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Posts posted by Juanmotai

  1. I pretty much gave up on the hobby in 2020. As far as having extra time on my hands though, that didn't happen. The road and highway construction industry went nuts because we finally was able to work with very little traffic in out way for a good portion of the year. So as far as highway work went, we was actually busier than we normally are. But now its time to open back up and hopefully do a little hobbying,  although I'm finding it harder to get the ladies to set appointments 


  2. I got one this morning from that person but I got busy at work and forgot about it until now. Damn.. I'll open it back up and report it if it's still there. faicryslabcont was the name I got it from 


  3. On 2/1/2021 at 10:20 AM, Mr.Pink said:

    I had a provider who wanted me to subscribe to her OnlyFans for a $100 a month before she would schedule an appointment. Needless to say I passed.

    I thought the whole idea behind this was to stay pretty much UTR? I dont have an "other half" to worry about, but I'd still like to keep a bit of privacy. Subscribing to only fans and private snapchat and stuff like that just puts you more out there. I'm not saying it's bad or anything,  just saying it's not for me. I agree with the other dudes about having a link to somewhere a guy can figure out your rates and services. If you ask over the phone or through text you get beat down by the provider, but how else are you supposed to know? Let's face it, we all have our budget, just some budgets are larger than others, and it would be nice to know if a provider is within our budget or not before we contact her. 😉


  4. On 1/20/2021 at 2:03 AM, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

    Lots great ladies, Juanmortal! Always fun to recognize a name. Have a few bottles of kombucha in the back of my fridge? 

    I really really really need to take you up on that kombucha offer Kali. :D


  5. Been a while since I've been around these parts. Thought id stop in and say hello to everyone.  Been thinking seriously about getting back into the hobby. Between thinking I needed an actual girlfriend and corona virus, I took a hiatus 😅.  Decided I really don't need, or want, a girlfriend but this damn corona shit refuses to go away. Haha. Anyway, any thoughts on getting back into action in these times? I still feel the need to be safe, ive pretty much stayed away from the outside world other than work. But honestly,  there's a few of ya I got close with and kinda sorta miss. 


  6. On 9/3/2019 at 11:49 PM, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

    Welcome back Juan! Great to hear from you! Spicy kombucha last batch! 

    Man, I still gotta stop by and get some of that kombucha Kali.. its gonna happen soon 


  7. Just thought I'd stop in and say hello to everyone here. It's been a while since I've hobbies and or been around. Just lifes been crazy working like a convict on a chain gang. I miss alot of your bright smiley faces. Hopefully with fall right around the corner the chain gang will slow down and leave time for some personal playtime. But until then, thought I'd say what's up. I check in every now and then to try to keep abreast of what's happening here.  😁


  8. 2 hours ago, pfunk said:

    I've been using Tinder. Only met a couple of very nice ladies, and we were not a good match. However, I'd rather meet a few people who are nice, than never meet anyone. 

    Dinner and convo, is better than sitting at home! :P

    I thought that too at first. Then I met a lady who was awesome as hell, up till she finished the 2nd glass of wine. Then holy hell. I'm just glad we were in a public place. It was embarrassing, but i was able to leave peacefully and let uber put up with her. Then had the nerve to text me the next morning saying she was sorry but she didn't feel we are a match. Hahaha. You think?? 


  9. Just wondering what everyone else thinks about dating sites. I've recently went on a binge, thus my absence from TOB, and I've been very unimpressed. I tried zoosk, POF and match and now I realize why I'd rather hobby. If this is the state of dating these days I'm just going to stay single and hobby. Guys complain about how the ladies on this site dont look like their pictures,  and I've been guilty of it myself, but holy gee  willikers.. anyway, now that I have that failed experiment out of the way, I can return to the happy world of lobbying.  Hobby on hobbyers,  because the dating world is a total shit show. 


  10. 11 minutes ago, Bit Banger said:

    My wife made a tasty mango/habanero chutney.  To die for. Sweet with just enough kick to get your attention. Great on pork chops or grilled potabello mushrooms.

    I love grilled, stuffed portabello mushrooms :P


  11. 7 hours ago, airamericavet65 said:

    My problem is seems to be worst with helicopters once getting into one when shrapnel from mortar shell put a big hole in my back. And the other jumping off twisting my knee then having to walk 5 miles there and back. But still like to ride in helicopters

    I was a flight engineer on chinook helicopters man. Nothing beats flying in a helicopter 
