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It's been a while

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Just thought I'd stop in and say hello to everyone here. It's been a while since I've hobbies and or been around. Just lifes been crazy working like a convict on a chain gang. I miss alot of your bright smiley faces. Hopefully with fall right around the corner the chain gang will slow down and leave time for some personal playtime. But until then, thought I'd say what's up. I check in every now and then to try to keep abreast of what's happening here.  😁


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24 minutes ago, Juanmotai said:

Just thought I'd stop in and say hello to everyone here. It's been a while since I've hobbies and or been around. Just lifes been crazy working like a convict on a chain gang. I miss alot of your bright smiley faces. Hopefully with fall right around the corner the chain gang will slow down and leave time for some personal playtime. But until then, thought I'd say what's up. I check in every now and then to try to keep abreast of what's happening here.  😁

I just thought you may have saved up your vacation days for a relaxing extended trip to Southern California.......


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Oh damn.. I still haven't made that trip to socal.  I've slacked way more than I should have.  Time to get the priorities straightened out 😁


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Welcome back Juan! Great to hear from you! Spicy kombucha last batch! 


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On 9/3/2019 at 11:49 PM, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

Welcome back Juan! Great to hear from you! Spicy kombucha last batch! 

Man, I still gotta stop by and get some of that kombucha Kali.. its gonna happen soon 


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