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Posts posted by MelindaMadison

  1. Ask the lady that you are interested in...everyone has different business models and availability and schedules and family commitments and work commitments and incall arrangements etc.... (see.??..Too Many Variables to simply throw that question out to the general public) ... Ask the Specific Lady that you are attempting to book... 


  2. To simplify: It's often as easy to find a lady that interests you (before spending hours trying to find a "newbie friendly" in ads or website)  and do this:

    1. Introduce Yourself...and a bit about you. (and no..this "John. clean. 5'8" is not an intro) and state "I am new (or relatively new) at this so bear with me if I clunk through your protocol, but could you guide me in what you need from me to feel comfortable meeting me? I am seeking (time and date) to meet you" 

    THAT SIMPLE....allow the lady to guide you... 


  3. Many of us are newbie friendly. Read ads but more importantly- read a lady's website. 

    You really can't ask about what to expect for business models and standards vary widely as hair color and body types in this industry.   What use to be more segmented pre-internet (street workers/call girl by the hour workers and escort/courtesan types) are all more lumped together and can be super confusing for a newbie....

    Sometimes finding an experience low drama newbie friendly lady is the best.  

    Asking questions involving real name or work info is not to be prying or for nefarious purposes and every lady has their reason. Some just screen that way 'cause they see others screening that way and may not know the particular dynamics of why...and you will find those who take higher risks and will see you with hardly any info (but there's a drawback to that also..) 

    A savvy companion will be able to lead you through comfortably...just be honest and sweet and forthcoming and explain your situation....we deal with an onslaught of creepy types (you have no idea! ) so that will put you ahead of the pack. 

    Me, personally, I ask questions that make sure that the person is who they say they are and not one to cause me harm or entrapment...but also to ensure that they are not a family member, co-worker, husband of a friend or co-worker or someone I'd have to deal with awkwardly in my real life or business. So i screen for not only safety...but for discretion of both parties.  

    There's too much hub bub and paranoia on both sides about screening and what a lady would do with your info...and it gets a bit ridiculous on " what to do" and "what not to do"... IMO.  Most of the drama issues that we hear about truly comes down to choosing wrongly or taking unnecessary risks (ie: the "hot girl with zero info" and "take one for the team" crowd or even worst...someone started dating a provider/client and it got complicated then all shit hit the fan type things)

    Us ladies take care of the good guys...simply be one of them..


    Have fun!





  4. Might be a time to back old school (FYI: I never left old school business model) ..and do email contact only.  Giving the general public direct access to you has almost always yielded issues (and dick pics, time wasters and stalkers who change their throwaway phones or app numbers.. its generally chaos and too much crap to be able to enjoy the gentlemen like some of us wish too...) ...  AND the risk of texts and phone calls coming when with family and loved ones- is often too much of a risk for both the ladies and gents.  It's not like it hurts convenience- as emails get to the party as quick as texts with iPhones and notification setups... yet it's much more confidential also to change passwords from prying eyes vs having to hide an extra phone etc... or forget about notifications on a phone app. Spoofing is rampant this month even outside of this hobby... so it's here to stay....   There's a lot of unsavory people out there...  Find pleasure and joy and only let the Good ones have access to you...   I find email business model (granted i always Do speak via phone after screening) is the way to go to keep happy in this biz..and not deal with the frustrations that i am hearing out there from SW'ers.


  5. It was in a swanky hotel in Boston's theater district. He was in town for a conference from NYC. He was hot and a total sweetie. I wore lace boy shorts under my black pantsuit. We drank wine and we talked Glock's and Sig Sauer's. Very memorable man. The rest of details are highly confidential ;) Good Time.


  6. What Cali and Audrey could be someone who has no clue what they are doing in regards to screening and what constitutes LE booking or not...(meaning they will get caught up in something down the line) ...but unfortunately... if it was not required UNTIL the session when you met her- I'm afraid it's potentially a clue of something more ominous..

    Cash cards are easier to move across travel distances, state lines and airports.... (namely if this girl has a pimp or "manager" who requires that -it's easier for them to get the client to pay the purchase fee)... everything reeks not of scam but of someone who is not doing this on their own and is managed. 

    I'd rethink how you are finding these "providers" or how you are screening them yourselves and glad that you are not supporting that. I've heard of that before...and it's usually one of the 2 scenarios brought up more than a "scam"


  7. Don't overthink it. Just ask her why. (could be something as simple as unlocking a door or propping open a  door when you arrive ) to something more ominous as eliminating Someone Else showing up at her incall vs You and she is in a position to view the parking lot to see if it IS you...(as in a couple of guys sharing a profile/ email etc - has happened. (ugh) 

    Could be any number of reasons not totally alarm-worthy at all. Ask Her. (and you say you already know she is legit and you have seen her that should not be a concern..) 


  8. "Too Much Information" is the amount of information that can be used in court to prosecute what is still illegal activity. (nope the "time and companionship disclaimer is moot when you put specifics in words.  Unfortunately, I've seen two cases (one recent) where this has happened; so what was once a valuable tool is now not worth the risk for some of us. (I knew people involved and the SW community it affected).

     We will see an evolution of this...and there are many other newer tools to determine if a companion might be a good match outside of that. If you are an acronym guy, it may be harder if that is your focus however. 


  9. In addition to a personalized introduction, the care a gentleman puts in their profile makes all the difference in the world to me. This is not like ordering a hamburger at McDonald's and yet not a dating service where one is looking for a life partner...but the care and attention that one does to intro themselves, helps us as companions determine whether it is a good match (where the gent will enjoy the date) beyond a list of acronyms etc. I am still surprised on how many don't even bother to fill out their introduction... which always comes across as somewhat lazy (or don't care at all?) .. It's your hard earned $, make an attempt at putting your best foot forward for the best experience. 


  10. The methodology of texting is also (in a post Sesta/Fosta environment and BP closure) attracting the dregs of society (pimps, time wasters, one-liners, dic pics) more than ever right now. the buzz behind the scenes is a Lot of frustration from ladies as the onslaught continues. sifting thru them all is a nightmare.   I did an experiment and did a text app for 2 days. it yielded over 200 responses...ZERO of them could be deemed a potential client. 

    Plus, again... many guys can't "lock down" their extra phones/phone apps as discreetly as passworded emails from their SO's - and getting a call/text from a SO really sucks and can be a risk to the guy...

    Direct contact methods may be largely going by the wayside again if the fuckery continues for many providers. More and more are transitioning to auto-replies on texting apps and emails again and the conversation is fierce via our social media contacts (Twitter etc)  

    It's a gentleman's hard earned money- and i get the convenience of immediacy- but it should also be worth writing a full sentence or two and an introduction to a lady prior to moving forward. It yields MUCH better sexy results than "are you available?"- which some are not even capable of typing anymore via text. 



  11. 1 hour ago, Bit Banger said:

    My primary problem with *mail options is the delay & lack of feedback. If I’m booking something for next week? OK. But if I’m looking for this evening *mail options suck.


    That has Nothing to do with the mode of contact used (after all....with today's tech..who doesn't have email with optional notification settings on their phones?) and Everything to do with a provider's business model (are they a same day provider? last minute provider? prebooking provider?) -which is due to many different personal aspects in a ladies' life (kids/career/family/incall accessibility etc) 

    Again- tone gets lost in text and there's so much drama/lack of discretion associated with it...

    and there's too much potential for miscommunication in phone calls and voicemails ("provider called me hours later when i was with my SO" type stuff OR "provider never called me back" (she was at her vanilla job and didn't dare to call back hours later so guy thinks she's not interested or flakey- see?) 


  12. I'll put in my .02cents here. Call me Old School...but direct phone contact and texting (although it's slipped into this industry more and more over the last 15 yrs) is the cause of most of the drama/lack of discretion/frustration on both sides that i see posted on these forums.

    I'm an email and screen and THEN arrange a "comfort for both of us call" prior to the actual date. (weeds out the insinceres pretty quickly, the 2am texters or callers) or miscommunication issues) I determined long ago, that i wanted to spend my time only with those that truly wanted to spend time with me vs "any hole in a storm" and that extra 2mins of effort to intro themselves through a typing medium has carried a long way in meeting really sweet guys. In the past, LE targeted the phone girls 1st cause in a sting it was fastest also. With throw away phones- conversing and info exchange with a complete stranger (could be a stalker, someone you said "no" to who got a new throwaway phone, pimp, etc- is like picking up a hitchhiker) 

    It's HUGE for discretion of my clients also.  Admit it gents, it's a LOT easier to lock down your computer/email with passwords then having to worry about a throw-away phone (and justification of having it) or calls or texts that come thru from the prying eyes of a SO. I have NEVER, in all my years, been approached or contacted by a spouse, never had LE issues and (except with some recant onslaught of the "u avail" knuckleheads) - it's been super peaceful and this venture has been pleasurable.

    I experimented once or twice (hoping that future suitors would listen to my voice-feel comfort and read my website) and it ended up being 200  "u avail?" and dick pics with zero bookings. It was horrible and being part time at this and pulling a full time career- i don't have time for that crap. 

    Tone can't come thru thru short 1 sentence texts..and the back and forth would be maddening and frustrating. I love a VOICE (after screening). 

    Old School email then a call is the most pleasurable for me..and pleasure to both parties trumps "lots of calls" anyday for me. My method attracts the right kind of client for myself in addition.



  13. It sounds like someone who feels that a pic will protect them from LE....(or most likely someone who does not know how to screen)


    ... asking for pics (from either party) could be a red flag...and it truly doesn't tell anyone anything.

    I typically DO ask a brief description, because if you tell me you are 5'9 175" 50 yrs old and a 6'4" 35yr old guy shows up to my door...then we have a Serious problem. (I know it sounds inconceivable-but that little bit of screening actually saved me from seeing a future murderer back in New England once as the person described did not match a corporate picture i dug up on the person he was trying to pose as. I confronted him and asked - he admitted to using a co-workers identity and then his face was plastered on national news and 20/20 2 months later) 

    If it's a lady that you really want to see, why not ask her Why she needs a pic (politely), explain your concern for discretion and ask if there is any alternative way to make her feel comfortable. otherwise, there are many who are more savvy on how to screen invisibly and make a gent more comfortable.


  14. Not all ladies do phone numbers only. Email is a wonderful way to reach out. As long as you are easily verifiable in another way (as some use phone numbers to screen). Simply ask the companion you are approaching what is best for her..and explain your situation. Many of us are professionals who can guide someone through quite easily....those who cannot...well... might not be the match for your situation. International gents for me have never been an issue in the past..


  15. 2 hours ago, geecue2 said:

    I guess you can look at this two ways, first off I am surprised she told you the reason why, I guess it would depend on how much notice she gave you. Business is business. Personally would take my business elsewhere. Reminds me of one time, PMing and texting with a lady at the same time, it just happened that way. She did not realize I was the same person. I forget which was which but she told me she was not working that day, meanwhile she was willing to set a time with me, on the other contact.  Let her know I was the same person, crickets after that, never contacted her again. 

    (I can see why a lady would *cricket* you in that case..and it's different than the OP's discussion/situation) If you approach someone and they do not want to see you i.e.: "busy" or "not working" when clearly is available to others....and you tried to get thru using a different number (Big Question is....WHY would you do that? text someone from two different numbers? to cloak yourself? hide hobby identity? / reputation? ..... then it just comes across as stalkerish/creepy AF.  Seroiusly, gotta call you out on that one. and most companions will veer Far Far away from that behavior. I think it was a way of the lady telling you to take your business elsewhere..
