environment, but man did I on eHarmony. I met one lady for lunch, and she turned out to be Aint Bea from the Andy Griffith Show. I’m a gentleman so we still had a good time. With the advent of internet dating, is that Traditional? Yup… …I found myself again not seeing a naked lady from April of 2010 until August 15, 2015, when I finally cracked my way into the Hobbies. Maybe not the sharpest pencil in the box, I am a hard worker so I find I can enjoy these moments in my life. Back when I was young I was a silver tongued little bastard, so meeting women wasn’t always tough, keeping them was. So many pretty ladies here, so many wonderful personalities, most genuine, some rehearsed, that’s ok works for me that way too. I’ve shed a tear sharing our personal lives with a lady, I’ve gone into sessions not even knowing what my donation is supposed to be as we talked for 4-1/2 hours, yeah we boogied once, but had to order in lunch as we weren’t done learning about each other. I’ve been fortunate to break bread on occasion with ladies after sessions. Interesting conversation and companionship. I have a luncheon planned with a lady I have yet to meet. I go fishing with ladies, and instead of sexts, they send me pics of their fish. I believe it’s called camaraderie. I’ve learned that one should give camaraderie as well as receive. I’m fortunate I’ve met so many fascinating people and some fascinating stories and discussions. Sounds normal to me, relating to ladies and developing some friendships, some deeper than others. So is this Traditional? Yup… …Sorry so long-winded, but I think I answered my own question, maybe I can still have Traditional Relationships, as I choose to define them. I seem to be incapable of true romance, and the drama involved with it, but I’ll take my sense of Traditional Relationships and new friends and friendships over that no Problem. Again only This Man’s Perspective… …My normal close: “That’s My Story and I’m Stickin to It”, and What I believe in: “PEACE!” Thanks for listening.
  18. Asian Massage

    Fuckin Cavs...oooopppsss wrong forum.
  19. Bye Adelina..

    Absolutely, a true FBSM if there is one. Saw her many times. Nicest Dork I've ever met. Was wonderin, but not he 1st time she's fallin off the radar. Very very nice lady, and caring individual.
  20. LOL...thanks Jez, you just made my day, and trust me I needed an LOL. Good info G on fat content of a nasty fish. Me I'm eatin catfish tonight!
  21. No reviews a deal breaker?

    When I 1st started this journey, I thought reviews were important. It was my way of screening someone I'd like to see. I still like to know what I'm getting into, but am more comfortable relying on age group, Ads, Websites, Blogs, Social Media. My fav of all time had no reviews when I 1st met her. No not a deal breaker.
  22. Looking for P411 help

    Not to mention you were grouchy and lookin to get the edge off this morning
  23. Some advice for newbies?

    Jeeez...finish filling out your profile. That has been such an ice breaker for me, here and on P411. I love to read, met a nice gal up from Dallas, we spent 20 minutes just on reading. I don't care for smokers, gals disclose they smoke but not during sessions. It at least sets a common ground, and they might even know what you might expect. My $.02.
  24. Some days are better then others. Some days I guess just plain stink. OUCH! That's all I got.
  25. Offshore Online Pharmacy Review - Cialis

    Anti-aging agents...New teeth, hurts like hell but at least they fallin out no mo.