Scarlett Elizabeth

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About Scarlett Elizabeth

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    Longmont Colorado

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    “Ladies-they like animals!” Let’s make t-shirts 😂😂

    The second sentence states she called him because she was broke and hungry. The third sentence states that she asked for 20$ for something to eat. He then gave her 30$ and asked her if there was anything else he could do for her. THAT is when she asked for the cigarettes. Stating she’s broke because of her cigarette habit is assuming a lot. Regardless, if you have it in your heart to give someone 30$ you shouldn’t expect nothing in return, not even them spending the 30$ you just gave them on you. If you expect your money to go to a certain thing, take her through a drive-thru and buy her food, take her to the grocery store, have food delivered to her house. There are so many options to help someone out when they have no food. She would have been better off not asking him for anything. He has proved he is **** “friend”. Being deliberately mean and laughing at her situation is gross. No other way to put it. Defending his actions also says something about who you are.

    I have been on here a little bit, checking on the forums and seeing what is being discussed. I have read several posts by the person that started this thread. Hard to miss him as he constantly has something to say about all the things and seems to consider himself an expert on most things. This last post is truly disgusting and confirms my thoughts that he is deplorable. Giving 30$ to another human being and then complaining and laughing at her situation says nothing about her (other than her obvious bad judgment in friends) and EVERYTHING about YOU. True giving, either momentarily, emotional, or physical acts comes from the heart and is done/given without any expectations in return. I can only hope one day you find yourself in a similar situation, I really do. Karma is a bitch and no one deserves it more than you.
  4. Scarlett Elizabeth New to TOB

    Thank you Steve!
  5. If Sick Cancel And Stay Home

    Interesting topic! I don’t require a deposit in most circumstances but if a person, either a client or provider, is sick the logical choice is to cancel the appointment. Qualifying that by saying it has to be done 48 or 24 hours in advance is kind of ridiculous because how many times have you woken up in the morning not feeling well?? If a client of mine isn’t feeling well, or I’m not, let’s just be honest with each other and inform each other. Getting sick is nothing that anybody can control and I just appreciate the heads up.
  6. Scarlett Elizabeth New to TOB

    Thank you so much everyone, it has been a great experience so far💋
  7. Scarlett Elizabeth New to TOB

    Thank you so much, I’m very happy to be here!
  8. Hello TOB! I joined on Monday and I’m very excited to be part of the community and look forward to hearing from you!
  9. When you see a provider/client out in the public?

    This hasn’t happened to me yet but reading everyone’s input I would definitely agree that discretion is the key. I would not interact with a client and I would expect the same from them.