Violet Lovely

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About Violet Lovely

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  1. TOB ads

    Sometimes, I'll send the provider a nice little PM complementing her photos or her ad.
  2. There will be no more donations

    I haven't had a moment to catch up and reply to everyone but I want this to be said: I am not saying that this guy actually drugged me. I just have my own opinions on that but I have no proof and I can't say it's a fact. What is a fact though is he like triple fold stiffed me: he didn't give me a donation and probably never planned to and he got me so inebriated that I couldn't see any more clients. Another fact is he's been known to pressure girls into drinking more than they'd like to.
  3. There will be no more donations

    Thank you, Lightning, that means a lot to me. I'm about to officially black list him, yes.
  4. There will be no more donations

    A lot of us ladies are sharing his info amongst each other and more ladies are messaging us after this thread came out to get his info.
  5. There will be no more donations

    Thank you, Megan. I would love to see you tear him to shreds!!
  6. There will be no more donations

    I am too. I'm very thankful for our community. I'm thankful I wasn't violently raped or anything, because I know that shit happens to so many people. But if you're willing to even drug someone, what aren't you capable of doing??
  7. There will be no more donations

    Not to brag, but I've put away a lot of alcohol in my time. More than the bottle we split yesterday. I actually remember a tiny detail: I was starting to get really fucked up and asked him if he was okay to drive home. And he was, he was totally fine! The last thing I remember was telling my next date that I would meet him downstairs. The next thing I remember is waking up at 11:30 that night.
  8. There will be no more donations

    I thank all you for your support!! Anyone who wants this man's info to protect yourself, don't hesitate to pm me!
  9. It must be me

    From a provider's perspective: the majority of us are hardly ever available at the last minute. You chose to drive up there for what sounds like no reason. I would have at least explored the town a little if I were you. Its unreasonable to think that it "just you" when you try to get a last minute rendezvous with only 4 ladies.
  10. Are you ticklish??

    It's all fun and games until someone farts.
  11. Newbie

    Yes, guys really do that. Those who are comfortable with doing that, of course. I never pressure anyone about it, we just wish each other a good day. I am one of those who requires such an invasive screening from those who don't have references. It is the only way I feel safe.
  12. Newbie

    Megan is on point here. I would be mortified if I caused any of my beloved clients to get caught. Lafrate, from a one-year-seasoned, kinda-newbie-provider's perspective: A newbie is someone who doesn't have references. It especially bothers me when the guy says "oh I don't remember her name even." That is just so disrespectful to the entire hobby IMO, I don't even want to be around someone like that. So, don't be that guy. And nobody let Average1's handle fool you, he is an angel sent from heaven.
  13. Infatuation…

    Well, you f***ing did. And I hope more women see how you've put our your true colors out here after being here for just 3 days. Gooooood f***ing luck! I mean that insincerely, don't bother responding. Heed or don't: sit back and STFU and learn before getting back to the keyboard.
  14. A little Thorbjorn on Thursday anyone

    I am now listening to "I Used to Love You" and I am seriously loving this! He does have a unique voice! Very full of shape. And ahh, I love the blues guitar
  15. A little Thorbjorn on Thursday anyone

    Never heard of 'em but I dig it.