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About Fallshine86

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  1. Exploration Fantasy

    What is the rarest and most unique fantasy you have been asked to participate in or asked someone to be a part of? Did it turn out leaving you feeling like life couldnt ever get better than this, great, good, ok, bad, terrible, frightened or seeking witness protection? If a girl can make your fantasy a reality for you then how far would you get into it, travel for it and how long would you continue it ? Do you believe the fantasy could manifest itself in your life and become your new reality?
  2. Knowing her real name

    I am a provider that ended up marrying one of my clients. I feel like some people: Its none of their business my real name,etc... Others I can get super comfortable with and dont mind. And Im easy to lose cause I travel like a touring gypsy. Therefore I think if I wasnt on the go driving hours on end everyday then I would care more about sharing my personal info. My girlfriends didnt know I have had my puppy over 7 years and kids even though we traveled together for five and a half years. And some of my clients know more about me then I know myself. But really no one but my daddy could tell anyone five things consistent about me. So thats the beauty of letting some in about a personal detail. It becomes a challenge for them to understand me and get close while achieving a victory with each detail till they find out its changed again. The thrill never ends for those ones!! But none have known me for five years straight they know me a few times a year for two and then I drop off the planet and come back afew years later. So whatever they know wont ever do them any good if they wanna use it against me. Doesnt stop them from trying though.
  3. Sara in Denver

    Welcome to Denver. I just got back and a lot has changed since Ive been gone for a few years. I hope you will like it in Colorado!