
LAMES leaving me negative rep points?

34 posts in this topic

On 3/22/2016 at 0:49 PM, Jez UaBriain said:

Reputation points are not life 's blood. Nor is God, god, the whisperer or the mods boss. It is the asshole who is really the only thing that matters to life. Because when your asshole shuts down- everything else will soon follow. Jez's words of wisdom for today.

Good afternoon Jez.

I had made a reply to your post back on March 22nd that was less than Christian like.

I feel like God has been dealing with me to apologize to you for my reply. He has placed you on my heart and in my thoughts recently over and over again. Every time I hear... "Ask her for Forgiveness because you committed a wrong (sin)."

My words are Truth, and I do not retract how I feel.


My words were NOT coming from a place a Grace and Love. They were coming from a place of hurt, anger and being offended.

My words were NOT intended to bring you closer to God. They were used to tear you down, and attempt to make you feel wrong.

This Is Where My Sin/Wrong Doing Took Place:

(1) I should have never made a comment like that to you, or about you, in public. I have no way of knowing what God is working on inside you, and where you are with God at each moment in your Life.

(2) I should have only been driven from a place of Grace and Love... which I sadly was not. My words cut like a sword, and brought no Glory or Joy to God.

(3) As offended as others make me feel about God, I need to allow people to have their opinions no matter if that person is right or wrong. I often forget that God's greatest gift He gave us was... Free Will to make our own choices and decisions.

For this I want to Apologize to You, and ask for your Forgiveness. I was the one who was wrong :-(

My post did not bring anyone closer to God or His unfailing/unconditional Love, Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness. My post did not lift you up, and make you feel better about yourself. My post came from a very selfish place of being offended, and I chose to let you know exactly how I felt. Most importantly my post hurt & offended you, and brought absolutely no Glory or Joy to God.

I am sincerely Sorry for attempting to make you feel wrong, for attempting to tear down your self-esteem & confidence and for simply being an angry, self-righteous asshole.

I hope that you can see my heart is usually in the right place while sometimes my intentions are not quite there. I am still a work in progress, and I make many mistakes on a daily basis. When God makes me aware of them I repent, and try to make them right with the person I have sinned against.

You did NOT deserve to be treated in such a manner, and I truly Hope that you can soften your heart enough to Forgive me for my unkind words and unsavory actions.

Please Forgive Me :-)


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After an exhaustive internet search, I have found a short video of TooHot and some of his friends.

At least we now know what he looks like.

(With apologies the the Bard)


Edited by Johnboy#1

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I just signed on for the sole reason of giving the OP a negative reputation point, but I gotta tell ya, that OP was just the tip of the weirdness on this thread.


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5 hours ago, Badboy said:

I just signed on for the sole reason of giving the OP a negative reputation point, but I gotta tell ya, that OP was just the tip of the weirdness on this thread.


Edited by Scarlett Dayne

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