Bit Banger

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Posts posted by Bit Banger

  1. For me, "new" == posted for a week or so. After that, switch them out for some more "new" pics from the same photo session.

    Another term often bandied about is "Recent" == taken w/in the past three months.


  2. It's not misspelled, but it's "they're" not "their". :P

    Note to self: New SOP: let spelling errors go; rip everyone new ones over homonym misuse.

    Got it. I had to ad it to my list, to.:D

    In linguistics, a homonym is, in the strict sense, one of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings.[1] Thus homonyms are simultaneously homographs (words that share the same spelling, irrespective of their pronunciation) and homophones (words that share the same pronunciation, irrespective of their spelling).

    Rip :P

    Spelling & word misuse bother me too. As a former engineer writing specifications, design documents, and user manuals, I learned the value of precise language. Correct English was just as important as correct FORTRAN or C.


  3. Obviously since after slighty over a year I finally decided to activate the Friends feature, I'm in favor of keeping it. I will admit that the signature thread caused me to take a hard look at my own signature. Cleaning it up meant I needed to resolve the issue for myself. While I've not needed to restrict my PMs, I can see how it would be a useful feature.


  4. ...

    For that reason, we're going to implement some more stringent guidelines:

    Provider Signature Rules

    Your signature may contain ...

    My only complaint with this is the use of the word "Provider". I would simplify it down to "Signature Rules." The new rules should apply to all!

    These rules place reasonable(?), enforcable limits on the content of posters' signatures in an attempt to control both bandwidth and screen real estate. Thank you.


  5. It's a new policy, so we're all still learning, trying new things. ...

    Understood & expected. It will take a while to settle these changes.

    ... First, Oxy is fair. If you want to limit size for providers, size will be limited for all. Many hobbyists have larger, taller sigs than mine and will have to change too. ...

    As expected! Good for the goose - good for the gander.

    ... The second thing is that ALL graphic content may be banned entirely -- which is a shame, cuz I think a lot of men and women enjoy putting graphics in Sigs. ...

    Try accessing the board from a smart phone. I won't miss the graphics. I dislike massive quotes reposting photos too.

    That it's nice to think providers come here just to hang out and chat, that it's not just about business. ...

    Hanging out & meaningful contribution to the board is good business. I'm far more likely to call someone I've grown to enjoy on the board than someone with my limited experience being the ad boards. As I said earlier, a quick check of her profile should provide me with all the contact info (or links) I need to book an appointment.


  6. Is your problem the links in signature line or the size of the ad. ...

    Both actually.

    In an earlier reply I addressed the size issue.

    As Kudak pointed out, there's a fine line separating signature lines from advertising on the discussion board. On another board in another time a well know provider had the habit of frequent "+1" posts simply to get her name/contact in front of people w/o contributing to the discussion; very annoying. While I don't worry too much about the ladies who have been contributing members of our board (you know who you are), I do worry about new YL unfamiliar with our culture filling the board with ads. Something the mods may have a difficult time controlling because these YL will be acting w/in the rules.

    Let's just say that this is one change I'm not happy about, but they're not my rules to make. I do NOT blame those who jumped on it when the rules changed; that's just good business sense.


  7. ... And it's not just the contact information which annoys me - graphics and extensive text in the signature line consume bandwidth & screen space without significant contribution to the discussion.

    With all due respect Bit (because I DO respect your opinion), it doesn't use more bandwidth that the old GIF I used to have in my sig line.

    Duely noted. I have similar problems (bandwidth & landscape) with the GIFs which appeared in some signature lines (Not trying to single you out, Destiny). My preference would be for sig lines to be limited to 1-2 lines of plain text.


  8. I have to agree (partially) with 2Big on this one. "... Stupid and Desperate", not exactly. But 1cm of text followed by 4cm of advertisement is not my idea of fun board reading. One of the reasons I seldom read SoWet was the constant advertisement drowning out discussion. The separation of the two on TOB was a relief. That board has since separated advertisement & discussion; a good improvement. The old TOB policy of placing contact information in a person's profile was just fine with me; I knew where to get it when I wanted. And it's not just the contact information which annoys me - graphics and extensive text in the signature line consume bandwidth & screen space without significant contribution to the discussion.


  9. Anyone know if in Colo you can go incognito if you win. Heard some states you can and some you cannot.

    We were discussing this. The consensus was, since it's public money it's public record. You may be able to assign the ticket to a trust, making it more difficult for the average Joe to track you down.


  10. Forum based?

    OK, but do NOT allow discussion & chit-chat on the forum. User's may post a review using their board handle based on a "sticky" format. If an ASP needs a rebuttal, it must be posted by a moderator. Use the current rules of moderation for the first few posts by a user to avoid scamming the system.


    I would not use the database, mostly because I do not have a secure CC. There are several review databases I do not use for this reason.

    Access for submitted material?

    Not a good idea. This leads to false reviews, etc. It's one of the prime reasons I don't use TER (or ASPD in the past).

    Having spent several years in the software industry, I have no trouble believing the costs of a major system overhaul. And I can clearly see why it is not tied to your (Gina's) revenue stream.


  11. ... Beverlys' beautiful hair is red. ...

    That should be "Beverlys' beautiful hair are red." I'm not sure how many Beverlys we're talking about. But if only one then ColoSeeker has the answer.

    Actually in both examples you used it would still be Beverly's.

    If I remember correctly the only time it is s' is when the name ends in an S for the possessive.

    Ends in an 's', as often happens when using a plural form.
