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About Suzi

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  1. My first time visiting Seattle where is the best place to stay and mingle
  2. Asian postings

    I disagree with this not all Asian is the same don’t compare all Asian I guess you never meet all of them
  3. Cheap & Nasty

    Turtle that’s a dipshit move only a jack wagon will think that
  4. Screwed that one up

    Just out of curiosity to your last response did u response that right away or after a 5 hours just curiosity of why she would say that word
  5. Recommendations in Vegas

    Love vegas I visit often visit and watch shows and concerts
  6. One nice thing

    I apreacite everyone the guyz and the lady’s even the meanest one I love you all !!!!

    I got same text and I never responds back
  8. Riddle me this Batman...

    I think the answer is 40
  9. Spoofing.

    Yes this happen a lot I just ignore it
  10. New To TOB

  11. Hello to Denver

    Welcome to TOB and be safe, have fun
  12. I love my fury family they are all affectionate and sweet