Naughty Mike

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About Naughty Mike

  • Rank
    Learning My Way
  • Birthday 12/14/1969

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  1. 411 Elisa Blue

    I have seen her a few times. PM for details. FBSM only - no upgrades that I am aware of.
  2. What gives?!?

    **Advice - ugh spelling
  3. What gives?!?

    I feel like I am always a newbe - get used to it and if you think about it . . . each new person you meet you are a newbe to them. My advise is - 1. Do not be creepy 2. Do not over text - wait for her to reply - if she does not text back - move on to another lady 3. Be cool . . . see Pulp Fiction - what are we baby . . . we are a bunch of fonzies . . . or simply put . . . Bitch be cool 4. Do not try to push any boundaries 5. STOP telling people you work in a guard shack - that is just weird
  4. 411 on Smokin lil blonde

    I find it interesting that she no longer accepts reviews. How does one decide to take a chance ? Just thinking out loud here . . .
  5. Suggestions Please

    not crying simply TRYING to improve and asking for suggestions
  6. Suggestions Please

    Fantastic information - thanks
  7. Suggestions Please

    Ladies and Gents, I need a little advise on how to discuss Menu items. The reason I have posted this post asking for advise. New listing with zero reviews and she is very cute. This was my text - Hi my name is . . . I came across you profile on TOB - are you comfortable chatting over text or through the messaging on TOB? Have a great day I received a reply "I do not discuss services no matter what" I was VERY disappointed and thus I moved on. Any suggestions would be helpful.
  8. New to TOB

    Hey Dani, Welcome! Gentleman - Please note this lady looks every bit as awesome in person as her pictures. I have seen her for a session and its well worth your time. All the best Dani and Welcome to TOB
  9. 411 on NaughtyNicole

    DO NOT MAKE the text - she is NOT the person in the photos (SHOCKER) - I tried to write a review letting everyone one know what a fake she is and I was too descriptive and the review was not approved. PM for details - I am happy to share.
  10. Lila?

    Lila 720-642-5798 Colorado Escort Has anyone taken the plunge? There seems to be a influx of new "too good to be true" talent out there.
  11. Contributions

    Damn it - I guess rolling in with one dollar bills and making it "rain" is not the way to go?
  12. On the mend!

    All the Best and speedy recovery! Remember the race is long and in the end its only with your self. . . take it easy young lady.
  13. Has this ever happened to you?

    and NO this has never happened to me
  14. Has this ever happened to you?

    DRAMA - That is why we enter the hobby. Never have I asked a provider - will you - cause me lots of drama and freak me out and make false accusations. Perhaps that is a new fetish (hint for you ladies) A few lessons to be learned by all - NEVER use your personal phone # or email Crying wolf is scary - what is really scary is the other dude who caused the problems using your # . . . that is the weird part. unless she has only seen one client since your last encounter w/ her three months ago. At lease there is a place to post this and get some responses.
  15. Hello all! Newbie!

    Welcome Dakota!