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Veronica Mendoza

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A few things.

First, DAMN! This gal is hot!!!!! Completely physically my wet dream.

Secondly, not my type of gal! I'm so not cool hanging out with a gal where her focus is leeching guys out of their money! She lost me on her 4th Twitter post putting out there that she is a gold digger. Had she not put up stupid shit like that. I would have taken the chance to see her making the trip up to Cheyenne when I am in Ft Collins. 

If you do see her gregger. Just let us Colo guys know through a review. Best of luck!


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As always, if your spidey senses are alerted, it’s best not to move forward.


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39 minutes ago, parkercole said:

... where her focus is leeching guys out of their money! She lost me on her 4th Twitter post putting out there that she is a gold digger.

Hey, at least she’s honest about her motivation. 😁


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