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Emmaline or Isabelle

5 posts in this topic

Recently came across these two on twitter:




emmaline (now goes by Emm) 



I did find reviews for Isabelle on TER:

However I do not have a vip account there and cannot access reviewer info or history to look for patterns in case they are fake reviews. 
Searching for their information online throws me on a loop of the same info shared above. 

Their pictures look very familiar to me, so I know they have posted before. Perhaps on Tryst? But can’t find anything there. I know at least one other thread has been started in the TOB forum about them. But there was no conclusive info there. 
Trying for a hail mary here, I realize…. But if anyone has had success booking or engaging with them, or any of the ladies here can vouch . I’d be interested to learn what they have to say. 
I have not contacted them directly yet. As I fear they may harvest info from their booking form. But maybe I am just paranoid. 

thanks guys! 



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They've been brought up here before, I posted about my experiences here:

The gist is that they are constantly taking down their TER profiles every few months, and then making a new one with a similar, but different, name. They get rare reviews there, not sure if they are legit or not.

Some of their pictures on their websites are not them. Not sure if they are all fake, but most likely, I was able to confirm a few of them on Tineye are from other websites.

I've contacted both of them, and received responses. I gave references and tried setting up specific times to meet them, but then they eventually stopped responding.

I don't know if it's a "scam", but there's definitely something off about the whole thing. If it is a scam, I don't know what the scam would be, they didn't ask for a deposit, or attempt to blackmail me, or show much interest in actually meeting up.

I'd just forget about them, the pics aren't real and are too good to be true. I don't know what they're up to, but better safe than sorry.


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I've had similar experiences, with those two and one other whom I inquired about on here.  Naomi Birkin.  They all seem to be related, right down to following one another on twitter when they had active accounts.  

I tried contacting Emmaline after Naomi, exact same M.O,, and it seems to be an information gathering scheme to me, to what ends I'm not sure.  They get references, make excuses about the lack of response, are very vague with any times, but encourage you to keep trying, and their TER references are in a tight timeframe and raving by people with little or no local presence. 

I'm sorry I contacted and provided references now, big mistake is my fear.  


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At least whomever is posting as Emmeline has a sense of humor.  Kos is Farsi (Persian) slang for pussy. :D


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