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Phone Numbers

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I'll tell you, the girls, who work for Pfunk the Playa, pass all that john info to me (phone, email, height, weight, eye - hair color, license number, car description, etc). I put it into a database for later marketing / blackmail use, when things are slow. (Ha!) :rolleyes:


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I'll tell you, the girls, who work for Pfunk the Playa, pass all that john info to me (phone, email, height, weight, eye - hair color, license number, car description, etc). I put it into a database for later marketing / blackmail use, when things are slow. (Ha!) :rolleyes:

Hahaha... Jokes on you, all my money already goes to the girls...


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Carious, What do you do with our phone numbers at the end of the day?

I collect them and then I sell them to telemarketing agencies.


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I would hope that my number is logged in her phone so that when I text her she knows who it is.


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I would think that most providers keep the number to help with their screening if you repeat. The thing that would be funny is what name they have with your phone number. :D


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I would think that most providers keep the number to help with their screening if you repeat. The thing that would be funny is what name they have with your phone number. :D

Ha, ha. That is funny. It's funny how John, becomes Tom who is then Joe. I think I know more "JIM's" than anyone!


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