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Everything posted by Vassago

  1. Jerica?

    Sigh... can't feed kids peas with a slingshot. On that note. You're posting on the wrong forum. The 411 thread might better suit your needs.
  2. Providers that complain

    Wow. Sorry, late to the game with this but if a woman breaks down in tears in front of me, I turn into jello and all I want to do is hug them, hold them and rock them to sleep. Guess that makes me a sort of a sucker. I think what a lot of people don't realize is that the women in this profession carry enormous burdens, enormous pain and somehow they endure. Why else would anyone put themselves through this kind of cruel exposure? Been told many secrets by women over the years. It never once occurred to me to spill them open over an open forum. No. I'm simple, but I'll carry the burden of their secrets with me to the grave. God bless that woman and her child.
  3. May you rest in sin. I salute you with the 16 men of Tain.
  4. BP-no AA in the ads

    My short stature, hooked nose and pointed teeth. I get discriminated on regularly. When I walk into the bank, my customary greeting, "Will that be an all gold deposit?" Checks come in the mail, pre-authored "Prins, O' Doch Ness" Of course the classic compliment on a first date, "I love the way you stare into my navel." Second only to "What a lovely shade of lima bean green your eyes have." When you've gone down on a girl and she insists you must have two tongues, you get over all of this. You just realize, cool chicks don't dig goblins.
  5. What do You Have...

    Sand. Sand as far as the eye can see. Some may say you have a horizon. A direction to walk toward. But many just think you've gone mad out in the desert.
  6. Ah. You may have had more luck googling Anton LaVey, but it'll cost you another 48 seconds. Throw in the graffiti of Alexamenos for good measure... at the cost of 37 more seconds.
  7. No, I completely agree with you that it's disgusting for a client to just blatantly ask for free sessions. I have never and will never do that. But sometimes things get confusing when they shouldn't be. There are gray area conversations that lead to innuendos and suggested invitations. Ultimately this results in disappointment.
  8. I agree mostly, but as of late, I have been getting requests from ladies, for me to come see them. They are out of the blue texts. I recognize a surreptitious form of solicitation when I see it. Help offered where help is not needed, is often no help at all. How do you adjudicate for one side over the other? Because that's the side you belong to? I don't intend any disrespect, Jez. I admire your wisdom, but from my own perspective, things seem to be working the other way around.
  9. Comfort and relaxation

    I think the fact that you're even asking these questions tells a lot about your personality. It tells me you care about your clients. You care about what they think. That will take you a million miles. For me the only time I feel uncomfortable is if I think I'm gonna get robbed or stabbed. I don't take as many risks as I used to so usually I have no issues getting along with most women. I get comfortable quickly. I guess since I've been doing this awhile, I'm probably not the best input for what makes me comfortable. One thing that IS important to me is a shower afterwards. Can't go into the office smelling .... you get the idea
  10. I've informed 2 different ladies on 2 separate occasions that their real world information was easily accessible. I was thanked both times. I didn't push the matter. I only mentioned it. What they chose to do about it afterward is their own business. I don't give a shit if they think I'm creepy. I did the right thing both times.
  11. My horse. My sword. My life. I believe in the promise of Imhotep. I believe him when he spoke and said the worth of a man is his ability to negotiate the trauma of his soul being ripped from his chest and flung out into the stars. Nothing else matters. HaShem created me, but it was Set who found me. That day, I became the author of my freedom. Manus celer Dei.
  12. Reviews

    Lol. That's the spirit.
  13. NCNS in denver

    You're lot classier and more level headed than me. Under described circumstances I would have written the review. Fuck em. Let God sort them out.
  14. NCNS in denver

    let me just add, if I go to all the trouble to get up out of bed. shower. shave. wax my bald goblin pate. splash on the good bottle of old spice. get back in the shower because i realize I’ve splashed a little too much of my good bottle of old spice. splash on a little less of my good bottle of old spice. get in my truck. put gas in it. drive across town to get to the bank. find out the branch is closed. swear. drive across the other side of town. swear some more. almost run a little old lady over. stop and grab a jamba juice. cut off 87 people on the freeway to get there on time. get there on time. In all that time she couldn't pick up the phone and say, V. the thought of you sporting an erection in my crib with your mr. rogers voice and bald goblin head creeps me the fuck out. Why don't you turn your ass around and let's not waste each others’ time here. That's a 'review to follow' type of day in my book.
  15. NCNS in denver

    Sorry, but I believe you have already written the review here. My 2 cents. Man up and write the actual review. If she were a girl in my part of town I might let it sit for 48 hours, but you drove up here from the Springs and she pulled that crap. Under those conditions, review to follow. You'd be amazed at how much people appreciate an honest reviewer, especially if you're a nice guy.
  16. And The Oscar Goes To........

    I watched Dr. Strange last night and I just got mind fucked. Not like Peter Fonda in The Trip mind fucked but I felt like my brain needed a shower afterwards. I enjoyed it. Call me a simple stranger. So much for The Academy.
  17. Any big butts in Denver???

    Yep. Ecxcept now when you turn the lights on the cockroaches have nowhere to scurry to. Thanks, BP.
  18. Wanksters

    Yeah, maybe it's three guys who all want to meet her at the same time and they don't know how to synchronize their watches.
  19. Celebrities & politics

    I don't believe that. Bill O'Reilly gets relentlessly attacked by MSNBC and he's not exactly kind in return. I think the two two networks actually despise one another. Sometimes things are just as simple as they look.
  20. Celebrities & politics

    I agree with you. I don't think what they did was distasteful. For 1968 it seems like a noble gesture. Then again, I don't have all the facts about that event. What I do know is that 1968 is a far cry from today in just about every regard I can think of. I can't compare Colin Kaepernick with these two gentlemen. They are not even in the same ballpark. While there is still some vestiges of social injustices occurring in this country, no way is it anything like it was in the 50's and 60's. Dia Duit
  21. Celebrities & politics

    They don't but all credibility dessolves with every lie they spill. If they are a news organization I think they should have a professional obligation to tell me the facts. You can lose yourself in mazes of moral relativism all you wish. They might be legally allowed to lie to all of us, but should they be doing it? Many Americans are getting tired of it. That was my point.
  22. Celebrities & politics

    The liberal media stirs all of this shit up. A Gallup poll revealed that 55% of Americans have faith that news media outlets are telling truthful news. The art of dishonesty through omission has become the order of the day for most predominant news outlets. When Americans get bombarded by this shit day in day out they develop a contorted perspective of reality. The fact that Democrats are hysterically clutching at every straw they can, spells evidence of their rapid decline. When Nancy Pelosi gets on national tv and expounds on a false Michael Flynn tweet in front of millions of viewers without bothering to check where the tweet actually came from, all I see before me is desperation and hysteria. Embarrassing. This party just keeps slitting its own throat.
  23. Celebrities & politics

    I think the real reason so many people get turned off by Hollywood politics is the fact that incredibly wealthy actors don't hold common ground with middle class working Americans. I don't think I can identify with them or their lifestyle. One of the major reasons Hillary lost this election was her basket of deplorables comment. It's statements like that that will ultimately turn away people who were on the fence this election. If you want votes you have to identify with the voters. What do people like Miley Cyrus for example know about stagnant wages and a teetering job market? We can't all be rockstars and movie stars. Most of us have to do things like teach kids, clean toilets, drive trucks or build all the houses you live in for a living.
  24. And The Oscar Goes To........

    I didn't see Moonlight but I did see Arrival and really enjoyed it. It was definitely not what I expected, plot wise
  25. I've had that happen to me a couple times. I usually slowly kiss her stomach and hips. If I get close to her pelvis and smell something foul, I'll let my lips climb back up in the opposite direction to her nipples. After you kiss her on the mouth a few times, she's forgotten all about what happened 35 seconds ago.