Leyla Scott

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About Leyla Scott

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  1. TOB vs. TNA - the men & the admins.

    OMG I love you so much JJ that first paragraph had me rolling on the bed. I would absolutely do the same for you beautiful friend! 💕 There are a lot of bad boards out there that make TNA look like peaches & cream. At the end of the day, I think it’s best to let the bs roll off our shoulders and sift to find the gems that become our clients. There’s good and bad everywhere! I’m thankful that any gentlemen I did meet in Seattle were absolute gems that I’m excited to see again when I go back there early November. Oh girl I had a bone to pick with one of them sites out there though!! 😠 TOB rules, TNA drools ✌🏽
  2. BJ + HJ ONLY Appointments

    Thank you! 👏🏽
  3. Question for providers as well as gents.

    Thank you for your thoughts! Love it 🥰
  4. Question for providers as well as gents.

    🤣🤣🤣 right?
  5. Question for providers as well as gents.

  6. Question for providers as well as gents.

    Good luck. Way to build yourself a reputation on here. 🤯
  7. Question for providers as well as gents.

    😂🤣🤣 what a loss to us ladies. Actually people like you are the reason for outbreak of STDs. You could not be more wrong. AND Thank you for saying that us older ladies are reservoirs of STDs! Go get tested because your little teenagers, if they have been with more than 3 people in their life, they are not any different than the rest of us. Age is irrelevant. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  8. Question for providers as well as gents.

  9. Question for providers as well as gents.

    Jessica, hi! Thank you for this it is awesome. 💕
  10. Question for providers as well as gents.

    This is great! Thank you.
  11. Question for providers as well as gents.

    Thanks doc!
  12. Question for providers as well as gents.

    You are right. @gr8owl
  13. Question for providers as well as gents.

    You’re right. Ugh rubber tastes so bad! 🤢 skyn are the best! 😘😘😘 love ya! What classes are you in? We need a crazy girls night again.
  14. Question for providers as well as gents.

    Nope go read again. I chimed in correcting his statement and telling him that he is NOT immune to HSV 1 or 2 on the genitals… what you’re saying about my statement to him makes zero sense! He corrected himself later and understands that. Yes urine tests * can have false positives (not a significant degree as you put it), and it depends on make or female AND swab tests are best for rna testing. If there’s a positive, chances are your doctor will do further testing anyway! Or prescribe antibiotics. “and you chimed in apparently in support of the incorrect statement” : maybe I misunderstood his meaning, but I think I was trying to tell him what you were telling him… that he’s NOT immune to it in the genitals at all, with either strain. I would never advise someone otherwise! 🤦🏻‍♀️
  15. Question for providers as well as gents.

    @Caressa Duval The latex suit idea though 😂🤣 how about a space suit with holes for access?