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Nada here. Not my type.


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Fairly obvious fake. No body statistics, despite a body that would have spectacular statistics. Senseless and truncated post title, even by STG standards. Body copy that reads like someone tried to write "" to turn the will-do list into marketing text, and budgeted $5 and 20 minutes for the job, and hired someone for whom English was a fourth language (and really more of a hobby). "Sex In Different Positions" - wow! Out-of-state area code and a number that, put in quotes and added to "escort" and Googled, comes back with this thread and nothing else. Professionally-lit photos that appear nowhere else other than a listing of staggering ineptitude. They couldn't afford a local # or an English writer, but they made sure the pictures would pop to lighting nerds. Inconsistencies in the service list. Identifying ethnicity as Western European on a model obviously Latina (and who is representing as coming from a literal border town). Accepts PayPal. 

It's possible that a shy real provider, just getting started, might have a marketing assistant or manager who is SO inept as to pretty much get every single thing wrong, and be too shy to correct ALL the foot-through-the-drywall spots - but no actual person has self-esteem so low as to accept this listing as being them. And the ad has popped up for a while, with zero improvement.

No outright sun-eclipsing single red flags, but 20 football-field-sized  pink ones. 


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32 minutes ago, lintlizard said:

Just a "yes" or "no" would suffice

I think he was trying to tell you, maybe yes, but probably no and leave it up to you to make your own decisions.


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