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About addicted76

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    Welcome Me
  • Birthday 03/03/1976


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    I love it when..
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  1. 411 Vivid Vivian

    Yep! All of that is a no go for me too. Moving on.
  2. Vivid Vivian Colorado Companion Anyone see or have any info on Vivid Vivian in Colorado Springs? Feel free to DM
  3. Missed retired providers

    I would have to say Wonder was the GOAT!
  4. I Got Scammed

    Unfortunately I was also on the receiving end of this as well. Everything seemed legit and based on my reviews have seen Winter multiple times so I had no reservations and it seemed to be her. Same result as Mustang. What a bummer. I hope whoever is doing this is stopped. Lesson learned.
  5. Anyone seen Boston.k.

    I can usually TOFTT if I had just a little more info but going in blind, doubtful. If anything turns up or a legit review pops up that would be awesome!
  6. Boston.k. 214-772-8712 Colorado Escort Seeing if anyone has had the pleasure of seeing Boston. Looks awesome, can't ding reviews. Cheers fellas Cached link
  7. Brit 719-428-0888 Colorado Escort Anyone see her? PM me or post.