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Caressa Duval

Afghans Photographed Handing Babies Over Barbed Wire To Soldiers At Airport

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I don't really care about any of your political or religious preferences.  Be a kind human.  There are mothers and fathers on this forum.  It doesn't matter where you are on the spectrum.   These babies and children could not choose where they were born.  Think of this as a parent first, the desperation to SAVE your child/ babies life by handing them over barbwire walls to Marines.  Not knowing if you will ever live to see your child again.  The heartbreaking unfathomable decision to separate yourself from your children to save them!  All this hate and blame game means nothing to these parents right now, or to the babies and children that are scared and frightened.  To DO ANYTHING to save your child! This is just the beginning. The innocent children.




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Caressa, I get where you’re coming from. We’ll do just about anything to improve the lot of OUR children.  But two cringe worthy phrases we here all the time as excuses for uncontrolled spending are, “If … could save just one life.” and “Do … for the children.”   Both indicate the that government is about to reach into my pocket, again.


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2 hours ago, Bit Banger said:

Caressa, I get where you’re coming from. We’ll do just about anything to improve the lot of OUR children.  But two cringe worthy phrases we here all the time as excuses for uncontrolled spending are, “If … could save just one life.” and “Do … for the children.”   Both indicate the that government is about to reach into my pocket, again.

Oh screw your pockets Bit! How dare you bitch about your weathly old finances. Gawd I wish you no bad I'll, but anyone over 70 should not, repeat should not, be concerned about money, when the babies are at stake .  Thank you for serving btw, so did my Father in Vietnam, and literally his mind was destroyed  by the exact same thing. Throwing babies into the US troops leaving Cambodia.

Your fing pockets . Cry me a damn river right now!

The children and babies of this word, not just the USA is what matters

We are Eathlings, AND YOU  are apparently only concerned about what you will take to the grave.

Edited by Caressa Duval

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The problem is that there are not enough dollars, pounds, rubles, and yuan in the world to save all the children or all the lives.  There is a veritable flood of needy crossing our southern border, not to mention the poor already w/in the US.  Do we ignore them while looking to the Middle East?

Yes, there is a tragedy occurring - on the other side of the world. Truth is that it’s a tragedy of their own (collective) making. Let Afghans deal with Afghans.


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1 hour ago, Bit Banger said:

The problem is that there are not enough dollars, pounds, rubles, and yuan in the world to save all the children or all the lives.  There is a veritable flood of needy crossing our southern border, not to mention the poor already w/in the US.  Do we ignore them while looking to the Middle East?

Yes, there is a tragedy occurring - on the other side of the world. Truth is that it’s a tragedy of their own (collective) making. Let Afghans deal with Afghans.

Like you do anything for the poor in the US!!!!  You bet you we ignore the problems at the border right now to help a holocaustic Sophie's Choice happening in Afghanistan.   Why wouldn't we. We have been "ignoring" those children at the border camps separated from their parents, sleeping on floors, in dirty diapers for years in Texas. Our great country.

People like you are the problem in this world. It is not in my backyard, it is not my problem. Unless my wallet is concerned, because green is the more important than any child of color!

Surely you were not protesting in Texas in the past few years, over the disgrace of children being held in camps at our borders or doing anything to help the existing poor in this country.

Do you want the Marines just to toss those babies back over the wall in Afghanistan, and say, not my problem. From all accounts I am seeing they are loving these children handed to them out of desperation. 

Some of actually care about other humans on this planet, and do something about it.


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No, I don’t want the Marines to hand the children back.  Nordi I think we should move mountains to save a few.

BTW: Reaching to catch that baby is how Marines die!


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16 hours ago, Bit Banger said:

No, I don’t want the Marines to hand the children back.  Nordi I think we should move mountains to save a few.

BTW: Reaching to catch that baby is how Marines die!

Though we do care to a degree I have lost brothers in arms for THIS very thing, go to help a child in need and get shot or blown up in the process. Evil will do anything and sacrifice anyone for its own purpose. For those that have been over seas long enough know the consequences that could come for caring too much.

What ticks me off is when people go on rants about hardships and struggles of things going on in other parts of the world when we have our own problems that seem to get ignored.... help the children in afghan, or the starving in Africa, or a whole list of issues. When how many of those same people walk/drive by a homeless camp with starving children and don't do anything about it? How many struggling families are right next door to us barely getting by. Have you looked at the stats of how many children barely eat if at all right here where WE live? How many children are abused or bullied and no does anything until it's too late? How many homeless (and even those that aren't) vets have mental issues because of the horrors they have seen or been through over seas because people would rather us focus on OTHER problems rather than our own? And from personal experience I have a buddy that thought a young child was in need of help and when he let his guard down to help he was shot in the shoulder by what was believed to be their older brother no more 9 or 10- he now collects disability and has a few surgeries on that shoulder because as he got shot a bomb also went off  close enough for some shrap metal to do more damage.


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And don't think the parents won't sacrifice their own children for that 1 shot.... you point out there are parents on here... well what do you say to the parent that lost their child overseas because their bleeding heart turned into a dead body? A young marine thought a crying toddler in the street needed help, and as he picked it up the MOTHER of that toddler pulled out an rpg and blew them both up from the other side of the street. That marine was also warned not to get too close because it could be a trap but did not listen by the way.


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There is also the point that while a soldier is helping that child he or she is not doing their job, not watching their sector.  This exposes the rest of the patrol to hostile action.

@Strange_Ice: My condolences to your comrade,


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