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About MyraGold

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    Boulder & Denver

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  1. What happened to her?

    May she rest in peace!
  2. Law enforcement

    Hmmm idk if people really put that in ads to make the law stay away OR if it’s bc a lot of le try to be clients in their personal time. In my opinion, it’s the latter. Not everyone wants to be that close with le, but some do and encourage it. They might start thinking we all want to see them, so the disclaimer exists. There’s two ends of the spectrum.
  3. Cali Rose *

    Thank you Samantha! I’ll get that shared. Please give her our love if you see her!! Thank you again.
  4. Cali Rose *

    Oh wow. I hope she’s okay! I’ll keep her in my thoughts and I’ll stay tuned for more info on how to help.

    People who are used to having very little are usually the most generous when it really comes down to it, I’ve noticed. Someone told me if you have a dollar, you have more than most people in the world. That really stuck with me. I always try to give when I can, and even sometimes when I really shouldn’t. I believe karma has my back though. When I really need help, it usually does come through for me in the end. You just gotta pay it forward!

    Also how do you even get orange soda in a Pepsi bottle?? A funnel? Kinda peculiar, not gonna lie, lol.

    Lol this reminds me of my vegan ex who always had chicken sandwich wrappers in his car. Either he was cheating on me or on veganism lol!! He didn’t want an open relationship though- at least not on my end; that didn’t work out 😆
  8. Day Rental Hotel Rooms

    Thank you (: I appreciate ya ❤️ all these little tools of the trade haha!!
  9. Day Rental Hotel Rooms

    I wish I knew more about this bc having to book two days just to accommodate one booking has never made much sense to me and when I try to explain it to potential clients, they don’t wanna send an extra fee- even if they wanna see me before/after normal check-in and out times. So I usually just don’t bother and lose that potential booking. Or risk losing money over it!! Usually that’s bc it’s last minute so I don’t even have time to make sure it’s fruitful with pre-booking.
  10. Immature Adults these days...

    Wow you think you know a lot! Lol. Hmm maybe I’ve had my time wasted by million people who can’t follow simple instructions and can relate. I guess you might not get it since you spend all day everyday on here, but some of us are too busy! Just to give you perspective since you need a thorough explanation (:
  11. Immature Adults these days...

    Maybe find a provider who fits your needs instead of pestering someone to do what they don’t want to do. Why is this so hard to understand? Good luck though since you think you’re superior with your “actual job” Maybe you should find a better one that gives you an actual lunch break or something. Or like go after or before? Maybe you should get an “actual life” and stop being a crybaby and making an ordeal out of someone not wanting to see you bc you don’t follow their rules.
  12. What happened to the BDSM sites?

    Unfortunately fetlife is no longer the place to even mention services. But you can still make a profile to meet like-minded people and promote your website/socials! You can also join groups by interests, and be in the know about events going on. If you’re fascinated and want to learn the basics, my suggestion is to learn all about safety and follow some dom/dommes who’ve been in the kink community for a while. You could also try to find someone who is interested in mentoring, or possibly wants a partner to dominate submissives with. I don’t know if you switch at all, but if you do, being the sub for a domme can also teach you a lot about how a sub should feel during play. For safety, I would suggest doing some research on YouTube or ordering some books about dungeon safety. Or just search the activity you’re interested in + safety to find articles/videos written by dom/dommes! Aftercare is important as well so definitely check in with your sub and nurture them after playing if they are interested. As for advertising- I’d suggest having a separate tab on your site explaining your BDSM services and experience. Maybe an introductory special would entice some of your regulars to spice it up and explore! I also know of dommes having success on Eros. I believe they have a category especially for BDSM. But most of all- just make sure you’re having fun and everyone is having a good and safe time! Feel free to reach out if you’d like 🖤 I hope you have so much fun exploring BDSM!!
  13. Maybe I wasn’t always a sw and do things outside of “work”
  14. There was this sexy bartender once. We didn’t even leave the building haha. Guy risked his job, what a legend!