Warm Tongue

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Posts posted by Warm Tongue

  1. I have tried a number of times to get a bit of information from her via email and / text about what specifically is offered. When I specifically asked if there was anything offered above and beyond the massage- she was immediately 100 % booked. By the quick reaction you would have thought I asked her if she was into stuffing critters in my ass.

    I am sure shes good at what she does- but maybe not for me ? ( Although I may have seen her many many years ago when she was in Longmont )



  2. 4 hours ago, SultryKitten said:

    That doesn't make sense. I literally almost never use that account except to chat with a few of my clients, put up pictures, and my own funny commentary. I never looked at other people's accounts, and I didn't click on people's videos. Was it from me accepting friend's requests? I didn't think that could do it.


    Samantha Sheppard



  3. I have been there a few times years ago- management has changed hands and there seems to be some controversy as to how the ladies are treated by current management. I don't have all the details nor do I want them.

    With that said I stopped going for a number of reasons the biggest one being that I may run into someone I know in the parking lot or at the front door. 

    On the other side of that the ladies that used to be there were smoking hot- I do remember walking to the front door and  there was this lady out front sitting on the stoop relaxing in the sun. I was thinking to myself - DAM hope shes my therapist. and she was !

    I would say give it a try and see what you think-

    Mr. Purple


  4. I myself find as I get older I need more and more ME time- Honestly I am tired of taking care of everyone from employees to kids, ex's etc. 

    Sometimes its a massage- sometimes its a FBSM- sometimes its more- sometimes its a hike in the woods- sometimes its a curl up on the couch all weekend and watch movies. Sometimes its the gym or yoga.....

    I can tell when my brain is telling me to slowdown and that's hard for someone who is always used to moving at warp speed-

    I will say current events do not help with keeping me sane in the membrane


    Mr Purple


  5. Its hard some days- the negative news just keeps coming.

    Tuesday as I drove home I felt it in my mind- the sadness creeping in about the world has become....

    What did we do to this world ?

    How will my kids survive ?

    I made myself a big stiff drink when I got home.  It didn't help-

    I need to go find me some nature with no cell reception



  6. Makes me wonder about the provider-

    Are they LE ?

    Why do they need to hide ?

    Am I going to be upset at the time of the appointment because the lady is NOT what her pictures portrayed her to be?

    Equivalent is subject to the viewer

    Just some thoughts


    Mr Purple
