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Posts posted by fortysomething

  1. This is a classic example of different strokes for different folks. feet do absolutely nothing for me at all but those spiky porn star heels give me a woodie every time. if she wears them to bed I leave a bigger tip. :D

    Bare feet and nothing but a t-shirt and a smile. Yes, Boink...diff'rent strokes.


  2. I won't say that I have needed P411 to find a pleasurable experience.

    But I will say that it is YAHT (yet another hobby tool) which has made search, contact, and references easier, particularly when away from my 'home market'.

    While a snow bird last winter, 3 of 4 YL had no idea what TOB was; my presence here meant nothing to them. But my P411 OKays were all the references required. As an advertising venue, it is far superior to the Yellow Pages or the local rag you pick up at The Arcade. Also more reliable than BP.

    If you hobby once/month it adds what, ~$10 to each session? Or think of it as being covered by one bad session when using other tools. I've seen guys quote 50:50 for BP; that's 6 bad sessions/year for the monthly hobbiest.

    You have some good points there, my friend, and I think your situation merits a P411 membership. As for me, I stay local, and have a small cadre of established providers. Although I don't hobby frequently, they know me and I know them. No surprises, so far.


  3. Ads come and go on BP, but she's been posting since November. This is one of the few permanent links I could find on her.


    Phone number turns up various ads. Email turns up activity in Boston with a different woman whose ads use the same wording. No Tineye at last check.

    Cute, mature curvy MILF, IMHO. Anyone had the pleasure?


  4. There's a new BP FBSM provider here in CS that's been popping up for about a month or so. Her ads appear in the morning and are gone by the evening. IMHO, she has set hours and doesn't want somebody contacting her before or after.
