
Is Greek like the worst service to providers?

5 posts in this topic

The posibility of
Colorado Companion

I feel like I search throughout the post for some indication that a provider likes or offers Greek. It doesn’t have to be full on Greek, but even FIA would get my motor running. 

most providers I ask I either get no response or a resounding NO. I guess all that porn I watch has skewed my view of this? 🤷🏼‍♂️


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Far from the worst thing. That being said, your approach to the topic might be why you are getting the responses you are.  This is for sure typically not a same day request.  The other thing is this is discussing services. You need some serious street cred, to have a lady discuss services prior to a meet. Lots and lots of women offer this, maybe for some not on the first meeting.  It can be a turn off to women, if your are hyper-focused on only one certain thing.

Not sure why you are such a difficult time with this. You can search this word in reviews, as many people pointed out to you in your last post on this subject.


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Having a clean diet/cleanse helps plus experience with confidence in body control of that region for receiving. For many of us, it is also about the size of the man's penis. That will determine if possible for the companion to perform with you. Look for reviews that mention it was preformed to find a lady who is willing to do that activity. good lick! 


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You have no reviews.... been a member for over a year and have posted about Greek in all your posts..... 🙃


Maybe try to get to know some ladies..... build your own reputation.. and ease your way into a Greek convo. There's definitely excess preparation and time needed to travel to Greece.... 

If you don't understand what I mean.... go buy a cucumber about your size. And use it on yourself and see how u feel tomorrow 😂


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On 10/24/2021 at 10:54 AM, MeganMarie4u said:

You have no reviews.... been a member for over a year and have posted about Greek in all your posts..... 🙃


Maybe try to get to know some ladies..... build your own reputation.. and ease your way into a Greek convo. There's definitely excess preparation and time needed to travel to Greece.... 

If you don't understand what I mean.... go buy a cucumber about your size. And use it on yourself and see how u feel tomorrow 😂

How is it you always show such amazing depth in character?


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