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A Tale of Two Providers

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In the past month, I've seen two higher-priced, highly-rated and well-reviewed providers (first visits). One of them has been working a couple of years more in the business than the other. Both contacted via P411.

Provider "A" read my P411 profile and prepared the incall and herself based on that information, appeared to be genuinely happy to see me, didn't watch the clock, and asked questions about me rather than talk about herself or complain about random personal problems.

After a hug, Provider "B" complained that we may not have enough time to complete our session because it took an extra twenty minutes for final navigation to the incall (just give me an address already). Spent another several minutes trying to get music to stream without interruption. Another couple of minutes spreading out lube, wipes, and condoms while I lay on the bed. Then was told strip down and lay on my stomach. Received random stroking and kneading. On the flip, tugged on me like she was pulling nightcrawlers out of the ground. Sometime after that I got a quick peck on the lips. Things got better after that (all the usual activities) but it took some mental gymnastics to recover.

Provider "A" is a definite candidate for a repeat visit. Provider "B" is physically attractive enough that I still have a fantasy that it could get better. But I've had a run of hot-but-clueless young ladies lately - it's just not worth going back.

I don't always need coddling, cooing, or compliments. But, whether it's GFE or 3G, please create an atmosphere and have an attitude that makes me glad I walked through the door.


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Provider "A" read my P411 profile and prepared ...

^^ That ^^ says it all!

High price != high quality.

Sorry you wasted 20min wandering around, looking for Provider B's incall.


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Sorry you wasted 20min wandering around, looking for Provider B's incall.

Very little wandering. A lot of waiting for her to answer texts and calls. Calls disconnecting. Finally, my left-right direction confusion.

"B" claimed to have read my profile but it wouldn't have mattered anyway.


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How about a couple of reviews, or at least a PM. I'd like to see A and avoid B. Thanks!


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How about a couple of reviews, or at least a PM. I'd like to see A and avoid B. Thanks!

This ^^^^^ :)


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How about a couple of reviews, or at least a PM. I'd like to see A and avoid B. Thanks!

Yep and...

Provider "A" read my P411 profile



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But I've had a run of hot-but-clueless young ladies lately - it's just not worth going back.

Provider B was highly rated? All the more reason to submit a review on both. Some of these "hot but clueless" hookers get golden pussy syndrome, and think they deserve a fantastic review just because they look good.

Think about this: if provider B is hit-and-miss, wouldn't you have appreciated knowing about that before wasting your money? Do the rest of us a favor and submit that review, to help the next poor gent NOT make the same mistake.

By the same token, we ALL want to know who provider A is!


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Think about this: if provider B is hit-and-miss, wouldn't you have appreciated knowing about that before wasting your money? Do the rest of us a favor and submit that review, to help the next poor gent NOT make the same mistake.

By the same token, we ALL want to know who provider A is!

I'm one of those cowards whose reviewer and TOB IDs do not match for privacy reasons. But this is a classic argument against that. I will post a review soon.

Review for "A" has appeared within the past two weeks and, yes, it was nothing less than FANTASTIC :rolleyes:


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