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  1. I believe every woman should screen any way she sees fit, and I also believe in ultimately trusting your gut feeling (Spidey Senses). I rely extremely heavily on my gut feeling about a person, or the situation surrounding the day's slew of events/patterns. Some days I sense absolutely zero danger, and screening is easy breezy. Some days I have every dangerous person (intent on doing me harm) on planet Earth contacting me, and screening is like Fort Knox. It's a day-to-day battle having to figure out what my level of safety or danger is for each particular day. However if every dangerous element (people trying to cause me harm) is contacting me on a certain day those who are Newbies (innocent bystanders) may find themselves getting screened heavily, and unfortunately turned away because the danger level is just too high that day to take any risks on seeing anyone with no references. Another example... I have had a string of negative incidents with men under 40 years old lately. Unfortunately now every man under 40 who contacts me is being treated like a suspicious suspect due to a handful of undesirables who have tried to pull fast ones on me recently. I automatically assume everyone under 40 is going to be a troublemaker. Consequently I treat them as someone trying to cause me grief. I hate being put into this position of having to screen heavily, or choose to only see men over 40 years old. An additional example... When it's time for bee "stings", and "they"start contacting me... I am hesitant to take any phone calls. I will only text. "They" typically most want you on the phone to record your voice talking about the intended transaction. Why do I only text on these days? Probably because psychologically it makes me "feel" more safe and secure. Not necessarily true, but it appeases my anxieties. This may make the normal, innocent people who want to place a phone call feel nervous. Again though... I'm willing to shit can potential appointments if some refuse to text on these certain days of "Operation Round Up of Low Hanging Fruit". Now I would not start screening the exact way I do because there is always room for error especially when one is desperate or greedy for money. I have been on both sides of the fence in the adult industry/service provider business. When my gut told me "No", but I saw them anyway, even though they "appeared" safe... This is when I have had problems with clients being pushy, aggressive, abusive, over stepping boundaries and shorting/ripping me off. All because I didn't heed to my internal warning system that went off before actually meeting them. My only regrets have come from seeing someone in spite of my gut feeling telling me "Oh hell NO!", or having even just a general uneasiness about agreeing to see them. This feeling is different from the regular nervousness we all get from seeing a new client. This type of business is like a box of fireworks... Most will go off without a hitch, but there are always a few that blow up in your face. It's the nature of this beast. If I say "No" to someone one day, it could very well be a completely different story a few days later. Timing is everything. I hate having to be the Soup Nazi some days saying "No Soup For You" lol. It strips the fun out of my job because it adds a lot of extra stress, pressure and disappointment for all parties. But... My safety is paramount, and ultimately my number one concern. Hope this helps shed some positive light on why some of us screen the way we do. There is often a method to our perceived madness lol ;-)