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Everything posted by lustybustygina

  1. Eccie Changes

    They love to think they run how provides should do business & rates ! Saying TRICK'S Run The Show ( what he call's hobbyist ) Big Loud Mouth 6 9 just loves to call every provider Whores !! Me the C word/ how low is one to sit all day and bash providers when all they do are Car Dates & Street Walkers !
  2. Ladies Beware

    A business card can be fake , just like ID can any one can make up a business card . unless you get his real info to go with a card so you can makes sure his business is real . I think I had cop call me the other day . just how he acted on the phone and a lot of noise in the back ground and by the questions .
  3. Eccie Changes

    I just delisted my act on ICKY .. the one troll who calls me all kind of names has no one to bash now ..oh wait he will still bash on other providers ..
  4. Pic from the old days

    I can do that lol
  5. Life is good

    All We Need Is Fun .....
  6. Thank you love .. I just wanted to los some due to covid 15 lol
  7. Vegas

    Twitter has a lot of Vegas ladies I know a few ladies from Vegas .. EROS P411 Tryst Hot.Com Slixa Google Vegas Escorts
  8. now 20 pounds ,, But my boobs have not lost a oz. lol
  9. Holding to HIGHER Standards

    Well I know I don't act or look old so im just going to keep being me
  10. Holding to HIGHER Standards

    Thank you .. I just turned 54 was at the Dr. for my keen he was asking me my age and when I told him he said nice , he was thinking more like 40's lol
  11. Holding to HIGHER Standards

    You have to do all your HOME WORK not every provider has issuers .. Like This ... 1.NS 2. Change time 3. Rip you off 4. Not Fill her duties as provider she says she is as to what she offers in a session .. Not All Of Us Do This We who care about our clints are going to see that they are taken very good care of so they will repeat ..
  12. Who brings up round two?

    I like round 2 with hr or longer appt .. But I'm not going to burn myself out if it's taking to long either Been told I can spin you out after the first one so nothing left for round 2 Hahaha
  13. Gift Cards?

    Right I just got one from a gent in Chicago . sent me the numbers and pics of the card went right to my Amazon act .. Another sent card by email from amazon - i have a private email only for this so it not LustyGina lol I seeing them next week.. What I've notice about Chicago clints no bitching about giving a deposit , they just do it and screen right away
  14. Stood Up

    wow sorry that happen , but never wait that long or in the lobby , not go to just hang out Just get back on the horse and ride !!
  15. Deposits Deposits Deposits!!!

    TOB P411 Google
  16. Sex Robot Brothel in Texas

    Denver Doll LTD Brian Herron, who has made a business of renting out sex dolls. “Guys like variety. If you buy one, then you have to buy another, and buy another, so it’s cheaper to just rent because then you can enjoy all of them,” he told the panel. “On the website, once you choose the doll of your liking, you can choose the hair color, the hair style, the lingerie color, and then we will set the doll up at a local hotel.”
  17. Putin does not look heathy at all .. He doesn't have his Orange Glow side kick to help him out or wait the other way around !!
  18. Grooming preferences

  19. Gun Shy after a Bad Experience

    Just have to see the right providers so hr is a hr and no less !
  20. Other websites

    Might mean they had to give a ID .
  21. Deposits

    well it's a private email that's not a hooker email is what I should say . Not Used on adds or site for posting adds but emails she may use for screening / so I have a private email I don't post that I give out for amazon only .
  22. Posting an urgent message for our friend Caressa

    I love to help out with $
  23. Deposits

    Amazon Gift Card by Email make sure provider use a private email like / lbg@xxxx Not BustyGina@xxxx
  24. A sad farewell to Dusty Hill

    I just saw ZZTop last night here in Palm Springs .. just as good as ever !! My Twitter has some Videos
  25. The Tale of B.A.S.

    I'll never eat tuna again