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About FunInHR99

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    Welcome Me
  • Birthday 06/30/1962

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  1. The Graduate in the ass
  2. What’s your ATF book to recommend??

    Red Sky at Morning by Richard Bradford. Hilarious
  3. Question for the Gents

    I also used to see Bianca. If I remember right her assistant was a sweet lady named Pixel. It worked for her necause Pixel was so fun to talk too. I think it can work with the right assistant.
  4. Balls really are tasty

    I used to live in MT. One of the wildest parties I've been to is the Testicle Festival. More about it here
  5. Who would you bring back?

    Bianca. Always a great time
  6. What Fantasies Have you acted out recently

    Hey Sheila, You started it; what is your's?
  7. Stormy Daniels

    That's a slogan I can get behind.
  8. Newbie

  9. Question for providers

    I don't mind a provider contacting me but I prefer it to me a pm on this site. I'm here looking to set something up so finding a message would be welcome.
  10. I miss you my favorite ASP.

    Cristal Geyser. Always fun, no drama. A real sweetheart.
  11. This week's game

    Love this one. Flashdance was great!
  12. Athletes and Politics

    "I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there." Mother Teresa I often wonder if protesters, on a wide range of issues, are more interested in getting attention than they are in solving the problem. By kneeling during the anthem they are essentially saying they have no respect for our country. Might be a better approach to embrace what is good about the country and work towards making it better - maybe going back to the community you came from and working with kids to keep them out of trouble. By the way, I think Trump, by protesting the protesters is making the problem worse as well.
  13. Natalia Colorado Escort Anyone know what happened to Natalia and the other ladies from her agency?
  14. The best kisser

    I vote for Natalia