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Found 29 results

  1. When giving a reference for you.........

    Gentlemen, just a friendly reminder on you wanting us to give you a good reference. This happened to me the other day. I had a provider request a reference on a client. She gave me his full name but no p411 number or any other way to remember him. The last name did nothing for me. And right off of the top of my head I can think of at least 6 different Steve's, or Tom's, or Daves. So guys, if you want a good reference from my sisters or I, you have to give us a way to remember you. Especially if it has been six months or longer since we have seen you. I love to give out a reference to a sister. It in a way works like a good review does. It is a win/win situation for those involved, that is, ....if I can remember just who you are. If I can't, then I can not give you that good reference you so deserve from me.
  2. Question boys and girls- This is on discounts for reviews. It’s a common fact that many guys don’t review. It is also a known fact that that first, second, and third review is hard to come by. So I can understand why some ladies do this. But to me- it sounds like buying a good review. I have a hard time giving credibility to a “bought” review. Is it not better to read a review that is unexpected, unasked for, and not getting a discount for her services? It just would seem to be more credible if this criterion is met. From my own experiences I would just as soon not know when I am being reviewed. You want an A plus level of service to be consistent with all clients, right? How can that be with a discounted review? Of course the ladies who offer this will be on their A game. It’s a review. I am sure I may be stepping on toesies here. But I just am curious as to what all our views on this are. You have just read mine. I want to read …….yours.:cool: Jez
  3. Very detailed reviews

    Is it just me, or do reviews that list all of the fantasy activities (ahem) blow by blow really gross you out? Not only does it really ad no worthwhile info, but it seems to me both TMI and disrespectful to write "she reached in my pants and then we did UTF followed by tasty 69 followed by clean fresh DATY then we moved to mish then doggie then I popped and then we...". You get the point. This tells me very little about the provider or even the experience, and often reads more like a very bad letter to Penthouse than a review. Knowing exactly what some other gent did with a lady (and often the exact order in which it was done) just has a high ick factor for me. Anybody else? Have fun & play safe! ps - please forgive me if this has been discussed previously. I'm way too lazy to check older threads...
  4. Since the board is going thru some changes, I would like to make the suggestion that when you click on a providers name from the discussion board that one of the drop-down menu options would be a link to her reviews. I like the way ECCIE has all the info bundled up nicely with providers contact info, showcases and reviews. We briefly touched upon what to do with reviews here, but I think it would be nice to have all info accessed so quickly. I think this could be easily done for Colorado as well as Nevada; to their respective reviews and formats. In addition, I would make the suggestion that clients also have the same drop-down menu to the reviews they have done. I know the challenge that several guys use a TOB board name and a Review name, so that would be difficult to cross-reference. The reason for guys to have links is: ~ If it's a new provider and she has one review by a new client, that could possibly send up a red flag as a false review. ~ If it's a new provider and she has several reviews by clients who have only reviewed her, that could also send up a red flag ~ If it's a new/fairly new provider and the gent has several reviews on several well-reviewed ladies, this would bode well about her legitimacy I welcome any additional thoughts!