Just Another Guy

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About Just Another Guy

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday July 28

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    Here, there, everywhere

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  1. Poll: Slutty look or Classy sexy look

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The casual "girl next door" look with get my motor running any day of the week.
  2. What do you do after the deed is done?

    YES, time permitting.
  3. Wearing out your welcome

    This. When I'm having a great time, the LAST thing I think about is time. That said, I'm cognizant that I'm only there for a certain amount of time, so a gentle reminder is fine.
  4. Do You All Stay In When It Snows ?

    I don't get excited by snow unless there is enough to snowshoe in. Otherwise, it's just a nuisance!
  5. so...ummmm..... Hi all !.. yes yes...

  6. Netflix recommendations

    It's damn good.
  7. Last Weekend of Summer

    A nice warm lady on a cold winter's day sounds like a great idea...
  8. 411 on CS Kitten12

    CS Kitten12 719-297-5212 Colorado Companion Looks like she's been a member since 2016, but no reviews. And only a few pics, and they may be of someone older than 27. Anyone seen her? https://theotherboard.com/users/113881
  9. My date that ended in tears

    There are two real class acts in this story: Just Jos and the gentleman. Makes one believe there is good in mankind again...
  10. Netflix recommendations

    The Spy is really good. Who knew Sacha Baron-Cohen could do really good drama. Based on a true story, and I've read it's very accurate.
  11. Helloo Colorado

    Hello! A pleasure to see another beautiful provider in Colorado Springs!
  12. High Plains Honor Flight - Public Service Announcement

    I missed being draft age during the Vietnam war by only a year or so. Got out of high school and enlisted during "peace time" so I could get my military time in. I figured if I did my time, I could avoid being drafted for something I didn't believe in, or go back in for a conflict I did believe in (if that makes any sense). Enjoyed most of my military experience and was still serving during the first Gulf War, but wasn't sent over. Have long ago left the service. I used to live only a few hours from DC, and visited it often, and saw all the memorials. I haven't been back there in probably 15 years or more. It's a beautiful city. I'd love to do an Honor Flight, but I never saw war. In my chosen career fields, I saw plenty of action, but none of it with a foreign enemy. I'd feel cheap taking an Honor Flight. I'll give my seat to those who made a bigger sacrifice than me.
  13. Last Weekend of Summer

    My summer was full of many adventures, but unfortunately not as much with any of the fine ladies here as I would've liked. Dammit. I've always felt that September is the best month to be in Colorado. The monsoons are done, the temperatures are moderate, it's too early for snow (usually...don't bother pointing out the exceptions), the fall colors come out - even if they're a bit late this year, and the daylight hours are still pretty long. I love summer, but September is probably my favorite month in CO.
  14. For the Old-timers...

    I feel old when I realize the music I listened to as a teen was called "Rock" at the time. Then it became "Classic Rock" and now, in some circles, it's called "Oldies".